Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

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jeff, i treated my surgery like having a new baby. the first 3 months are crap. your up several times a night changing the pouch because of leakes. but when you work out how the stomas work and what its charateristics are then your fine. just like a new baby, it all settles down. and when that happens you dont have to take half the house out with you!!
Thanks Kelly and Sharon.

Kelly, I'm sorry you still have to pack the gauze. I absolutely hate doing that. I pray it stops soon and I pray that I won't still have to pack. I love playing sports and it's impossible to play with gauze shoved up there. I usually have to take it out and then I have messy underwear, ugh. The joys of having Crohn's I guess.
Jeff- I am so glad that you aren't having too much pain. For me, the pain is what made having the surgery worth it. I couldn't live with that kind of pain any more. I also haven't had any leakage what so ever since surgery, ether from my bum (this was a problem before) or from the pouch. None at all. I change it every three days or so, bath or shower with it and have had no problems.

Nyk- My stoma looked like a little tomato when I woke up from surgery but has morphed a little over the last few weeks. While i was in the hospital, all of the nurses kept coming by and telling me what a "beautiful little stoma" I had! I guess my surgeon did a good job. It was the weirdest compliment ever. It still really scares me to see it.

Kello- I'm embarrassed to admit, that I didn't have a loop ileostomy. I just had a standard ileostomy. When the question was asked I said that I had had a loop ileostomy because I didn't know the difference. My large intestine is still hanging around in my body, but it is severed from my small intestine completely.

This surgery has changed my life a lot, and mostly for the better. I have very little pain now, and no Crohn's related symptoms. Emotionally it has been very hard for me though. I am working on that because I know it is all vanity related and in my head.

For those of you who have already gone through this, how long was your recovery period? How long did you get to take off of work? I got to take over five weeks, but I feel I could have gone back much sooner. Except for being worn out, I could probably start working again as early as next week if I had to.

Jeff, are you planning on having this done permanently or temporarily? If temporary, how long are they saying you will have it? I still don't know about mine.
lol Jer's Girl...they said mine was beautiful too! lol My stoma nurse said it was one of the most well formed ones she's ever seen...remarkably, that made me feel good! You'll get used to seeing it and it won't be so scary - I'm freakily fascinated with In regards to your recovery question, I was good after about 3 weeks, but felt almost normal by about 5 weeks. I was really tired when I got out of the hospital and still a bit weak (I was in there for 3 weeks due to other complications). Fortunately I wasn't working at the time so didn't need to take any time off.
Wow, I thought the loop was the only way unless you had a total colectomy done. I'm having a temporary ileostomy but there is no date to reverse it and there won't be until they can use stem cells or something to heal scar tissue.
Man, I can't wait for the surgery. My stomach is all acting up right now. I think I've been to the bathroom 10 times in an hour or so. The worst thing is that I'm not getting anything to come out so I'm just sitting in here...ugh. I want to go to sleep and wake up after surgery feeling all good.
I felt the same way right before my surgery. I was soooo ready. The one thing that i wish someone had told me about surgery before i had it is just how tiered i would feel after. It has been two and a half weeks, and I still feel so very very run down. It is depressing.

I am trying to think of everything I can to prepare you for this Jeff. I have no pain any more and the bag is a lot easier to deal with than I would have thought. The exhaustion really is the worst part. Other wise, it was a great decision.
Thanks for the info. That definitely helps me out. I think exhaustion is one of those things they forget to tell you about because once you get over the exhaustion you forget you ever had it.
I'm not feeling all too well. I keep having the runs but it's like a constipated version of the runs. I'm kind of sick of it. I only have 22 days until my surgery, thank the Lord. Thank you all for helping me and supporting me through everything. Without ya'll I'd be so lost and I wouldn't be even considering surgery. Ya'll are the best!

