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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    Crohn's and Arthritis Support Group

    Hi fellow Crohnies, I just realised that there is no Crohn's and Arthritis support group, so here it is! I hope this can be a place to connect and share thoughts, problems and whatever.
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    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hi Starnett/Andy, I'm sorry to hear you are so unwell. I'm quite shocked about what you wrote. I had a long journey to a diagnosis but yours so for must have been horrible already, so I really feel for you. If I were you I would insist on seeing a specialist for IBD. Bleeding to that extend...
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    Crohn's and MS This study suggests that there might be a link when treated with Anti-TNF. For these studies, I would ask what the chicken is and what the egg is. It does not seem to be properly distinguished between...
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    Drinking alcohol

    I can't drink alcohol at all, too painful. My friends know of my disease, so it's not a problem at all and no friend would ever want you to feel awful for the next few days so no one has ever encouraged me to drink when he knows about my disease.
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    Starting Humira- Pens vs pre filled syringes

    I always go for syringes, the humira pen is especially uncomfortable for me as I don't have enough strength in my fingers (arthritis). The Simponi pen is more comfortable even for those with arthritis, I would say, but in general syringes give me the chance to inject quicker (small quick...
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    C reactive protein

    I always had normal crp and normal to slightly elevated sed rate (not significantly, so no one cared about the sed rate), even before my arthritis diagnosis where I had inflammation in nearly every joint. Some bodies seem to be good at hiding that something goes wrong.
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    An oral drug used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis found to help IBD.

    Thank you for sharing, wildbill. Diarrhea seems to be a common side effect as well, so even if inflammation might decrease, symptoms are still there, as an effect of the drug itself. Why don't we just all take placebos? At least one in three seems to benefit! Sorry, just kidding. These high...
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    Gluten free/dairy free/low FODMAP?

    Hi OhioRyan, for me, low Fodmap is helpful, also excluding personal trigger foods. I do a full elimination diet and re-test the foods that I found to trigger reactions for both my Crohn's and enteropathic arthritis (which always flares up both, so I can double check and don't need to rely on...
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    What are your food triggers?

    Potatoes, dairy, eggs, gluten, soy so far, doing a full elimination diet, adding in one food by another. Reactions (all from the next morning on): TI pain, extreme nausea, inflammation of finger joints, knee, ankle, toe joints, elbow (so my arthritis flares as well).
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    Diagnosed as IBS?..

    @ShellK: I think some doctors agree on the thesis that IBS is low grade inflammation but definitely not as severe as IBD, so the distinction between IBS and IBD might look more difficult based on this thesis, but a specialist should not have any doubt determining whether or not it's IBD.
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    Calorie question

    @ronrush7: I do, I'm on a full elimination diet and introduce one food after another. I had a major reaction to soy, from then everything got worse day by day. @justanothercp: Thank you for your experience. I tried to eat more today and I feel even worse, super bloated and gassy (my tummy looks...
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    Predinsolone, should i reduce to 25mg or listen to my body?

    As it is your first course of treatment, you should definitely contact the nurse. If your Crohn's is chronically active, it would always flare up again when you decrease the dosage of pred, same happened to me. So if that is the case, you would require a long term drug to keep inflammation down...
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    Calorie question

    He is on holiday. I can't tolerate milk protein but can tolerate elemental 028, was on it exclusively, adding it to my diet gives my diarrhoea, only food or elemental only for me. And I can't even smell elemental at the moment, had too much of it in the past few months.
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    Calorie question

    By how much do you increase calories when having diarrhoea, e.g. when being in a flare-up? (I'm not sure whether or not I'm in a flare-up again or what this is now, but I have diarrhoea (and other symptoms, see my other post from today if you like more details) or loose stools between 5-8...
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    Do I have Crohn's?

    Have you been tested for histamine intolerance? In addition, I read that the antibody test for celiac disease is not 100%, gastroscopy with biopsies of the duodenum is still the gold standard test to check for celiac disease.
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    Predinsolone, should i reduce to 25mg or listen to my body?

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Can you check up with your nurse on Tuesday? I would not lower the dose if I were in your place before talking to your doctor or ibd nurse. What do you take apart from the pred? Do you have chronically active Crohn's or just flare-ups and no symptoms in...
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    Gastritis, pain, diarrhoea, fatigue...

    Hi everyone, I'm feeling super lightheaded the past two days, really tired at the moment (despite enough sleep; I usually feel so tired when being in a flare of Crohn's and Arthritis or at least one of the two and I did not feel tired for the past few months) and have diarrhoea and loose stools...
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    Yakult anyone?? They did a trial with shirota bacteria for IBS. Results: No improvement. Another study for IBD showed that it could down regulate IL-6, an inflammatory marker...
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    Smoking....bad or good!?

    Good for UC, bad for Crohn's, I was told. Same thing with appendectomy (super interesting): Preventing UC but the probability of getting Crohn's is higher, I was told by a doctor. It's study results, so probably not just coincidence.
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    Diagnosed as IBS?..

    Emke, is there a chance of switching doctors? Maybe a second opinion could be helpful. Are you currently under the care of a special ibd centre? They might have the best knowledge, especially for tricky cases.