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  1. rrhood1

    Undiagnosed - does this sound like UC?

    You will love her. She is absolutely the best. Ask lots of questions & she'll give you the answers you need. I'm so glad you're seeing her.
  2. rrhood1

    Undiagnosed - does this sound like UC?

    So sorry to hear about your difficulties. I had to wait a year for my first colonoscopy but once the doctor had finished & realized that I had Crohns, she took me on as a patient immediately. She is absolutely awesome - Kerri Novak at the Foothills GI clinic. If your GP can get you in to see...
  3. rrhood1

    Air travel/ high altitude and Crohn's flare-ups

    Nothing like that but every time I go on a plane I get pneumonia. Someone always has a cough and no matter what I try it goes right to my chest and turns into pneumonia.
  4. rrhood1

    Chapping bloody skin

    I found organic coconut oil makes a big difference and it doesn't stay greasy on my skin. I'm also not sensitive to it - I am to most lotions.
  5. rrhood1

    Are severe mood swings a side effect of Crohn's?

    Lizzie: I was on Prednizone when first diagnosed & went through such mood swings that I thought I was going crazy. I actually had to ask my boss to check my correspondence to clients because I would rage in my emails over nothing. If your sister-in-law is on steroids there is a very good...
  6. rrhood1

    Fun with colonoscopy prep!

    Thank you for that. I needed a laugh today!
  7. rrhood1

    Joint Pain

    My rheumatologist put me on Sulfasalazine along with my Remicade & Methotrexate. It took almost 2 months to kick in(according to her that's how long it can take) but this week for the first time in 5 years I have NO joint pain anywhere!!! Its a miracle drug for me.
  8. rrhood1

    Dehydration tips?

    My doctor has me sip Gatorade when I'm flaring to keep my electrolytes up. She also suggests homemade meat broth with only a little salt. My IV clinic tells us all to drink lots before an IV & also eat a bag of chips as the salt will help keep us hydrated. Hope this helps.
  9. rrhood1

    Life really sucks right now

    Nogutsnoglory: Thank you for the link to the spoon theory. I've never been able to explain to people how hard it is to have a chronic disease. I'm going to pass the link on to my friend with MS as we'll.
  10. rrhood1

    Hopes of starting remicade. What to expect

    Alec1: I've been on Remicade for 2 years now. Humira & Imuran didn't work for me at all. I love my infusions (that sounds sort of weird) but I feel so good for the next week that I look forward to them. My Rheumatologist had to add Methotrexate & Sulfasalazine but finally I have no joint pain...
  11. rrhood1

    Where do you get mtx?

    I inject myself every week. The druggist sold me very fine insulin needles which I don't feel going in at all. The methotrexate doesn't sting going in either. I had a nurse at the hospital show me how to inject once and I've administered to myself since then. Been on it for 2 years now. I don't...
  12. rrhood1

    Nothing to eat but white rice, bananas, plain yogurt and water for 48 hours

    My docs put me on clear liquids for 3 days when I flare then on the BRAT diet for 7 days till things calm down. Seems to work but man, I get tired of white rice.
  13. rrhood1

    Does a Remicade infusion really cost THAT much?

    Alberta Health picks up my Remicade every 8 weeks and I have it done at a private infusion clinic - loungers, big screen TV, movies, snacks. And the pharmacy gives me a $50 Visa card. It doesn't go through my private health insurance at all. My GI at Foothills Hospital signed me up for a...
  14. rrhood1

    Who else has Psoriasis?

    According to my GI & my rheumatologist my psoriasis is part of my Crohns. The dermatologist they sent me to suggested bleach baths at least twice a week. I tried them (full bathtub with 1/2 cup of bleach) and the patches dried up. My rheumatologist also upped my dosage of methotrexate so that...
  15. rrhood1


    Mom had lupus (auto-immune disease). Dad had bowel cancer. Both sisters have auto immune diseases - multiple sclerosis & lupus. All of my sisters kids are getting checked for auto immune diseases ahead of time. Alison Crohn's Remicade Methotrexate Sulfasalazine
  16. rrhood1

    Remicade infusions: Extreme tiredness ,and nausea?

    I've been on Remicade for 2 years now. My GI and rheumatologist think the fatigue is a side effect of the Crohns not the Remicade. My rheumatologist wanted me to take a leave of absence for a number of months but I have bills to pay and work to do so they made arrangements with my boss so that...
  17. rrhood1

    Why is it I find something helps doc takes it away??

    I had nothing but trouble with Imuran. I was told by a senior Professor at our GI clinic that Imuran actually causes joint pain & she took me off it immediately. I also had fevers of 103 degrees with it. They gave me Methotrexate instead & it seems to work quite well. Crohns Remicade...
  18. rrhood1

    Starting infliximab/remicade

    Bookie: I've been on Remicade for about 2 years now. Have my infusions every 8 weeks. Has totally cleared up my bowel so no more diarrhea. I love my infusion time - once they start it I fall asleep for almost an hour & feel great afterwards. I was worried about the IV too as my veins collapse...
  19. rrhood1

    New member - love the posts

    Yes, Crohns diagnosed in June 2010. Tried Humira & Imuran - helped the bowel but did nothing for all the secondary symptoms - joint pain, skin infections, eye pain. On Remicade now for almost 2 years with Methotrexate. Was in remission for almost all that time. Having a bad flare right now -...
  20. rrhood1

    New member - love the posts

    Just joined (10/5/13). Have been reading a lot of the posts. Really feels like I'm not alone. Not much in the way of support groups in rural Alberta so trying to find my way. Lucky to have 3 wonderful doctors on my side. GI, Rheum., & my family dr. All three female and the best I've ever met.