It's been about an hour since I posted last and all I can say is I want to sleep!!!
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try and rest jeff. when you pack your hospital bag, pack a good reading book and some boiled sweets they will make your mouth moist.
I finally got to sleep somewhere around 3am. I'll definitely have a lot of reading material. What are boiled sweets?
I was gonna ask the same question Jeff, about the boiled sweets. :lol:

I know you are in pain and I understand, but I dont have the same pain you do in your area either. Don't worry about your surgery I am sure you will have great relief and you have your young adult years to help you bounce back really quick. I hope you can get the internet when you are in the hospital so you can let us know ASAP how you are doing. You know I will send you healing prayers and thoughts. You will be so happy it is over! Big hugs to you!
sweets you suck on. they are boiled sugar
you dont chew them like toffees or m&m's.
i will try and find you a picture.
Hey JEff, I just caught up on your posts. I had a temporary loop ileostomy, while waiting for my j pouch. I would have to "get rid" of the mucus that collected in my bowels when I had the j pouch. Dr said it was perfectly normal. But, I did not have leakage. I am concerned one day will have an ile, but conforted bu the memory of how good I felt when I had it...From your posts, you appear strong--I think you are going to do well, and be very happy with how good you feel. I just remember thinking and saying, "I can't believe how good I fell, I am so used to being sick!!!" Good luck--Good vibes--Peace, Sue
Thanks Sharon. It's like our hard candies. I thought I would a britophile but I guess I need to learn more.haha Yeah, I'll stock up on the lolli's.

Thanks Sue. I hope you are right. I'm just so sick of feeling like crap. The worst thing is that I've felt like crap for so long that I feel like I'm feeling well. I hope I feel better then I do right now.

Thanks guys for everything
I think you'll be amazed at how good you'll feel. I didn't realize I was that sick till I wasn't was weird...
You forgot about my post Jeff :yfaint: haha, kidding. The boiled sweets in comparison is like Jolly Rancher's. Same idea, lotsa sugar.
Oh, Pen I thought I had already posted about your comment. I'm sorry.

If I have internet I sure will be posting and updating. Even if I don't I may have my dad post updates when he is home.

Thanks Pen
Jeff, I have a bit of advice for you that I hope you take. I just got back from my second trip to the hospital after my surgery. I was there for three days due to extreme pain. Turns out that because I didn't do a full prep before my surgery, my colon was still so impacted that it is still having painful out put. My pattern has been, a few days without pain, then three days of increased cramping, then I am in so much pain from cramping and non stop throwing up that I am back in the ER. Then I have a bunch of out put, then it stops again for a while. My surgeon didn't do a full prep on me before the surgery because he "under estimated how backed up I was and how much disease was in my colon." He thinks that once all of the stool is finally done coming out, this will stop happening to me.

I would just like to strongly advise doing the full prep. I'm not sure it would have worked for me any way because I was so backed up, but if you aren't too backed up, it might really help you.

Hope you can learn form my pain!
Thanks, I'm sorry you have had to go through that and I hope and pray you can get relief from your impaction soon. I have a mess of a colon with most likely a good bit of impaction so I will definitely do a prep. I want to do a prep when I finish my finals on my day off with miralax to get things going. Then try and do a day of miralax one day the following week and then again a few days before surgery when I'll switch to only liquids. Hopefully that will get any mess out of me. I'll also probably shoot a few enemas up there just to be safe.haha

I pray you are out of pain soon my friend. Thanks for the advice
My stomach tonight is killing me. It's so weird it's like I feel pain but it's a different type of pain. I really don't know how to explain the pain. It's not that it's like pain but it feels like my colon is coming out of my body or something. I really can't explain it. Anyways I've been running to the bathroom a lot tonight and I've had a ton of mucus. Anyways, I'm just ranting. Thanks for everything guys.
I was wondering what is the pain like in the ostomy site? Does it feel like someone stabbed you? Is it a burning pain? I just want to be aware before I get it as to what kind of pain to expect. Thanks guys
I had no pain at the site whatsoever. Mind you, the first week was a bit of a blur with all the Demerol and The only thing I felt was that it was kind of heavy when I stood up. I could definitely tell that there was something there. But no pain per se. It's hard to describe the feeling...I could tell that my guts had been moved around and were settling. Not painful or uncomfortable, just noticeable.

