Drinking alcohol

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Jul 10, 2010
Hey being new to Crohns Disease im starting to learn what I can and can't eat and drink..Im just wondering what everyones take on Drinking alcohol>>I'm coming from a lifestyle that social drinking is encouraged..
Hey, I am with you. I am entering my junior year in college and I am surrounded by partys and alcohal. So far, I have been a pretty steady drinker. Like twice a week and once a week a bit heavy. And the only side-affect I have with alcohal and Crohns is that I will ussally need to really go to the bathroom in the morning but thats pretty much the extent to it. Havnt really had any other effects from it.
I've drank twice now after my surgery and my DX with Crohn's. It just complicates things with medications your taking. Like I'm on Imuran and your liver is working to remove stuff for it then you add booze into the mix it's just really hard on your body. Having a few brew's would be fine I think just as long as you don't go crazy and drink enough that your hungover in the morning.
Oh and make sure you drink like a glass of water per drink you have.
i have had to make two lists for life: Things That Make My Ass Hurt and Things That Don't Make My Ass Hurt. Booze is definitely on the first list. I can have one beer every once in a while, but i think my last flare was partially kicked off by Bacardi 151.
Booze is hard on the body and if you are on bunches of meds like me, who knows what the interactions are. So I guess my two cents is - be nice to your liver and also make two lists
ps it's my birthday this weekend so maybe i will sneak a shot....sssshhhh.....
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I don't even try to drink anything anymore. It hurts so bad and is totally not worth it to me!! I wish I could. Seems like everyone always tries to pressure me into drinking.
On the SCD we're allowed to drink any alcohol that doesn't have too high of a sugar content. Thinks like dry wines, bourbon, vodka... You get the picture :) Just be careful with experimenting because sometimes it's more than just the sugar content that can upset your gut.
I can pretty much drink anything but beer without too much trouble. Beer, unfortunately, cramps me up pretty bad within about 30 minutes of drinking it.
:kello:Hey Tim.

I find this subject a very difficult one. I love drinking with my friends and love a good party its always been part of my life. After a recent flare I had to have a good telling off to myself and cut back on the booze, I noticed soooo much different. I still drink though, but just don't binge. I used to find it hard as others would beg me to drink. Its a tough one but if you just cut back a bit rather then totally cutting it out you might find this easier. Anytime I drink I just know that night and the nxt day is going to be a bad crohns day for me
I find beer and whiskys hurt my stomach but can tolerate wine, vodka and ciders fine. Maybe worth sticking to one drink for the night, dont get too pissed and see how you feel afterwards (takes me an hr or 2 drinking beer before my stomach bloats)
I find all alcohol (plus every single thing I eat) bloats me up and hurts like crazy but after a few drinks it numbs the pain for a while so it's almost worth it. However the next morning the pain is back and then some. It's up to you really but as I don't really have flares as much as constant pain with no relief, then alcohol is the only way I can get some semi-relief really. Plus it also lessens the anxiety for a while.
I swear it does something to me, idk what it just makes me feel like crap, and tired, and achey, and hurts my belly (doesn't feel like crohn's) and ALWAYS makes me need the toilet the next day, and my Crohn's is in remission but it seems I get really bad runs if I have alcohol... hum.
I was never a big drinker, and I also have Celiac disease, so I have to keep away from beer. When I did drink, I didn't feel that great - bloated and gassy.

Make sure you read the info that comes with your meds - some meds can take a real toll on your liver, so you're advised not to drink. Talk with your doc about that if you're concerned.
I went back and forth on this a long time. I drank pretty heavily from 18-28ish, a large portion of that time I was in remission (about seven years).

I am now 32 and I often wish I didn't. I might have avoided a lot of hassle in Crohn's issues later. Now I still want to go party from time to time, but now I think otherwise.

I will have the occasional Tiki drink from time to time, but really I just try and avoid it entirely now.
This has got to be tough on a young person who is in that prime period of life for partying and drinking a lot.

I would suggest you speak candidly with your doctor and listen to his/her advice. Everyone on here has different experiences and is on different meds - alcohol affects everyone differently, just like foods can be safe for some and dangerous for others.

In the "partying" category, and not that I would ever advocate illegal drug use (okay... maybe I would), you will find an interesting discussion on the Treatment forum regarding "medical marijuana."

