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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. mRae85

    Why its statistically higher in women..

    Great, we all should know that I am the "side effect scardy cat" and well now I have another thing to fear... I am a woman and if the meds dont give me cancer (have a thread on that) then I'll be lucky enough to get lupus... thanks! Seriously, I am glad I am tapering the pred but could someone...
  2. mRae85

    New Member and Battling crohns

    :welcome: Your going to love it here, everyone is supportive and this site is filled with information! I know how it feels to struggle finacially with this. No insurance and still too sick to work. I got my GED also, back then no Dr really knew what was wrong with me, to make a long story short...
  3. mRae85

    Anyone else from Ohio?

    WV here, I got family in Springfield OH though
  4. mRae85

    Well well well.

    MBH - I totally ment burn the bridges.... that is once we cross them I suppose hahaha Hope the remi helps, never been on that one but my Dr mentioned it last time , we talked about alot of options. I hate when they leave you hanging. I totally agree that fast food and retail is a must for...
  5. mRae85

    New to this all.... and 18 weeks pregnant

    Hi, glad to see things are going so well now! :) I wasn't here when you first came here I guess but your story really got to me, I couldn't imagine going through all of that preg. I'm really happy to know that there haven't been any bad side effects, I have often wondered to myself if I could...
  6. mRae85

    New to everything

    Ill be sure to get back with you tomorrow once my mom wakes up, she knows every natural herb and vitamin for everything and has a stack of sleep aid cures. I think I am going to make a thread on this forum sometime with some of what she has thought me. She has big binders full of notes and stuff...
  7. mRae85

    New Guy

    :welcome: I have been thinking of going in to apply for social security lately. I thought I could get this under control sooner than I have but things are not looking so good. I can relate to not having a grip on this, its only been a little over a year since being diagnosed but I blame the 8...
  8. mRae85

    New to all of this

    :welcome: How is the entocort working, that was the best med I have found so far, the Dr has been talking about getting me back on it.
  9. mRae85

    Canuck Crohnie

    :welcome: Glad to see that you found us, this is the best place to come. I also used to think I had everything figured out, in the past year however, things have seriously turned in a new direction for me. Slowly I am figureing out what I want now for the future, and yea Im 24 been diagnosed a...
  10. mRae85

    Another new!

    Communications, that is what I'd call a safe choice. Once you get out of school, the work field in general shouldn't be too hard on you. I have always looked for adventure and with this illness , that usually is not a good thing to try to look for on a daily basis for the rest of your life. I'd...
  11. mRae85

    Hello - another 'Help I Have Crohns!' post

    haha "have another not so great day" yup, thats life. You'll never be alone around here, just jump in on the conversations. :)
  12. mRae85

    New to everything

    I'd go all out with vitamins, talk to your Dr before taking Iron tho because if you already have enough then you can get really bad C from it and other issues. All of the ones I mentioned are ones I take daily and have no bad side effects. These are all things that are reccomended for people...
  13. mRae85

    I dont want this anymore

    We are always here for you. I have been wondering if we were going to see you again. Glad to know that you are feeling better, a positive attitude keeps us all going. We all go through alot, even when it is mild / moderate, it still takes a toll on you and it can still take a serious toll on...
  14. mRae85

    Well well well.

    I know how it feels katie, I am scared of alot of drugs due to thier side effects. We will burn the bridges as we get there though, and on the bright side at least there are plently of people here that can tell you if you need to stop taking something. I wish I would have been here back when I...
  15. mRae85

    Weight loss

    For me it is both but mostly I'd say it is malabsorption. I can feel well and eat like crazy but my body just never seems to take it in, keep it there, and turn it into weight. That has been a battle all my life. I have tried and tried many times to gain weight over the years, but just as things...
  16. mRae85

    Just feel like giving an update

    Thanks for the update, I have been wondering how you have been, you haven't said much since you told us about the heart issue. When were you last blood tests to check on anemia or when will be the next ones? Is there a test to check for Vitmain D? Looseing weight is never good but also another...
  17. mRae85

    The I've gone to the bathrom XX times today thread...

    Awwws *hugz* I hope tomorrow is better, if not then you know you can vent it here and maybe I'll be able to find some good jokes for you haha
  18. mRae85

    "Ill again ?"

    I agree with ding. People seem to talk alot of times without thinking at all. The truth of it, we are always sick, but that is not for someone else to tell us in a negitive way. I know how it feels to have people say "o, sick again" to me and now a days I tend to just let it go for the most...
  19. mRae85

    Question(Need everyone's help)

    These are the ones I have found on the Ultrasound treatments and I am still looking and will continue to do so, trying not to repeat what kello said and she had alot listed haha. Can't say this offers anything you might not know but it is...
  20. mRae85

    Can Crohn's cause Sinus Problems?

    I have had really bad sinus issues all my life and I am 99% sure that I can thank my Crohns for adding to those issues! So yup, count me in on this little club too :lol: Also, I have been thinking that the pred is adding to my sinus issue. I agree with what all of you said espicially about it...