Sorry this hasn't been more helpful! lol
The pain in the scar was noticeable. But that was just healing pain. Nothing to worry about and more than manageable. I was off the pain killers after about 5 or 6 days. Then only took Tylenol for the spasms in my back...they were worse than the pain from the surgery! Stupid old beds in the hospital I was in...sheesh...
I had no pain in the site, and I still don't. I have a little pain on my scar, but the Dr said that that is just from moving around more and healing. Basically, I have had the exact same experience as Nyx, down to he heaviness and the blur of a first week. :)
I have had a lot more gas in my bag lately than I had in the first few weeks. Anything to relieve that Nyx? Could fish be a culprit? I love to eat fish because it is one of the only things I know is healthy for me right now. I'm a bit confused about what my diet should look like now.
Thanks, ya'll are awesome! My biggest thing is I hate unexpected pain. If no one tells me I'm going to be in a pain and it's a surprise then I will react much worse then if I know I'll be in pain. Thanks guys for the quick responses. Only 19 days left! Woohoo!!!
Which is why this disease is sooooooooo unpredictable and naturally we stress and makes ourselves worse, vicious cycle. I will be watching for your surgery date. Hang in there!
Jeff D. said:
I was wondering what is the pain like in the ostomy site? Does it feel like someone stabbed you? Is it a burning pain? I just want to be aware before I get it as to what kind of pain to expect. Thanks guys

for me the pain wasnt pinpointed like that. i was more just sore all over my abdomen, like you had done a really really really intense workout the day before or something.
the incision poked a little bit but was not too bad (till it got infected)
and the incision around the stoma, yes was a bit sore, just like a cut though you know? very minor if i remember correctly.
the worst pain was just the overall soreness, felt like someone had reached inside and scrambled things around. whcih they did :D
Thanks Kelly! I hope because it's being done laparoscopically that I won't have the all over pain. Maybe it will be more on my right
@Jers Girl...the gas is just part of the healing process. Mine has slowed down immeasurably over the past 2 months. But the first 2 months were mortifying! Didn't matter what I ate, when I ate it, I was the loudest thing in the room!!! lol I just finally said to myself, 'get over's just gas' lol Besides, now that I don't have a working sphincter, I can't stop I just tell whoever I'm with what the deal is and they all seem to be okay with it. At least they don't stink the place
So does the stoma fart. If it does I'll be the life of the party.haha

Well, my nightly review. I did a little Miralax today to help me go and it seems to have worked a little bit. I've gotten a bit of relief now so my bottom is feeling better but this entire day I've had a horrible headache/verge of migraine. I think this is due to my body being totally out of wack so I'm going to my chiropracter tomorrow to get adjusted.

I don't have any Tylenol so I had to break down a little while ago and take a Hydrocodone. Of course it's helped a little but not as much as I had hoped for. That stuff is literally like taking candy for me now. I thought maybe since it's been a while since I've taken the stuff that I'd react to it this time but I only had a slight healing affect.

Thanks everyone for all of the help you've given me. You guys are all awesome!

hey jeff,
just a thought re cleaning yourself out. those preps that you buy i found to be hard on my guts so i switched to a yoga solution. they do a bowel cleanse with just salted wayer and it works like a charm. use sea salt and dissolve tsp. per one litre of water. drink two litres of the water over a half hour and allow it to work it's way through your system. tastes way better and not as invasive!
I don't use the regular prep. I use Miralax. It's been the easiest prep on me and seems to really break down the stool so it can come out. I don't know if I could drink two liters of water over a half hour. If I can't get anything to come out with my method I'll try a version of yours but I don't think my body could handle two liters water. Thanks for the suggestion
Also, I just wanted you to know that three weeks after surgery I have absolutely NO CROHNS SYMPTOMS AT ALL. I'm not kidding. I'm still a little warn out from surgery and trying to learn to live with the bag has been a challenge (although to be honest its not really that bad; mostly just problems like dehydration), but I have had no crohns activity.

I had a bit of cramping after the surgery, like I told you, but that was from not being cleaned out. This is the best decision I have ever made. I can't wait for you to get to the point I am at!
Woohoo!!! Jer's Girl that's awesome and very helpful. I really can't wait for my surgery to feel better. I think I'd rather have a bag at this point then where I'm at now as a bag I'd be in and out in a few minutes compared to the 15 to 20 minutes it takes for a bathroom visit now.
I'll have to try Miralax for my next prep...I have to have a colonoscopy in July. That should be interesting! I'm not sure Oscar's going to like having a probe in his
I have to do the prep...I still have 2/3 of my colon so still have feces stored in my body (it doesn't just go right through). My doctor said that the prep or the scope won't hurt Oscar at all. The only thing I'm worried about is how often I'll be changing my bag!! lol Should be interesting..
hey nyx,
when i had to do a prep pre colonoscopy it was a disaster. maybe more because i have a looped colostomy and everthing started shooting out the side but it went right under my flange! i gave up pulled everything off and just went and hung out in the shower for a while. fun stuff lol. just gotta laugh. good luck with yours! may the force be with you.
I was wondering about that suzielouwhoo...I was wondering if I was going to have to hang over the side of the toilet or something!! lol Good tip about the shower though..I'll definitely keep that in mind!
Didn't think about having to prep with a stoma.haha That sounds

