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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. dave13

    New to Crohn's, I have some questions about Crohn's and need help!

    Welcome Bridget and happy soon to be 15th Birthday. Australia is well represented on the Forum. I don't have experience with Modulen,I hope you check out the links Clash posted. I may not be of much assistance here,but feel free to contact me with any questions.
  2. dave13

    Long time follower, first time poster.

    Welcome to the Forum and thanks for your service. Since you have been around awhile you may know of this support group for military. Perhaps we can move your post to get more hits. No apologies needed on length or TMI.
  3. dave13

    I'm so so scared...

    Here's my 'what if' story,one of my 'what if' stories anyway. I think we all have a few of them. I went close to ten years with undiagnosed fistula. I know now they were fistula but I thought they were very bad hemorrhoids. I resisted having them checked out,I knew nothing about crohn's disease...
  4. dave13

    My Story: Please Help!

    Do not cancel the colonoscopy,you are not being overcautious. We need to stay on top of things and diagnostics are a tool to use for that purpose. I am happy you have a GI and not a general care doctor.I suggest talking about other tests such as a small bowel follow through,to see from the top...
  5. dave13

    About ready to just give up...

    Hi The stress of pushing yourself too hard and expecting your body to do what it just can't(at this point in time)do can be detrimental to your goals.I understand about not being able to do certain things that were once easy to do. Since my resection,hernia and fistulas I lamented about the...
  6. dave13

    Where to start???

    It can always be worse is true...but doesn't make us feel better when we are having a bad time. You sound positive despite what you are going through and that is inspiring.Many of us understand the difficulties of trying to work and deal with this disease as well as having to be a...
  7. dave13

    Abscess, fistula, Crohns...whats next?? Help!!

    Hi Nixie Sorry to hear your having such a rough time. I have fistula(5) and draining setons(3). My fistula were undiagnosed for years and I understand how painful they can be. My fistula were quite advanced but I did not have a drainage tube. I don't have any personal advice/experience to give...
  8. dave13

    First infliximab infusion

    Yeah,each hospital runs at it's own pace.My next infusion,the 25th,is a different day than I usually go.Hopefully it will go smooth. Maybe you could ask if calling in your weight ahead of time may be helpful.They might surprise you and say yes.If they say no,well...
  9. dave13

    Sever crohn surgery 6

    Hi shonabanda Surgery is a tough thing to go through.I have had three and I know I would be in a worse place if I did not have them.Knowing we need them does not do a lot in calming our fears,however. My most recent was a fistulotomy/seton placement.Have you checked out the support group for...
  10. dave13

    Aussie, 21, diagnosed in Oct this year, struggling.

    So good to hear! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and the day went well.I'm equally glad you know you can live your life and be the you you want to be...with a little extra planning,perhaps...but you can! :thumleft:
  11. dave13

    Introducing myself

    Hello and let me offer my welcome to the forum.I was diagnosed at the age of 50 a little over a year ago.There are quite a few of us here on the forum.Here is a support group for those diagnosed at 50 and over. Perhaps you have already checked...
  12. dave13

    First infliximab infusion

    I call in my weight about an hour before the infusion time.They have everything ready by the time I get there.It cuts down on the time I have to spend at the hospital.Is that an option for you? Sorry to hear about the time you had to spend,but happy that it went well. :thumright: Hopefully you...
  13. dave13

    First infliximab infusion

    I am sure you will do fine.You know what to expect now.Staying hydrated does help make inserting the catheter easier,gives them more to work with,so to speak.It is only natural to be a bit nervous,but now you know you can do it! As you get to know the nurses,and they get to know you,infusions...
  14. dave13

    Considering remicade and nervous

    How did the discussion go? I have Remicade infusions for fistulas.Have you checked out the Remicade/Infliximab support group? Perhaps this group could help with any questions you have. I started infusions July 2014 and I am currently on the...
  15. dave13

    First infliximab infusion

    I understand about the nerves.I still have to remind myself to not hold my breath and breathe normal while they insert the catheter.:ytongue: Glad the fatigue only lasted a couple days with no other reactions.
  16. dave13

    25yr old teacher with seton and Crohns, struggling greatly.

    Welcome Brear I also have fistulas and setons. I have five fistula and three draining setons.Your doctor has you on no treatment plan? Remicade/Infliximab is the usual treatment for fistulas.The setons help keep the fistula open so it can drain but you also need to be treating the fistula...
  17. dave13

    Aussie, 21, diagnosed in Oct this year, struggling.

    That's great you have been seeing your friends! Good for you for going out and socializing as well as inviting them over to your place.Hopefully this will build your confidence and show you can,with some forethought,have fun with your mates. :) Wow,a bridesmaid at a wedding.Have you talked with...
  18. dave13

    Aussie, 21, diagnosed in Oct this year, struggling.

    I did what MirrorBride suggested.I would visit a friend for a short time at first.I was also filled with anxiety about 'what might happen' and who I may be with if it did.I carry a small kit in my vehicle that has extra underwear,a wash cloth,tp,4x4 sterile pads(I have fistulas/setons),hand...
  19. dave13

    First infliximab infusion

    How did it go?
  20. dave13

    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    Great to hear Wendy! You and Coltyn are great advocates for medicinal cannabis.Will you be wearing your Coltyn's crew shirts to stand out a bit more? Let us know about any appearances you book. Have you interviewed Coltyn's doctor(s) for the forum? I'm sure many crohnies would find that...