Okay so I just got done with my first infusion, they premedicated me with Benadryl, decadron, and Tylenol, which all made me sleepy and kind of slump, but I didn't fall asleep. I probably could have if I didn't have such a chatty guy next to me. Anyways, when they started the remicade I didn't feel anything, so they increased the speed of the drip. Once it got up to 150 they checked my vitals, and my blood pressure had dropped slightly from when I first got there (they said from benadryl most likely) but everything was good, so then they bumped me to the maximum speed of 250, and things were still fine. At the very end when there was only a few drips left I got a sudden sharp burning pain on the side of my arm where the iv was, there was no visible hematoma, redness, or excessive swelling, so she ended up disconnecting it after and skipping the flushing of the tube and I was fine after that. When it was time to leave I noticed my legs felt a little weak, I don't think it was from sitting because I have to do that at my job for hours frequently. I was there from 11-4, so 5 hours altogether. Right now I feel tired and achy, but my symptoms don't feel any different. The nurse said most notice a difference right around their next infusion at two weeks. Dave how are you feeling?