The bottom line is - do what feels right and stop doing anything that makes you feel worse!

- Amy
I decided to abstain, and haven't had a drink for 9 months, this is cos it hurts so much! It gave me awful D, but before that I used to only drink clear spirits like vodka or bacardi, beers and wines cripple me!
I think everything in moderation, but just be careful if you're on meds that interfere with the liver like Imuran
It's hard for young uns, I was young once believe it or not, and was THE party animal!
I have given up on drinking. I used to have a glass of wine now and then when we went out for dinner or for special occasions, but it is just not worth it right now. Plus, one drink gets me hammered and I really don't like that feeling anymore. Maybe someday again, but for now it goes in the red meat/corn/raw vegetables category for me (which means it's a big no-no).
Hi Tim,

To be honest I just don't drink at all!! It hurts me too much too and ends up not being worth it. I have struggled to drink alcohol since I was about 20 (must admit my BF loved the fact that I could now drive him around everywhere..he..he..) Anyway I not only have crohns but severe reflux so pretty much even before I was dx with crohns last year I already didn't drink cause of the reflux. Just gotta weigh up how much the booze hurts you and figure out whether its worth the pain. It would def be hard when your younger, but its your long term health thats at rest.

Good luck I do hope you can find something to drink on social occassions that doesn't upset you.
I used to love to party and have done my fair share of it but since the Chron's diagnosis last year I didn't drink at all for 7 months and now have just strated having a few drinks here and there, I have found that with just a few I am ok but definately NOT draft or keg beer, I have just been experimenting slowly on what my body will tolerate.
I have tried to ignore the fact, but i'm sure my last flare up was caused by a few glasses of red wine at a party! I have had the occasional glass with no real problem but I would be afraid to indulge. I now stick to non-alcoholic larger when I go out just in case.:thumleft:
I haven't drank in at least 2 years,I don't think I could handle even a girly drink at this point. I used to drink pretty hardcore in my early 20's. I was a fool and dabbled in a few hard drugs also in college, I'm sure that didn't help anything :/. I just stick to MJ now, it helps with Nausea/Appetite.
I haven't drank in at least 2 years,I don't think I could handle even a girly drink at this point. I used to drink pretty hardcore in my early 20's. I was a fool and dabbled in a few hard drugs also in college, I'm sure that didn't help anything :/. I just stick to MJ now, it helps with Nausea/Appetite.

Just wondering to all the people that have had drinks with Crohns, do you feel the negative effects right away or does it just hit you harder the next day?

For me, I have no negative effects at all the night that Im drinking. The next day I start to recover normally. Then mid/late afternoon, I get hit with a low fever, horrible nausea, fatigue, and bloating. No pain though.
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with ale i find within the hr.. doesnt hurt but u know its a problem

thing is i can wine, a fair few whiskeys, bit of vodka and coke, few shots (sambuca, tequila, jager) as one does and the next day i feel like **** (headaches, lethargic).. does everyone else with crohns get that?
with ale i find within the hr.. doesnt hurt but u know its a problem

thing is i can wine, a fair few whiskeys, bit of vodka and coke, few shots (sambuca, tequila, jager) as one does and the next day i feel like **** (headaches, lethargic).. does everyone else with crohns get that?

I feel ill while I'm drinking - bloated, crampy etc but after a bit it numbs which is the only good bit. However I'm punished the next day with awful cramps and toilet visits and always promise myself not to do it again. Its horrible.
I havnt had a drink for years
and even wen I did drink it wasn't often (tho it was a big nite out wen I did)
I always found it a waste, a waste of money and a waste of the next day wen too hung over to do anything
thing is i can wine, a fair few whiskeys, bit of vodka and coke, few shots (sambuca, tequila, jager) as one does and the next day i feel like **** (headaches, lethargic).. does everyone else with crohns get that?

