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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. tots

    Grooming - or lack of it

    It sure can be. I hope you are able to find someome to help you out on it though. I started with my family Dr. and thats all I have needed. Get ahead of it though, its easier than waiting the amount of time I did. Lauren
  2. tots

    Announcing Diagnosis to Friends and Family

    When I was first diagnosed I was so sick people knew I had a big problem we were trying to figure out. When we moved I didn't tell anyone until my good friend and her brother were talking about it. They both have CD. We moved again and I didn't tell anyone until I started working full time and...
  3. tots

    Prednisone down to 10mgs, already flaring back up

    I saw a Rheumo in the fall. He had X-rays taken and said he say no inflammatory changes. Gave me a prescription for an anti inflammatory and sent mean my way. Ok then, why does my lower back and hips, shoulders and feet feel better while on prednisone? I have also had two bone density scans...
  4. tots

    Prednisone down to 10mgs, already flaring back up

    I have been on Prednisone for a while now. 40mgs x10 days, 30mgs x10 days, 20mgs x 10 days, now 10mgs- I am three days in on the 10 mugs. So before i went onto the Pred I caught the flu. At the same time I started having low back pain, hip pain, and while sitting it feels like my "tail bone...
  5. tots

    Diagnosed with Eye inflammation. Related to Crohn's?

    I have had Uvitis. It was painful. Very sensitive to light. Eyes watered all the time. Lauren
  6. tots

    Anyone have to Wipe a lot after going, and I mean a lot!?!?!?

    This is just the best forum- I mean where se could you have these conversations and everyone gets it. Not even your Dr unless he happens to have IBD! Anyway, yes is my answer- I use Tucks when all is said and done its soothing. Lauren
  7. tots

    Long term remission vs Cure

    I was in remission for 9 years. I still have/had trigger foods and spices. Now I have been in a flare for 6 years. remission is a beautiful thing. Lauren
  8. tots

    Prednisone its getting away from me.

    I have had these see affects before, this tie they seem to be bothering me more and I am not sure why. Its great fun! I am sure they will go away quickly when I am done with them Lauren
  9. tots

    Prednisone its getting away from me.

    Using the cash register at work is kinda funny if you know it's from Prednisone! So thankful to be off work right now Lauren
  10. tots

    Prednisone its getting away from me.

    I am back on Pred. 40 mg to 30mg now 20 mgs all for 10 days and the side affects are getting away from me! Anxiety/panic attacks, hands trembling (forget trying to light a candle) heart palpitations, a little bit more cramping. I am having a hard time finding out how to get rid of this...
  11. tots

    New here- Upper GI pain and pressure after colonoscopy today

    During a colonoscopy they put in a little air to expand the intestines, to see between the folds. Sometimes the Drs don't get all the air out. This happened to me one time and it was horrible. My pain moved uo to my right shoulder. It took about 48 hours to go away. Lauren
  12. tots

    In denial since 2013

    The journey we take just getting a diagnosis is horrible, then to hear it, digest it. I had been sick for long time, worked for a grp of 22 Drs, fast forward few months. Had a small bowel series, found a significant problem, was sent directly back to my office. My Dr handed me a few...
  13. tots

    Diagnosed yesterday....

    Getting the diagnosis was a weird thing, was not expecting something like this. That was 24 years ago. I think I am just coming to terms with the fact this is a life long and serious disease. Trying to joke my way around the disease isn't working so taking things seriously and hoping to get...
  14. tots

    Muscle stiffness muscle pain with pred & entocort?

    Well I can say waking up at 3 am and not being to sleep, my house is clean on the other hand I feel like I am on crack- or what I suppose that feels like !?! No leg pain though. Lauren
  15. tots

    Muscle stiffness muscle pain with pred & entocort?

    I cant believe there is one set of side affects I have not had yet! Down to 30 mgs of Prednisone, and no longer on Entocort. I do have the symptoms because of my low VitD though. Lauren
  16. tots

    Don't know how to be "normal" or "not sick" anymore??

    I take Wellbutrin, it has worked wonders for me. Lauren
  17. tots

    Don't know how to be "normal" or "not sick" anymore??

    I have had symptoms from the age of 4 that I can remember. I was not diagnosed until the age of 28. I am not sure I ever knew what normal was. I threw up ALL THE TIME as a kid. Chronic diarrhea. I was a classic skinny little kid that really didn't grow well. Go figure, looking back the Dr said...
  18. tots


    Symptoms of Low Vit D, Low energy, aches and pains, brain fog, mood swings and difficulty sleeping. I am not sure even Drs take enough interest in this. I was at 18 and my Dr thought it was an emergency. Started me on the Vit. As I said he accidently gave me to much but, I felt really good...
  19. tots

    Advantages of Crohns...

    Well, I have become a regular at the movie theater across the street from where I live. All leather recliners, serves food and drinks right to your seat. Even if I don't feel well I can go over and see movie curl up with a blanket and i am good to go! Ofcourse when I do go with my husband a...
  20. tots

    What would you have told yourself prior to dx?

    I was Dx about 26 years ago and I am still learning so much about myself. The most important is respecting the disease and listen to what my body is telling me. My tests results don't always give the Drs a real reflection of whats happening inside. So its ok to be persistent. when I wasn't, my...