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  1. moogie

    Remission: now what?

    It strange that they do not says that when you stop remi youn can rearely start it up again. So if you stop and it fails you are screwed. Maybe this is an old statement?
  2. moogie

    A question for anyone who has been on remicade and taken a break before restarting.

    I read a lot about remicade, it as most people here said, stoping and restarting rarely works. If you want to stop and start up again later you rpobably won't be able to. So think carefully before stopping.
  3. moogie

    For how long inflexiamb ??

    Oh yeah the more the better. Don't ever stop because if you stop it is very unlickely you will ever be able to start again. Glad everything is going so well. I'll be celebrating my 1 year anniversary in April. hope to have many more.
  4. moogie

    Getting my remi every 6 weeks. next shot Feb 17th

    You have no idea. Just being able to play with my kids on a regular basis, god just being able to be a parent, doing homework chores and laughing with my kids. It's a miracle. My youngest daughter was getting depress because her father was always sick. It broke my heart. Now it's back to...
  5. moogie

    4 years old and on Remicade

    I do not know why people say such things. Yes remicade has some risks. Aspirin as risk too and we give that to everybody. YOu daughter is very ill remicade will not make her worst. I am sure she will be checked by doctors and nurses that are very exprienced at this. As for the immunities, I...
  6. moogie

    Getting my remi every 6 weeks. next shot Feb 17th

    I really do not klnow my dosage. But When I go friday I will ask my nurse. I'll let you know then. If I stop the tratement I am full of flares too but mine started coming back on the 7th week.
  7. moogie

    Getting my remi every 6 weeks. next shot Feb 17th

    This is the second time I get my shot within 6 weeks period and I just love it. When I was on 8 weeks shots I always had 3 weeks of hell. 10 days before I started pains and it took another 10 days to feel better. Now getting them every 6 weeks there is no going down anymroe. I feel great...
  8. moogie

    Did Remicade work for you? How so?

    I went from 15 times a day to about 5 times a day. Most of my bm are now soft not liquid. My GF thinks that's a bad thing because now I fart like crazy!!! MOUAHAHAHAHA evil laugh Pain in the stomach is 95% gone. I still make lots of noise but no pain. AND I can eat veggies again except for...
  9. moogie

    How Good Is Remicade?

    Hey Runner, welcome to the club!!|
  10. moogie

    Minor surgery while on Remi?

    I had my first infusion on a friday and the follwoing Thursday I had a major surgery on my broken leg. Had 4 different doctors watching me for infections. It all went very very well nothing at all went wrong. So I wouldnot worry to much. :-)
  11. moogie

    The pain can't be that bad, you're walking around aren't you?

    Oh yeah those b@astards, I just love those turds... How is your pain right now it's a 7... of that's not to bad.. yeah my seven is a 12 for you your prick... Sorry I just get mad when I hear them. We are just way to tolerent to pain. We should always wine like babies this way they will leave...
  12. moogie

    5 --> 10mg of Remicade?

    I guess it depends on how much you trust your doctor. I've been with the same GI for 10 years. If he tells me I need to double up I tell him where do I sign. I'm no doctor but if the normal dose does not hurt you doubling it up won't hurt you but might kick you right into remission. If you do...
  13. moogie

    Your religious views after IBD

    I do not see why I should blame god for anythign that happens to me. What happens here on earth is always our responsability and putting blame on anybody else is just plain idiotic. I teach my kids to take responsibility for their actions and god or no god this cannot change. Things happen...
  14. moogie

    Just seen my GI

    I'm glad you are getting better, slow is ok as long as you are getting better. Sometimes it's better to take time and get there than not getting there at all. Good luck to you.
  15. moogie


    Yes it is. I actually have my infusion with a gentlement that uses it for that. He has terrible pain in his hands.
  16. moogie

    Remicade Allergic reaction!

    That,s really to bad. It happens sometimes. Keep us posted on what your doctor says. Good luck
  17. moogie

    How Good Is Remicade?

    Right now I can't imagine my life without this Drug. Remicade realy changed my life. My body accepts the drug wonderfully the little reactions I do get are insignificant compared to the goodness I have. I can now play with my three kids and we can go to the movies play hockey outside in the...
  18. moogie

    Smell?? changing the bag.

    When I use to have my bags I had a bottle with blue juice in it. I use to put a few drops in my bag and there was almost no smells at all. Forget the name of the thing but I am sure that any pace where they sell bags they will be able to tell you about it. It's great stuff. ON a side note bag...
  19. moogie

    How were you diagnosed with crohns

    I was 11 years old. I was having pains in my stomach really bad cramps for about 6 months. My parents thought something was very wrong with me when one day we went to the restaurant and I refused to eat anything. When I was younger I was a realy pig :-) Went to the children hospital and after...
  20. moogie

    Moving your stoma

    I'm sorry to hear about all your difficulties you two... I've had 2 stomas on both side of my navel. I had them for 6 months each togive time to my gut to heal properly after a hernia. If you guys want to see my stomach I can take a picture and send it to you you can see the scars, send me a...