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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. GirlFriday

    How much do you work?

    I work 30 hours a week. 7.5 hrs a day, Monday to Thursday. I used to work 5 days but I don't think I could go back to that right now. Feel so awful at the moment it is a struggle to work the 4 days.
  2. GirlFriday

    Thanks, Crohnsforum

    Fenway that is such a lovely thing to say! It is so true - I find if I ever have those 'panic' moments where I am thinking about Crohn's and the future, and what can go wrong too much, just remembering this place is here gives my brain a sigh of relief :) Although you may not know me very well...
  3. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Aww thanks Kello :) My relief has faded somewhat today, and I am actually feeling a little bit upset and anxious. The reality is that I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago and I had 'mild' Crohn's disease, with a few small ulcers and no scarring. Now from the sounds of my doctors letter it has gotten a...
  4. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Misscris and Jillian - should we start a petition? Lol :) appleadams your indicator comment made me laugh - I can image that it would add an extra level of embarrasment to the whole thing!
  5. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy - was i sedated properly?

    Gosh cheeky, that sounds horrible! I have had 2, and both times I was completley knocked out and can't remember a thing. 8 members of my family have had to have colonoscopys (no genetic link my ass!) and none of them have ever been awake. In fact here in Australia I have never heard of anyone...
  6. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Thanks soupdragon and coachvee - it is suh a relief to have it over and finished. I am glad there is a few of us who can commiserate with he good looking Doctors. Kello your story made me smile (and wince in sympathy.. lol)
  7. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Oh, and of course thanks so much to all of you for cheering me up with your funny stories yesterday! You made me feel much better. I love this place! And not just because I could picture you all as assorted roast meat while I was hungry.. :)
  8. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Hello all, Well my Extremley Good Looking Butt Doctor did his butt doctor thing today, and I have survived my endoscopy/colonoscopy :) News wasn't so great I guess (although a lot of what he said is a bit fuzzy from the drugs lol.) While my endoscopy was clear which means it hasn't spread to my...
  9. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Haha Marissa I'm glad to hear someone else has to suffer through the curse of the Extremley Good Looking Butt Doctor. There should be a law against it I think. My first GI was an older man with silver hair and twinkly eyes. Perfectly fine, I could handle that. THEN he had to retire and be...
  10. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Thanks guys for all the answers! MBH - my Dr gave me a printed list of instructions which says I should drink the first lot at 1pm, the second lot 90 minutes later and the third lot an hour after that. I'm going to do that. get it all over nice and quick ;) I'm not stressing anymore about the...
  11. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Thanks all. I know I wont actually die of embarresment - it just feels that Seriously though I'm really glad you mentioned telling the nurse - I wouldn't have thought of that. Oh WHY does my Doctor have to be so good looking? It is just wrong. If anyone has the answer to my first...
  12. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

    Hi all, I am booked in to have a colonoscopy/endoscopy on Friday to see if my Crohns has gotten worse. Tomorrow is my fun day of fasting and taking Picoprep. I just have a couple of questions about the prep.. 1) I read that some of you mix the stuff with Gatorade - I am going to do that too but...
  13. GirlFriday

    Surgery Time

    Oh Kello, I really have my fingers crossed that this will all start getting better for you soon. That this experience can soon be something you are looking back on, not going through. Best of luck to you x
  14. GirlFriday


    Hey! I am finally a full member now! :) I have been waiting for that 'new member' thing to dissapear. 30 is the lucky number - who knew?
  15. GirlFriday


    Haha thanks - gotta come up with a good hook to get people reading.. ;) Replying on the other hand is another matter, Lol. I will have a look for those products you girls mentioned. I also went into the chemist today and the lady told me about a liquid one that you put in water or juice and it...
  16. GirlFriday


    I just got my blood test results back and my iron is pretty low, which explains some of my fatigue, breathlessness etc. My Dr told me to start taking iron tablets asap, which I did but it has made my crohns worse. A lot worse. So what to do? I know low iron is a pretty common symptom, and I'm...
  17. GirlFriday


    Welcome Kailua! You have come to the right place to get information, understanding and sympathy. Wow having a husband, 5 children and a dog would keep you busy enough without having to deal with this awful disease. Remember to give yourself plenty of time to rest - you really need it so that you...
  18. GirlFriday

    I may be sane

    Wooby I really hope the consultant will have some answers for you. It sounds like you have been suffering terribly, and you just shouldn't have to. If it is crohns i hope it is *finally* diagnosed for you so you can start getting treatment and getting better. I will be keeping my fingers crossed...
  19. GirlFriday

    Colonoscopy Prep!

    I feel your pain misscris! I have never heard of pill only, but any way you do it isn't fun right? My 2nd colonoscopy/endoscopy is for the 10th of next month. The first time, I had Picoprep and it made me throw up so much my colonoscopy nearly got called off because my blood pressure was low...
  20. GirlFriday

    Discrimination at my work?

    What an awful situation LittleMissValentine! I don't blame you for being upset and angry. Even aside from the fact that you have an unpredictable chronic illness *which you informed them about from the beggining* I can't believe they would get like that over 1 missed day. If you missed a week or...