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    MAP vaccine?

    So I heard that MAP vaccine could cure Crohn's disease is this true or is it not?
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    What to expect with azathioprine?

    How long did it take to work?
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    Your experience with azathioprine?

    Hi so I'm starting azathioprine soon and I just wanted to hear your stories with the drug?
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    What to expect with azathioprine?

    Hi, so I'm starting azathioprine on Wednesday and I'm a bit worried about the side affects. Which side affects are normal and which are bad? Also I know it takes a few months to start working but how many exactly would it take?
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    Can you break Pentsa tablets?

    So I'm taking Pentsa tablets but they are massive and I can't swallow them whole so do you think it would be OK to cut into smaller chunks and swallow each one individually because on the box it says don't crush or chew?
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    What does pentasa do?

    I'm on pentasa 200mg a day and I don't really know what pentasa does and how long it will take to work?
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    I'm on steroids and they are making me really hungry but I'm afraid to eat because if I eat to much I get pain and because I'm all ways hungry I eat trigger foods and then after I'm In so much pain. I really don't know what to do?
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    Steroids and blood?

    Hi, so I'm on prednisolone and I'm starting to reduce by one tablet a week I'm currently on 6 5mg tablets a day but I've started noticing blood in my stools again. I had blood before but the steroids helped and it stopped but now I've started reducing the dose of my steroids it's come back...
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    Food and inflammation?

    Hi, so I know food is a massive trigger for my crohns but I have a question does trigger food actually make the inflammation worse or does it just give you pain because it's sore and swollen?
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    Pelvic MRI scan?

    Hi, so I'm having a pelvic MRI scan and I don't really know why. Has anyone else had one, I was diagnosed with crohns about two weeks ago. I really don't know what to expect, do you get your results straight away after an MRI scan or do you have to wait? I'm just a bit confused really because...
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    remission meds?

    So I'm currently on prednisolone (I'm reducing the dose by 5mg every week) currently on 35mg a day and I'm being put on azaziphrine (can't spell) in a few weeks. I'm also on Pentsa. My question is can these meds put me into remission or not:sign0085:
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    Diets for crohns?

    Hi, so ive heard diet is really good for crohns but most ive seen you cant eat gluten and i cant live without my bread. Does anyone know any diets i could try which allows you to eat bread?
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    Dairy free butter?

    Hi, so i absoultly love baking but butter upsets me in large quantites. So ive recently found pure dairy free spread which can be used in baking but it is made from sunflower oil and ive heard thats is not great for crohns so what do you guys think should i buy it or should i just use butter? Or...
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    Baking ideas?

    I love to bake it makes me happy but ive found it really hard with Crohn's. I was wondering uf anyone had any recipes or ideas for baking cakes, biscuits or anything really. I need crohns friendly recipes they dont have to be dairy/gluten free but if they are that would be great:yfrown:
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    How close are we from finding a cure??

    The title says it all:shifty::shifty:[/B][/B]
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    Hi, so my doctor has put me on prednisolone for 8 weeks (every week I reduce the dose by one tablet) and i have a few questions about it so if anyone knows the answer i would really appreciate it 1. Whats the difference between prednisolone and prednisone? 2. When should i start experienceing...
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    Scared of food!

    I'm really stuck because my dietian said I need to start to eat more but I'm really scared in case they upset me. When I do eat something I can't eat I normally feel really scared and sad because I think it's going to upset me and it's the same when I've eaten a big dinner. Please help I really...
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    What can you eat when your in remission?

    Hi, I know I won't be able to go back to a normal diet. I'm still going to cut out dairy as I swear I'm lactose intolerant or something. I'm going to stay away from processes/fatty/greasy/gassy foods. But could I eat fruit and veg a bit more as now I can only eat carrots.
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    Which meds put you in remission?

    Hi, so I was just wondering as I really want to be in remission. I know it's early stages as I was only diagnosed last week. But which meds put u in remission and how long did it take?