My stomach is actually feeling pretty well right now but my butt has a weird feeling today. I don't know what it is but it's like something is wanting to leave my rectum but nothing is coming out. It's not really a pressure but, I don't know how to explain it. I just realized I have only 2.5 weeks left until surgery.haha
jeff, yes the stoma does fart, and you cant control it either. you cant squeeze it in until your somewhere private!!.

though you can muffle the noise by putting your hand over the stoma, no one will know what your doing as it looks like your just holding you tummy. and it dosent sound like a fart, its a different noise. sort of a deep rumble which echos, depending on how full the pouch is.
sharon xx
It's family just commented yesterday that the farts I make now sound different from when I first got my stoma. They said it sounds like a truck going by outside When I first got it, they sounded like farts...very, very loud farts...!!! lol Thank goodness they've slowed down alot now. It's not nearly as mortifying as when I first got it.
Jer's Girl said:
Nyx, are you supposed to do a prep with a stoma? I thought it was dangerous.

i thought it was dangerous too??
for the risk of dehydration is increased MUCH higher for someone with a stoma?!

EDIT:: now im thinking that that risk is just for an ileostomy because of the speed at which liquid passes thru, with a colostomy a prep will not dehydrate so bad.
i think.
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You're right kello. For people with ileostomies, everything passes much quicker than for people with colostomies. My doctor has reassured me that I'll be fine :) She did tell me to make sure that I drink lots of fluids the day before the colonoscopy though.
Haha, I can't wait to fart again. I haven't farted in such a long time it will be a great day when I finally do. Plus I'm a guy so I don't care.haha I'll of course have to blame it on the imaginary person in the room whom I'll call Reni because my stoma is going to be named Reni.haha So...Reni did it!
My stomach is going haywire tonight. I keep on spittering out something, it looks like stool but it's like a thick liquid yet it's not enough for me to consider D. I've had this a lot before, it's just annoying. I think when I get up in the morning I need to take some miralax to get whatever is blocking me up out of my system. Just posting my daily annoyances.haha I can't wait for surgery. Just a little longer until my surgery! Woohoo!
Farting is fantastic...especially when you don't have to worry about soiling
I have an ileostomy, so I don't know if this is why but I don't have any weird farting. Seriously, it has only made noise at all about four times since I got it. It also has no smell, even when my bag is full. I think that ileostomy's act very different than colostomy's from what I have heard. Which are you having Jeff? Kello, which do you have?
@Jer's might be right stools are just the regular BM's that I had before I got sick (except smaller and more frequent). Just as pleasant smelling Thank goodness the smell is contained in the bag!! lol
I'm having an ileostomy. There is no smell with an ileostomy because the bacteria that create the smell are in your colon so there shouldn't be a smell, it may change depending on what you eat though where you may have a slight smell but there shouldn't be any crazy smells.
It's kind of been a weird spicy food-like smell when the bag is open, but it isn't bad and it doesn't really smell like poo.

Surgery is hard (although I swear, mine just wasn't that painful), but I am loving life with an ostomy!!! Having an ostomy has been my worst fear my whole life (or at least the last 13 years). I was hoping that I would learn to live with it, but I never expected to feel so good and to learn to love it.

I was so lucky to have Nyx's positive energy before hand, but I wasn't sure I would feel as good about things as she did, and I never thought that I would ever consider getting this done permanently, but that is a real consideration now.

It doesn't bother my future husband at all, and it hasn't effected my sex life which was my biggest concern. I miss having a cute tummy, as half of it is now covered by the bag, but it is such a small price to pay for a pain free life. I wish I had done this before I started collage. It would have been so much easier!

Jeff, just picture walking to class and not getting that "oh great, where is the nearest bathroom again?" feeling ever again. I am so happy for you that your surgery date is getting so close!
Thanks Jer's Girl for the confidence. I've been similar to you in that for the past seven years I've been so afraid of having this done. I'm still praying that tomorrow or the next day or the next until surgery I am 100% healed but I honestly think this is the best thing that will happen for me.