Do you mean all these in one night? If so, I think everyone else,crohns or no, gets that!! Hell, I'm a little queazy just reading it!!!
Hi Tim, I used to have as much fun with my mates at uni partying as any other youngster. Crohns changed all that. It was a bit interesting saying to myself that I don't have to drink to have fun. My friends struggled with it more than I did but they all understand now that I can't drink alcohol. Some go to great lengths to find me interesting Alternatives which I appreciate. Since I stopped drinking alcohol I feel much beter. There is life after alcohol. You just need to embrace it ;)
Im 4 months without a drink now and it is killing me! i feel like a alcoholic who has just given it up!!!!All i want is a cold pint! I do feel so much better though and dont miss the 3 day hangovers. Ive had crohns since 2001 and was able to drink up to 2008 with no problem so i say enjoy it while you can!
Do you mean all these in one night? If so, I think everyone else,crohns or no, gets that!! Hell, I'm a little queazy just reading it!!!

Ha, good thing you are past the stage of a purple Jesus party... went once, but I wasn't about drink that potion!:shifty-t:
i used to drink 2 beers a day, pabst blue ribbon, really good beer, but i stopped after being dianosed, now i live on gatoraid. its actually not bad and has some good stuff in it
I never used to drink excessively but my limit was 2 pints if I was at the pub or I could get through half a bottle of wine in a night.

I can't do that now because my medication means it hits me too hard.. plus red wine isn't great for the D.

I don't drink often, but if I'm down the pub I'll limit myself to 1 pint and that's fine.
I haven't been able to drink for a few months now. But I found the past few years when I used to drink a lot I wouldn't be hungover, but I would be in and out of the bathroom all day.
I just got diagnosed, and when I was all bloated and gassy and painful, but before I'd been diagnosed, hard liquor seemed to help. It certainly didn't make me feel any worse, and it meant that I ate less, which helped my system clear out a little bit. My main symptoms are constipation, so eating less feels better. Now that I know it wasn't just a phase, but actually a disease, I'm trying to treat it for the long-term. That's meant no alcohol, caffeine, or anything else that's taxed my body in the past. I don't plan on staying off the vodka forever, though. As soon as my pain is down to a one out of ten consistently, I am methodically figure out what I need to do to be able to get drunk once a week.
Just wondering to all the people that have had drinks with Crohns, do you feel the negative effects right away or does it just hit you harder the next day?

For me, I have no negative effects at all the night that Im drinking. The next day I start to recover normally. Then mid/late afternoon, I get hit with a low fever, horrible nausea, fatigue, and bloating. No pain though.

Yes! I've wondered why I feel fine at breakfast but SICK by lunch & through dinner :-/
I have never been much of a drinker but itd be nice to have one or two on a special occassion but I do react from it. Ive noticed cocktails are worst but if I have neat vodka or gin I dont react as bad. But now I live on tramadol, I take it I can never have any drink?
After being a social drinker for 35 years (hmm, this doesn't sound right) I stopped drinking 4 months ago when I was diagnosed and I don't miss it, even when we go out or when my wife has a glass in the evening.

When I stopped, I was drinking about 3-4 bottles of Cabernet a week for the last 8 years.

Enjoyed my wine while it lasted, now adjusting to what life has assigned me, another challenge.
I can't drink alcohol at all, too painful. My friends know of my disease, so it's not a problem at all and no friend would ever want you to feel awful for the next few days so no one has ever encouraged me to drink when he knows about my disease.
i have had to make two lists for life: Things That Make My Ass Hurt and Things That Don't Make My Ass Hurt. Booze is definitely on the first list. I can have one beer every once in a while, but i think my last flare was partially kicked off by Bacardi 151.
Booze is hard on the body and if you are on bunches of meds like me, who knows what the interactions are. So I guess my two cents is - be nice to your liver and also make two lists
ps it's my birthday this weekend so maybe i will sneak a shot....sssshhhh.....

Haha that is me...I totally have those two lists. I'm on weekly methotrexate and biweekly Humira so I was told not more than two drinks a month because of liver issues. I can't drink beer...hurts my guts immediately. I can handle a glass or two of wine. I have had a couple vodka drinks and didn't make my ass hurt. I had some Jamaican rum drinks back in January and it bothered me the next morning quite a bit but damn, did I feel good at the time. Such a light weight so I was feeling no pain at the time after those two drinks lol however I won't be doing that again. Not worth it. I feel that you just need to figure that stuff out for one's self, keeping in mind the risks regarding alcohol and medications. But yah, generally most chrohnies find alcohol is a trigger.