LDN and CBD combining safe???

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Nov 24, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hi all,

Five weeks after starting the trial drug ( GSK1605786) I just got a call telling me the trial has been cancelled and to stop taking the medicine. So I'm starting LDN this week.

Just wondering if any one has found a problem combining LDN & CBD hemp tinctures?

I want to start LDN but just bought a bottle of the dixie botanicals high potency CBD (completely non psychoactive) hemp tincture which was very expensive. The original plan was to take the tincture with the trial drug to increase my chance of remission.

I've read that both work on receptors in the brain and was wondering if the two can somehow clash

Pardon my ignorance, but what is CBD???? I'm assuming from the mention of hemp it is a form of cannabis??? My understanding (and it is very vague... like myself) is that there are 2 components... inversely proportional.. in cannabis. THC, which cause the high... and the other (can't recall the acronym) that causes the beneficial effects. So, cannabis high in THC would not have the same health benefits of cannabis low in THC. That is the extent of my knowledge... and, like my mind.. there are holes in it. Now, the thing I don't know... (amongst all the others) is what effect a low dose of Naltrexone would have on cannabis... it 'should' make any high less so.. perhaps completely less so. But, it is a small dose of Naltrexone. And, since medically designed cannabis would offer a very small, if any, high... it shouldn't really matter to the taker. Am I correct? i.e. you are taking the CBD hemp tincture for health benefits primarily... and 'high' effect is a secondary issue... sort of a perk. I don't think the CBD would change the positive effect of the LDN. I was told I qualified for medical marijuana to combat my unending pain.. Problem is I can't continue to work if I take it (commercial truck driver.. authorities frown on us driving 26,000kg vehicles stoned.. go figure).. My other option, (and incredibly.. it works on the pain... via mechanics I haven't a clue about) is ordinary tobacco. Here's the catch... tho it is a small dose of LDN, it hinders my desire to smoke.

Anyone who ever smoked... and had gall bladder issues at the same time.. will know what that is like. About as much fun as lighting up a joint made up from old fecal matter.
Thank you Kev and NGNG for your replies.

CBD has no HIGH effects what so ever. THC is what causes a high. Actually CBD has the opposite affect of THC. Apparently CBD brings great relief to people suffering from inflammatory illnesses withou the damage that THC can bring
Yes, contact Skips... I don't know if there are any potential legal ramifications if Skips were to advise yay with regard to medical marijuana (which I'm ASSuming CBD is, or it's some derivative of that family). Tobacco, and the toxins deliberately incorporated in it to make it more addictive, does not have any negative effect on my taking LDN. And, as I stated, LDN does have an impact on any pleasure associated with smoking tobacco. I have no info with regard to treating IBD with CBD. I do know, and studies have shown, LDN does work. My personal advice.... start the LDN solo.. give it 2 - 3 months. If you are in the majority, it should work for you, and it should clearly demonstrate that by then. If it has... and you are stable... try experimenting with a little CBD to see if there is any reaction... good or bad. If bad, discontinue.. The way I see it, the primary goal is to get better.... don't confuse the issue by worrying about the 'economy' of spending a lot of money on the CBD. In the overall scheme of things... it isn't all that important. Just my 2 cents worth...
Thanks Kev,

That approach makes a lot of sense. I will give the LDN a go first as it has proven its value in treating Crohn's. I'll also shoot off an email to skips pharmacy. But if LDN works on its own ill have no need for the CBD hemp tincture.

I am currently on both LDN and CBD hemp tinctures as well as CBD Wax that I vaporize. I use a few other Crohn's medications: Pentasa and Budesonide/ entocort. You will not have any adverse or counteractive reactions from the mixture of the two. In fact... Since adding LDN to my daily routine my Crohn's went from a steady mild to moderate. to an off and on mild. After adding the CBD Tincture and Wax... I have been doing great. At first I only used the Wax CBD which helped a little, I just recently added the tincture and If how I have been feeling the past couple days is going to continue. I think I may finally have this thing under control. I have not had any issues since. Everyone is different and I'm not sure if the CBD LDN combo will work for you as it is me right now... but I hope you decide to give it a try and that it all works out. The good news is, whenever you decide to try you do not have to worry about any counteractive issues. Hope this helps.

Hello all, I am also o. LDN and have been looking into CBD but what I can't find out is if it is legal? The CBD that is. I would like to order some but want to make sure I am covered just in case. Thanks in advance!