I don't really want to go into a lot of details on the forum but I've made a few life decisions in the past few months and now I just need to wait and see what happens with my decisions.

I can't wait until my surgery date. The worst thing is having to get there at 6:30 or something and being 1.5 hours away so I'll have to leave my house at 5 and possible 4:30am to get to Vandy in time. Oh well, I just can't wait to not have stomach pain anymore.

Thanks for the positive outlook Jer's Girl and everyone who has responded to my thread. You guys don't know, well some of you do :) , how helpful your comments are.

jeff, food hasnt been mention yet, i dont op when "reni" is new you must becareful and chew your food throughly. reni will be new to your body and it can take a while for the body to adjust.

later on when things have settled down.

your poo will be runny, you will never have a "log" again, so if you want to thicken up the poo a bit, then eat marshmellow,bananas or rice.

beetroot. DONT PANIC with beetroot, it goes through undigested and stays the the same colour. YOU ARE NOT BLEEDING to death.

food that come through undigested are, sweetcorn,peas, carrots, peanuts,popcorn, not sure of the point of eating them really jeff!!
Thanks Sharon. Yeah, my ostomy nurse was telling me about food so I didn't think about asking much about it. I really need to change my habits because I don't chew all too well. I'm going to really need to chew well once I get this ostomy. Thanks for letting me know about those foods that don't digest. I'll just stay away from them. What's beetroot? Is it like a beet. If so I rarely if ever eat beets nor do I do the whole cranberry thing either. So hopefully I won't have the blood look going on.haha

I'll definitely eat lots of bananas, they are one of my favorite foods. I'll also keep some marshmellows with me to eat during the day.

Thanks for the advice,

another i remembered, when you have reni, you will have a clear pouch, so the medcail staff can see whats going on.
i guarentee you will spend hours watching "reni". i did, its fasinatining, wacthing the stoma contract and relax and then push something out, all the time you cant feel a thing. maybe i was just bored? dunno but it was interesting.

beetroot is the purple stuff you have in salads, its sliced, and dyes everything purlple
lol@sharon! I did the same thing...watching Oscar at work still fascinates me! It's very surreal...

And even with a colostomy I still have undigested stuff come through...saw an entire green onion that was a bit freaky! I don't avoid those things though...they don't hurt or anything or give me any problems. It's nice being able to eat whatever I want! Popcorn is back on the list! Yay!!
haha That's good to hear that I don't have to avoid things. It's a good thing I don't like many I'll just tell my mom I don't digest corn and stuff so there is no reason to eat Maybe that will get her off my back about eating veggies, she still doesn't understand the Crohn's
Haha Cindy, I've been doing that for years. The best thing is that I'm not lying because most of the foods I can't eat I don't like anyway. The only foods I wished I could eat right now are peaches(with skin), nuts, and popcorn.

I hope when I get better to make a peach pie, I love peach pie, with fresh peaches.yum
Thanks Sharon. I'm doing okay. My stomach has been acting up like crazy. But other than that I'm doing well.
Five days until my surgery. I'm just starting to get a little nervous and excited all at the same time.haha I'll have a whole new life ahead of me once this is done. Thanks guys for being so supportive.

hold my cyber hand jeff. you will be fine.
just think once reni has settled in you will be able to eat normal stuff and go out for a walk/ride and not worry where the toilet is.
Jeff D. said:
Five days until my surgery. I'm just starting to get a little nervous and excited all at the same time.haha I'll have a whole new life ahead of me once this is done. Thanks guys for being so supportive.


Hey Jeff, We are all thinking of you and you are sooo right that you will have your whole life ahead of you without worrying about the next bathroom or the pain.
Wishing you the best wishes for quick recovery.
Thanks guys for the support. I'm about to leave for the hospital in a little bit for pre-op. They better do more than just take my blood because I don't want to drive 2 hours in thunderstorms for that. Thanks for the support, soon I'll have a new friend to get used to :)
Jeff D. said:
Thanks guys for the support. I'm about to leave for the hospital in a little bit for pre-op. They better do more than just take my blood because I don't want to drive 2 hours in thunderstorms for that. Thanks for the support, soon I'll have a new friend to get used to :)

