First infliximab infusion

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Dec 22, 2014
hi. i go in for my first infliximab infusion this week.
im excited to start it to hopefully make me feel better...but im more worried about it making me sick.
how likely is it to make me phsically be sick (vomit)?? during and after??
and what other side effects is there for me to look forward too??
I've been on it since September. My inflammation markers are coming down. I had some muscle aches about 6 weeks after my 3rd infusion but that's it.

Hope you start feeling great soon.
Though we all react differently,I think the the most common side affect many of us share is fatigue after an infusion.Some people go home and have a nap(that's me)and others are not affected at all.Since this is your first infusion your nurses will monitor you closely and ask how you are feeling frequently.I bring a book,snacks,water,tablet,etc. with me to pass the time.Your first time may be a bit longer than usual because of first time paper work.

Talk with your nurse about any concerns you have,ask questions if you have any. It can be busy depending on the nurse/patient ratio but always voice your concerns.Once I've reclined in the easy chair and the nurse puts a warm blanket over me...I've napped a couple of times during the infusions.Hydrate yourself well before the infusion day.

Let us know how it goes.Feel free to ask me any questions.
I'm used to fatigue lol....I'm ways tired as it is haha.
I have Googled it loads and can't find anything about actually being sick so makes me feel abit better..I just have a serious phobia of vomit weather it's coming from me or someone else lol
I have never known anyone to vomit due to Remicade. Side effects for me are fatigue and sometimes a headache. Like said above, hydrate well.
Thank god for that lol. I hant read anywhere that it made any vomit..Most I found was that they felt nauseous
Once I've got the first one over with hopefully I shouldn't feel so nervous lol
It's an amazing medication, I hope it works for you : ) Never heard of any sickness during or immediately after an infusion but I do get occasional but very mild nausea during the 8 weeks cycle, though really not that often. Good luck!
I feel nauseous quite often anyway...I. Think that's dye to the crohns and never being able to sleep...I'm really hoping the infusion makes me.sleepy lol
Hopefully you will be lucky like me and have little to no side effects, and the medication will work well! I do feel extremely tired the day of the infusion and the day after, so I keep those days cleared of plans as much as possible so i can relax. I did vomit one time during an infusion, but it may have been a fluke or because of something i ate because the next time i was fine. Best of luck!
All went well thanks :)
Started to feel really sick and couldn't stop shaking just before they hooked me up...but that was due to nerves lol.
My head went I bit fuzzy from the pre meds and I was shattered for the rest of the day and day after...but all.os.good apart from that :)
I understand about the nerves.I still have to remind myself to not hold my breath and breathe normal while they insert the catheter.:ytongue: Glad the fatigue only lasted a couple days with no other reactions.
Thank you. I have my 2nd one tomorrow and am feeling nervous again but nothing like I was the first time
I took my mum with me to the first one incase anything went wrong. But am going alone tomorrow so hopefully I won't feel nervous at all for the 3rd one lkl
I am sure you will do fine.You know what to expect now.Staying hydrated does help make inserting the catheter easier,gives them more to work with,so to speak.It is only natural to be a bit nervous,but now you know you can do it!

As you get to know the nurses,and they get to know you,infusions should be less and less stressful.I've had the same crew since last July and I find the familiarity helps.

Today is your next infusion,I believe. How did this one go?
It went alot better apart from being a little nervous I didn't feel sick or anything else. ...They just took ages.
I was there from 10am till 4pm :(
Was there 3 hours before they gave me my pre meds and had to have my catheter re done.
But apart from that all was good. Have woken up with headache and sore throat today...don't know if that's to do with the infusion or if I've just caught a cold lol
I call in my weight about an hour before the infusion time.They have everything ready by the time I get there.It cuts down on the time I have to spend at the hospital.Is that an option for you?

Sorry to hear about the time you had to spend,but happy that it went well. :thumright: Hopefully you will shake that cold.
I'm not sure that's even the reason I was waiting so long as it took them 3 hours to even weigh me. They did it right before they gave me pre meds.
I think it's just my hospital they are never on time lol
Yeah,each hospital runs at it's own pace.My next infusion,the 25th,is a different day than I usually go.Hopefully it will go smooth.

Maybe you could ask if calling in your weight ahead of time may be helpful.They might surprise you and say yes.If they say no,well...