Question(Need everyone's help)

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 22, 2006
Kelly, Kello, posed a question to me about using ultrasound to heal scar tissue in the intestines. It is known to break up scar tissue in other parts of the body and physical therapists and chiropractors have used this treatment for years now.

I need ya'll help right now to search for as much scientific research on using ulltrasound to treat scar tissue, any scar tissue. We don't need to find how it treats intestinal scarring as I may be the first case study of it. My GI and Chiropractic doctor were both very intrigued. I asked my colorectal surgeon yesterday and he said it wouldn't work because the scarring in the intestines is circular which makes absolutely no sense to me.

If this works it could lead to a whole knew option for us with scar tissue. Instead of surgery we may need multiple colonoscopies with an endoscopic ultrasound, which is already made and in use, to treat us. PT's and Chiropractics use it for about five minutes on a subject for a number of weeks to break down the scar tissue.

If ya'll could help me collect this data and post it in this thread so I could email my GI about it, it would help me out very much. Being out of surgery I can't spend all day researching because I need some sleep and rest. I need to do a lot of homework for Saturday as well, write a research paper, and study for a big chem test on Wed, so ya'll know I'm really busy. This could not only help me but it could help everyone one of us potentially in the future if it works.

Thanks for any and all help, ya'll are the greatest, and I want to thank Mike for creating such a wonderful community.

ok here is what i have gatherd so far. if any of the links dont work let me know, i had a hard time keeping everything striaght.

a short explanation of an endoscopic ultrasound- no mention of scar tissue though

explains the effects of theraputic ultrasound on the inflamed and scar tissues, but is from a physical therapy/sports injury standpoint

another one from a physical therapy standpoint

artice on ultrasound in cosmetic purposes lol- but it has some interesting tidbits

site for a product thingy you can buy- but gives a good overview of what the ultrasound therapy does
none of them seem to have scar tissue as the main subject for the therapy. but it is at least mentioned in all i think.
Thanks that's the kind of stuff I'm looking for. I will start reading them in a few days to see what I can send to the GI and what not to send.

Thank you very much
These are the ones I have found on the Ultrasound treatments and I am still looking and will continue to do so, trying not to repeat what kello said and she had alot listed haha.

Can't say this offers anything you might not know but it is from the University of Michigan Health System so it'd be another nice print out for the Dr to see I suppose.

short link and a short read, this one would be great to print out for your Dr though I think because it explains alot.

This one doesn't have much on treating scars but has a nice short read on how it works you could add to a print out for your Dr

This is a review of a book that I believe the forum bookstore sells but it mentions ultrasound therapy so I think you should check it out, you might find the article helpful and there could be some "copy & paste" stuff to add to a final "copy and paste" print out. This one is nice because it mentions Crohns in general, what do ya know, you aren't the very first case study I guess haha.

Seriously, I am not about to go thought each of these and post them all, this is basically a site of links that support ultrasound therapy in general, so check it out and take your pick or picks hahaha.

Cant say this has anything to do with what you are looking for or not, it is on low intensity laser therapy and it does mention scars... check this one out last maybe because I really think it is off the topic of ultrasounds in general and it is kind of a long read.

This is a PDF downloadable file. It is only a 1 page poster but could be a nice print out since it is from The Society of Orthopaedic Medicine. Just another something I managed to find.

This goes into detail about what an ultrasound is, types of waves, and has a small part on scar tissue so it might be something you can use to show the Dr but I'm not sure, check it out if you get the chance.

This one goes into detail about ultrasounds and scar tissue and soft tissue Rheumatology , don't think it mentions internal scars but it has the most information on how this works so far I think.

This one is another one that just kind of summerizes what it is but it mentions the words scar tissue in the last paragraph so....

This is a really good one, it talks about ultrasound therapy being used to treat fibroids , those are groths of tissues or tumors that are usually found in the wall of the uterus, or womb. So at least this one gets into internal scars / wounds so it might be of some good reading or even print out information.

This one is about healing chronic venous ulcers or simply put leg ulcers so it might be helpful also...This is something I need to post in another thread also.

I decided to try to find a few things on non-surgical methods in general if you are interested, even if it isn't what you are looking for maybe you could mention some of it as well, or just copy some of it for your own personal reading.

this one has ALOT of information and I dont even know where to begin, I bookmarked it so I can re-read it a few times, it has alot on herbs that actually help with scar tissue also so it is one you should really check out. Alot of the herbs that they mention on this are ones I have never heard of and since my mom has been into herbs all her life, that is really wierd but I am going to have her try to find me some of them, it is never to late to start taking another vitamin / herb that can help us out some in the long run!

this one isn't too much on what you are looking for, but I found it to be a short read on some studies they are doing in the UK that have to do with the scaring a person with Crohns develops. The main topic is tabbed so you can easily go through "the problem" , "project objective" and so on without loading page after page, as i said not tons of information but a nice short read about what the future might hold for us.

Sooooo seriously after about 3 hours or so of looking up this information, I will end it now, I will try to find more on this later but seriously would like to make my way to something else right now because I think I have enough to keep you bz for a while. Let me know if any of this helps you out, if not then at least I saved you ALOT of time.