Good Luck Jeff!!!!
Best wishes and please keep us posted
Thanks for the well wishes. It was a much better drive than I thought with very little rain. Apparently the weathermen were wrong yet again about the weather.haha

I just needed to go for my anesthesia council before surgery, I guess to save time or something. I found out my surgery is scheduled to be for an hour, that's much quicker than I thought it would be so that's really good. They also said they'd give me the lidocaine spray before I get my IV so it won't hurt when they go dig around for it. Then I was told I'd be given a tranquilizer minutes after my IV and then I'd be wheeled to the OR after that. I hope what they say is true. It should be as I'm going to be one of the first patients in the OR with a 6:30 or 7am surgery time.

Thanks guys,

Hey Jeff, glad your drive went well! Being the first in the OR is always the best when everyone is fresh and ready.
Best wishes
Been thinking about you Jeff....
it's been a long road getting to where you are..
but everything is going to be just fine and go smoothly.

I'll hold your other hand...the one without the IV.

Big hugs. :ysmile:
My stomach in bothering me so much! I wish I could take a knife and a needle and thread to give myself an ileostomy at the moment. I so can't wait for Tuesday. Am I able to send stuff to suppliers telling them I'm a new ostomy person and I want free ostomy supplies? Should I send for it now before I go into surgery?

You'll have to do it after Jeff because they'll need the size of your stoma (they vary alot and they also shrink over time...although mine didn't really...that was a bit disappointing). Don't worry, the hospital will send you home with enough supplies to last you a while.
So guys, I have one day left before my surgery. Tomorrow I'm going to go drink miralax all day with some propel water so I don't get dehydrated. I may also do an enema just in case. I don't want to have any stomach problems after due to having to my stool inside of me so I'm going to clean myself out. Today my back is killing me and for the first time in a while I'm actually getting some real intestinal pain right along my transverse colon. I can actually feel it due to how much stool I have backed up there. I really can't wait for Tuesday and I think my body can't wait for Tuesday.

Thanks for all of your support I'm praying for all of you guys

can you take your laptop in hospital with you? how will we know how you are doing?

kind thoughts are sent your way for you and "reni"
Good luck tomorrow Jeff!! I am sending you prayers and healing hugs, let us know how you are doing if you can. Everything will be just fine! :thumright:
Thanks guys, I'll have my laptop with me to keep you guys updates. Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers.
Thanks, I'm really hoping this helps me out. I'm kind of getting nervous and at the moment I can't imagine having a little red head coming out of my tummy but I'm sure I'll get over that in a few days. Just trying to prep and get all of the stool out of me as I'm pretty backed up.
YAYYY!!! it is your surgery day!!

i will be thinking of you buddy, you will do great.

have a nice lovely drug induced nap :D
Awe thanks Sharon. I'm laying here recovering in my room at the moment. I'm not in too much pain right now but I need to try and pee so they don't cath me. Thanks guys for everything, ya'll are awesome!

congrtulations jeff,
i have been following your thread and i am glad that all is well on your end so far! keep it up and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
That's fantastic Jeff...I take it things went well? Are you freaked out by Reni yet? lol
So guys, I have one day left before my surgery. Tomorrow I'm going to go drink miralax all day with some propel water so I don't get dehydrated. I may also do an enema just in case. I don't want to have any stomach problems after due to having to my stool inside of me so I'm going to clean myself out.

First of all, glad to hear everything went well so far. I hope it continues to go well for you. :)

Second, (and I am sorry, I don't mean to hijack the thread :redface: ), but I just assumed you'd HAVE to do a bowel prep before surgery. Do they not normally make you do one for an ostomy suergery? (Sorry, new to the ostomy discussion, and I am going for one this summer, but haven't actually sorted out all the details yet...).

Or it could just be that I missed something in Jeff's thread, and y'all can just ignore the majority of this post....LOL!

Anyway, once again, hope things continue to go well, Jeff, and yes, DO enjoy the wonderful "drug induced naps" ... lol
Hi Jeff....glad you are on the road to recovery...
I'm still right with you...thinking about you all the time
and sending healing hugs and prayers.
Thanks guys, I didn't have to prep at all for it but I did use my own prep. I need some urgent help. I can't pee and they are wanting to put a catheter in soon if I can't pee in a decent amount. I'm so nervous and freaked out that it's making it all worse. Thanks guys