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  1. crampygut

    Vedolizumab question please :)

    Hi Essieluv Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately Stelara and Cimzia aren't yet available in Australia. I'm only able to get on Vedolizumab because of a trial. The only readily available drug that I haven't tried yet is methotrexate because I've read some pretty scary stuff about its side...
  2. crampygut

    Vedolizumab question please :)

    Hi all Yesterday I saw my GI and the results show that I still active Crohns despite being on the 6mp/ allopurinol combo for 4 months. My GI is recommending I start on a trial of Vedolizumab. Just wondering if anyone has been on this drug and if this drug has helped bring remission? I've read...
  3. crampygut

    Nausea and Loss of Appetite duration- Purinethol

    Hi Mom of Jonny I have just had blood works to measure the level of 6mp in my system hopefully it will be at a level where I won't have to up the 6mp any higher. I will also ask my Dr about Zofran. Just wondering why did you new GI stop your sons allopurinol meds?
  4. crampygut

    Nausea and Loss of Appetite duration- Purinethol

    Samboi I hope Crohns doesn't ruin your summer and you have a great one. Unfortunately Crohns has reliably bad timing and always seems to stuff up my summer.
  5. crampygut

    Nausea and Loss of Appetite duration- Purinethol

    Thank you Sambai I'm hoping this will pass soon as I don't have many more options left to try. Stay well.
  6. crampygut

    Nausea and Loss of Appetite duration- Purinethol

    Hi all, I started 25mg Purinethol and 100mg Allopurinol combination around 4 weeks ago. A week after starting the combination I started to feel very nauseous and had loss of appitite that I'm still experiencing. I'm due to up the purinethol to 50mg soon and am dreading it. For those of you that...
  7. crampygut

    Constant abdominal pain, why?

    The test for fodmap is called a hydrogen breath test. Another possibility could be an infection of some kind?? Maybe a persistent parasite ?? Has your Dr requested a stool test to rule out infection?
  8. crampygut

    Weird stuff on the loo paper....

    Hi Lynda, It sounds like old fashioned mucus. If your bowel is inflamed or irritated it is a natural response for your bowel to produce extra mucus, celiac and bad ibs sufferers apparently can have the same response too not just IBD'ers. Having said that I think you might want to give your...
  9. crampygut

    Constant abdominal pain, why?

    Hi Essielove, Have you been checked for Fodmap intolerances. I have fodmap intolerances and if I eat things like onion, watermelon, mango as well as other high fodmaps I get symptoms similar to a flare.
  10. crampygut

    I've started LDN and I'm requesting input.

    Welcome Wendy, good to hear that you're persisting on LDN, if it helps us as much as its helped others then its definitely worth the wait. Trevor I'm glad second time round LDN is helping. I probably would have given LDN up If I had flared, you've shown me that in the event ldn doesn't help me...
  11. crampygut

    I've started LDN and I'm requesting input.

    Trevor Did you get worse before you got better?
  12. crampygut

    I've started LDN and I'm requesting input.

    I've been getting the same problem. Since starting LDN I also have had daily increased fatigue much worse than before LDN but I'm hoping that its just part of the healing process and that LDN is actually working for me. Hoping its not just a side effect and will go away eventually
  13. crampygut

    I've started LDN and I'm requesting input.

    I am fairly new to LDN and I'm forever in debt to Kev for all his advice and assistance with LDN and I would considerate it very wise to listen to his suggestions as he has had a long time experience with LDN and helping people on this site with LDN. And I agree totally that we all must...
  14. crampygut

    I've started LDN and I'm requesting input.

    I've just started LDN also but what I've done is get the compounding pharmacy to make my first batch of LDN in 1.5mg capsules. I've started taking 1.5mg per night and plan to up it every 5days until I get to 4.5mg per night. I've read that MS and other sufferers do this to help ease them into...
  15. crampygut

    LDN and CBD combining safe???

    Thanks Kev, That approach makes a lot of sense. I will give the LDN a go first as it has proven its value in treating Crohn's. I'll also shoot off an email to skips pharmacy. But if LDN works on its own ill have no need for the CBD hemp tincture.
  16. crampygut

    LDN and CBD combining safe???

    Thank you Kev and NGNG for your replies. CBD has no HIGH effects what so ever. THC is what causes a high. Actually CBD has the opposite affect of THC. Apparently CBD brings great relief to people suffering from inflammatory illnesses withou the damage that THC can bring
  17. crampygut

    LDN and CBD combining safe???

    Hi all, Five weeks after starting the trial drug ( GSK1605786) I just got a call telling me the trial has been cancelled and to stop taking the medicine. So I'm starting LDN this week. Just wondering if any one has found a problem combining LDN & CBD hemp tinctures? I want to start LDN but...
  18. crampygut

    Dixie Botanicals CBD and LDN

    Hi all, Just wondering if any one has found a problem combing LDN and MM or CBD tinctures? I am about to start LDN but just bought a bottle of the dixie botanicals CBD cannibis tincture. I've read that both work on receptors in the brain and was wondering if the two can somehow clash kind...
  19. crampygut

    SCD and sleep issues

    Continued...... The problem with to much protein is that the other amino acids in protein compete with tryptophan and negate the amounts of tryptophan that is available to be converted to serotonin. Instead the abundance of the other amino acids that are floating around convert to...
  20. crampygut

    SCD and sleep issues

    Hi Helena, I agree totally on one side we need scd to keep our Crohns somewhat controlled but on the other side extra energy that comes from low carb high protein can impact sleep. From what I've read all meat protein has loads of an amino acid called tryptophan as well as other amino acids...