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  1. kello82

    Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

    wat??? lmao i cannot even begin to figure out what that means. btw, you have a loop ileo? just curious. it prob would be good to change it once by yourself you know?? are you having a home care nurse come out once you get home? just sayin, it was very helpful to do it once in the hospy with...
  2. kello82

    Ostomy and Clothing

    awww shucks....thanks guys =] im glad that i can help you guys like serioulsy, theres nothing like knowing that your experience has helped someone else, to lift your mood you know? luv yall! SO in my twitter page huntings i came across this vid on the C3life page thingy. this guy named dennis...
  3. kello82

    Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

    hmm i dont even remember WHEN they cathed me, i think they did it before i even woke up? but really, the thing did not bother me at all. even when they took it out it just didnt even feel like anything. granted i think things are a little more uncomfortable for guys....but overall my...
  4. kello82

    Pain after eating

    the past....4 meals, like 5 mins after i eat i get horrible pains, i think in my STOMACH stomach though. it is high up, like a couple inches down from my sternum. then it kinda radiates to my back and dissapates eventually. im pretty sure it has nothing to do with my ileo, im still pooing...
  5. kello82

    Cimzia vs. surgery

    dang, sorry to hear that things are not looking so good can you go for a TEMPORARY ostomy? my docs wanted me to get my colon/rectum out as well, but i just wasnt ready to go there yet. maybe giving your lg intestine a break will help the inflammation calm down
  6. kello82

    Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

    YAYYY!!! it is your surgery day!! i will be thinking of you buddy, you will do great. have a nice lovely drug induced nap :D
  7. kello82

    Sushi anyone?

    hmm have never had sushi in rolls that way. sashimi though is usually just fish yes? tuna. YUM. i agree though, if you want the rolls see if theyll roll it for ya and then take off the seaweed.
  8. kello82

    An Update

    haha yoshi fits in my mind. maybe cuz it makes me think of squishy. or moshi!! you know those moshi pillows?!
  9. kello82

    An Update

    yes exactly! i thinki as the moisture from your stomal area soaks into that....rubbery material that makes up the flange, it swells up and turns lighter, and "turtlenecks" up around your stoma. i do the same, is a nice way to judge how the seal is doing. LOL at yoshi! love it yeah the folds of...
  10. kello82

    An Update

    hey joey! yep marisa is correct i had same sort of problems, though instead of the premade rings i was using the moldable strips you know? and MADE them into a ring. but basically the same material. anways, i found that the ring actually made things worse for me, as it lifted the flange off my...
  11. kello82

    Anal Skin Tag - Remove it? or medicate it?

    ditto on what the others said, i would NOT risk removing it. that being said, i have had one removed hahaha :P i was under for a fistula surgery and my surgeon (was the first time i was under with that surgeon, had just switched from peds) and when i woke up he told me that he jsut chopped...
  12. kello82


    sometimes i find that when xtra strength tylenol even doesnt help, that tylenol sinus helps instead. just a thought. maybe your sinuses are inflamed due to the state of your crohns right now, and it can feel just like a typical headache can, for me at least
  13. kello82

    Ostomy and Clothing

    OMG nyx post it!!! sexy, oh god, *blushes*, but thanks =] ive been meaning to do some new clothing pics the clothes i wear that disguise even a full pouch....those banded hem tops are EVERYWHERE right now, good time to have a stoma!
  14. kello82

    New to site, but not to CD

    HAH i LOL'd when you said "HAHA i said poop!" i feel like we have really similar stories, except you have been thru many more surgeries, yikes, the ileo was my one and only. but i was dx at 9, around the same age. tried all the meds. have lots of butt area problems, complete urgency....allll...
  15. kello82

    Ostomy and Clothing

    YAY!!!! it makes me SO happy to hear everytime someone finds this thread by searching. SO happy, thats exactly what i had hoped for it hi silvermoon and welcome :) if you wanna post your story in the "my story" section wed love to hear. and plus you will get a proper welcome :D theres a bunch...
  16. kello82

    Not sure how to respond

    what i do in situations like that is use my sarcasm. i say something sarcastic and silly like "HAY! ill trade my smoothie for your fun college life deal!?" and make it something funny, but at the same time a hint of truth will be felt and maybe she will stop and think about it again. and then...
  17. kello82

    Serious issue

    glad to hear that things are seeming better :) i find i strange that she just gives that proverbial shrug of shoulder when you ask about the change though.... maybe she has something she doesnt want to tell you, or maybe she is embarrassed and having a difficult time internally with her...
  18. kello82

    Where do i turn now. op cancelled

    i agree with ding, anyone else could take care of your son? but if not the way ive gotten admitted thru emerg. has been thru either my GI or surgeon. can you call whoever is your dr in charge of you surgery and tell him about the problem, and have him be the force behind your admittance?
  19. kello82

    Surgery Time

    hhahaha!!! exactly. its a good sign, but im like aw **ck at the same time...
  20. kello82

    Surgery Time

    thanks CDD :) boys, close your ears! I GOT MY PERIOD!!!!!!!! wowie...its weird becuase i was a good 105 lb when it disappeared, and am still hovering at 95, but hey whatever!