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  1. E

    Report of ultrasound: what does this mean?

    It is possible the ultrasound won't have picked up everything though. I had a lot of symptoms above my belly button - cramps and discomfort. I had an ultrasound scan which showed absolutely nothing so no further testing was done. A year later my ileum perforated from severe ulceration that had...
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    Report of ultrasound: what does this mean?

    The colonoscopy will show the terminal ileum, which is the most common area for Crohn's to occur therefore it is important to do it to at least rule that out. They are unpleasant but necessary in the path to an IBD diagnosis.
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    Report of ultrasound: what does this mean?

    An ultrasound scan is quite a non-specific test and cannot visualise as clearly what is going on compared to an MRE with contrast or CT scan. Do you have any other tests planned?
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    Questions about Drinking and Smoking Marijuana

    Hello! I have been on azathioprine for a year. I have drank on occasions and never missed a dose. The advice I have received is to drink in moderation - as in no more than a couple of drinks occasionally. This medication puts a stress on your liver, which I am sure you know alcohol does as well...
  5. E

    I am not okay!

    I could have literally wrote your post word for word! I had a colonoscopy in April and was actually disappointed to see how good it looked. Just a couple of tiny ulcers left. Have you had a colonoscopy recently? Have you had an MRI? What tests specifically are normal? Where is your disease...
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    Crohn's in the family.

    I have Crohn's and my dad has ulcerative colitis. My brother so far does not have anything (he's 26)
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    HIV/AIDS link to Crohn's

    Why is your partner getting tested now? If you are concerned you could get tested to. You can catch HIV through sex without a condom (oral, anal and vaginal), or through sharing needles.
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    Help. I´ve got a flare up.

    You may need some testing like a colonoscopy and a change of treatment. You don't say what treatment you are on? Surgery - no chance right now unless you have a serious (life threatening) complication, which doesn't seem to be the case here from what you have said
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    High Fecal Calprotectin but Nothing from Colonoscopy

    Hello. There is no typical Crohn's patient. Sometimes I read people's stories on here and I cannot relate to them whatsoever. It is like they are talking about a completely different disease. Some patients have to always know where the nearest toilet is, and plan trips around toilets etc...
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    This lady kiltubrid used Sulfasazine for over 20 years alone before it stopped working. I contacted her and she said her disease was mostly in her terminal ileum. You can read her story here:
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    High Fecal Calprotectin but Nothing from Colonoscopy

    Yep - I think just in the first post the OP said:
  13. E

    Can intense physical activity set off Crohn's?

    Yes my symptoms of Crohn's are solely pain. No D, no C, no blood, no ingestion, no nausea, no problem with appetite, stable weight (though my weight is low). I get cramps above my belly button in between my rib cage, which is referred pain from my ileum. In the past year I have also started...
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    High Fecal Calprotectin but Nothing from Colonoscopy

    For the lady posting on this thread her reference range was that anything above 50 was abnormal. Her result was near 300. Therefore it is unlikely to be IBS as IBS does not raise a calproctectin result.
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    My day

    Have you had biopsies back?
  16. E

    CT Scan Result

    My path to diagnosis involved a fecal calproctectin, which was 65, followed by a CT scan, which was completely normal, followed by a colonoscopy, which showed ulcers and inflammation at the terminal ileum. It seems to me if you do have Crohn's you are not showing any physical signs on testing...
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    Waiting to see surgeon

    I've really no idea. My wound from open surgery from my groin to belly button took a week to heal when not on any medication. But I know aza impairs wound healing - though everyone is different.
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    Waiting to see surgeon

    I agree don't worry about the D. remission rates vary. This whole disease is very variable. Statistics in numerous studies show around 50% relapse within a 5 year period. I was 3 years unmedicated. I would recommend not going unmedicated to avoid future strictures. I had problems with my...
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    Should I be concerned

    Please try not to worry. They may have had a cancellation so were able to slot you in in the next available appointment which was 2 weeks time. You were aware you needed to have a colonoscopy even before the MRI right? Fistulas can be a symptom of Crohn's so it will be routine that you get...