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  1. moogie

    Burning butt hole

    I get that all the time. It feels like acid right on your anus. It's like a cycle for me. I can be afflicted by that for a week and after that I am fine for a while. I try to fart and the air itself feel;s like fire. Going to the bathroom is a real pain. And once you are clean it can burn for...
  2. moogie

    Starting Remicade...

    when remicade works it really works well. I hope you feel it soon.
  3. moogie

    How long before remicade works?

    I just got my 15th treatment yesterday. It still works. Mine started to work after 4 or 5th one. Be patient it takes a bit of time for your system to get better.
  4. moogie

    15th remi treatment we are back on track. Good news.

    I got my rat juice yesterday. I feel very tired. Usually I get my treatments on Friday so I can rest on Saturday, but today my clinic is closed So I had no choice. I am tired as hell and at work but I feel great. God I love remicade.
  5. moogie

    Remicade and the FLU!

    I hope you will be getting better soon. Hospitals can be a drag. We sometimes forget that even in hospitals you can get incompetent people. They exist in every field. As for the flu I have not gotten the flue in the last 3 years even on remicade. I get the shot every year. I have three kids and...
  6. moogie

    15th remi treatment we are back on track. Good news.

    Going to my 15th remicade Treatment this afternoon. Will be eating Rice crispies squares and watching tv for a few hours. God I love the private clinics. Since this summer I have been feeling great. I guess my double dose is working out. I will be following up with my GI on November 1st as...
  7. moogie

    My farts make me want to kill myself

    Stopping meat?? Are you nuts LOL I love meat... but my poor GF is just about to die... she endures my farts she should be given a medal. They smell so bad that even the rabbits flee when I fart.
  8. moogie


    What I find interesting is that nobody at all in my family has anything related to a gut disease. No cancer no IBD nothing at all...
  9. moogie

    Flu shot

    I always get the flu shot every year, 2 weeks before or after as per my GI. No reason to stress the immune system. IN the last 5 years I had 0 flu. Even with my three kids sick as hell at home I get nothing at all. A non live vaccine is only information dictating to your immune system what to...
  10. moogie

    I just want to give up!

    God dang plague... Sometimes we have to wonder what life would be like if we were not in pain all the time. You should cut back on your activities. The stress of everything you have to do must not be helping you and the pain. Good luck to you
  11. moogie

    Remicade treatment while traveling abroad

    I would start with my private insurance company that you have right now. See with them what they can offer while you are away.
  12. moogie

    Just did a count....

    Very good indeed. I'm only at 15.
  13. moogie

    Should I go in?

    If it's going to coast you 100K just for a visit then I understand why you a reluctant to go in. As everybody else said it's your health and maybe you life that is on the line so if the pain is unbearable then you should go in. If you decide not to go in and wait for the insurance to kick in...
  14. moogie

    So tired

    I am also always tired. At work I sleep in my car during my lunch hour to try and make it through the day. Sleeping through the night is never easy with dierreah. I have three kids aged 10 12 and 14 and when they want me to play with them at night I am way to tired. You are not alone. Crohn's...
  15. moogie

    Did your parents have Crohns?

    My parents do not have any problems with their gut. I was Dx when I was 11 with this plague. Nobody in my immediate family has any gut problem. One exception my aunt has colon cancer. That's the only thing.
  16. moogie

    After Wildwood now I am going to NEW YORK!

    I went, I saw and I conquered!! It was a fantastic trip. New York is such a big and wonderful city to visit. It's clean populated... so many people so many beautiful things to see. And so many honkers!!! The first thing I noticed when I step foot in Manhattan is all the people using their...
  17. moogie

    Quick question

    If you could let us know what the doctor said? I take 6 mp and I would be very cusrious to know what he has to say.
  18. moogie

    Bad pain - how do you cope?

    Hello there, Pain...... it's like an old friend to me. Seems I've been in pain most of my life. It goes from the joints to the stomach to the anus to gas to everything. There are days when I think I just want to quit and give it all up. But then I would have to give up sex and that just won't...
  19. moogie

    Prednisolone and Losing weight

    The only time I look healthy is when I take pred LOL The good thing though is that when you stop you usually loose the weight. I use to weight 235 lbs and for the last 6 years I have lost weight and I am now at 175. If I go any lower my GI will kill me.
  20. moogie

    Are you ever fatigued even when NOT flaring?

    I'm 38 and I have three kids, 10 12 and 13 and my youngest always wants me to go and play hockey with her. I go to work and when I get home I am so tired it's crazy. It takes all I have to do the dinner and homework. After that it,s on the sofa and tv. I just can't keep up anymore. I'm not...