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  1. KayleighMeek

    Still the BIG D

    I still have D even though I have been on cimzia for over 9 months and I also have blood when going. I have mentioned this to my GI and they said that if it continued they would do a scope to check out what's going on. If it is really making you suffer I would mention it to them again I think...
  2. KayleighMeek

    Reassurance needed please, terrified about Liver!

    I think its normal to stress when a test comes back with something unexpected and even though its good advice not to get worked up it can be really hard not to. It could have just been the medication and it's taking a while for things to get back to normal I would wait to see what your next...
  3. KayleighMeek

    Complicated TTC and period muddle.

    Although I can't take aza my dr has explained that not being on any medication and being in an active flare is more of a risk than the medications themselves, apart from methotrexate which can't be taken whilst pregnant or TTC. I found this article on pubmed it has some good stats on the risk. I...
  4. KayleighMeek

    Always bunged up!

    I don't think its completely right to say you can be addicted to nasal sprays. People who take decongestant sprays can over time, if used to much, start to cause more problems with sinuses as you become tolerant this leads to using more of the decongestant. Steroid nasal sprays are completely...
  5. KayleighMeek

    Does anyone else feel like a guinea pig?

    Your dr is saying you don't need folic acid whilst on methotrexate but I think that isn't right. I used to take methotrexate and had 10mg folic acid weekly to help keep side effects at bay, it really helped with sickness that methotrexate caused. I would contact your dr again or a different dr...
  6. KayleighMeek

    Always bunged up!

    Hope it solves the problem for you
  7. KayleighMeek

    Always bunged up!

    Hi I'm not on humira but now on cimzia and I have been suffering badly with various problems with my nose. I went to my GP and they gave me a steroid nasal spray and it worked within a couple of days and help clear up the nastiness that was in there. They told me not to use it to often as it can...
  8. KayleighMeek

    Is it Alright to Try for a Baby?

    Forgot to put it may be best for your husband to mention to his GI that you are trying for a family to make sure all of the medication he is on is safe for you to be trying. I had to come off methotrexate for 3 months before starting to try as it's not safe when TTC or during pregnancy.
  9. KayleighMeek

    Is it Alright to Try for a Baby?

    Hi I found this on the nacc website it has a lot of useful information sheet on pregnancy and fertility with crohn's. Parents with IBD are slightly more likely to have a child who develops IBD. If one parent has IBD, the risk of a child developing IBD is about 2% for Ulcerative Colitis and 5%...
  10. KayleighMeek

    Mouth Ulcer/canker sore

    Hi sorry you are suffering mouth ulcers can be very painful but if it's something you haven't had before or can't identify if it is an ulcer I would see you can see either a dentist or your GP. They may be able to give you a quick answer and give you something to help with the discomfort. Before...
  11. KayleighMeek

    Trying To Conceive (TTC) Support Group

    Hi memmy sorry I can't be of any help but wanted to let you know someone had read your post. I am currently on entocort and cimzia and since stopping contraceptive pill in December I haven't had a period. It's so frustrating as I know that when I come back off the steroids I am highly likely...
  12. KayleighMeek

    Anyone switch from tnf inhibitors to immunomodulators?

    Hi, I was on remicade then humira before starting methotrexate. I went in this order as I had bad reactions to aza and 6mp and was scared to try methotrexate so wanted to try something else. Methotrexate gave me around a year and a half of remission but I now have moved onto cimzia as it wasn't...
  13. KayleighMeek

    Pain relief patches/Creams

    I was going to post a similar question to this yesterday. I have asked various Drs before about what other pain meds are available but don't get very far they just offer co-codamol or tramadol both I am not able to function on they make me feel sick and send me into my own little world. I have...
  14. KayleighMeek

    Curious for input

    Hi, I have been through similar with medications either not working or having allergic reactions to them. I started cimzia about 8 months ago and it has helped a bit, mainly helping with enteropathic arthritis, but still have some issues I am now on steroids to try and control things as well. It...
  15. KayleighMeek

    Methotrexate and Folic Acid Dose

    Sorry didn't put it was 10mg weekly
  16. KayleighMeek

    Conceiving with Crohns anyone to join me?

    At the moment I feel ok about the cimzia because I know if I wasn't on it I wouldn't be well enough to even consider starting a family it's a risk but a lower risk than being in a huge flare and the chances of conceiving being even less. I haven't got many choices after cimzia my GI dr has...
  17. KayleighMeek

    Conceiving with Crohns anyone to join me?

    Hi emlyck I am on cimzia and TTC I had allergic reations to both remicade and humira. I have probably been on cimzia over 8 months and it has been ok for me it has improved y arthritis more than my crohns but I am now on steroids to try and keep things under control whilst we are TTC. I haven't...
  18. KayleighMeek

    Methotrexate and Folic Acid Dose

    I used to take 10mg folic acid whilst on methotrexate because if I dropped any lower I would suffer with horrible sickness caused by the methotrexate.
  19. KayleighMeek

    Perianal skin tags?

    Surgery can cause damage to the anal sphincter and cause more problems especially as crohns comes with a lot of D it could cause incontinence. I have been told by my GI if its not causing a massive problem to leave them well alone they are horrible but I am kind of used to them now. I find the...
  20. KayleighMeek

    Perianal skin tags?

    I always have them when I am flaring or not. When I am not flaring they are not nice but don't cause me any problems but when I am they get bigger and are uncomfortable and sometimes painfull