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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. cre

    New Crohn's Diagnosis

    welcome malorymug, i am sorry to hear of your sons diagnosis. I too am new to the forum with a just turned 3 year old diagnosed with CD. I am already feeling comforted by the others on the forum as I hope you are also. Good luck to you and your family and i hope to hear soon that he is...
  2. cre

    How long did YOU wait for biopsy results?

    we had positive biopsy results within a couple of days. I would continue to call and check for results. They should be letting you know either way Good luck to you!
  3. cre

    Son just diagnosed - how do you deal with colds?

    My son has recently been diagnosed with Crohn's and I'm curious how do you deal with the common cold and/or sickness? I hope you get over this and start feeling better soon!!!
  4. cre

    Has food sensitivity testing helped?

    I am thinking of doing food sensitivity testing for my 3 year old that has recently been diagnosed with CD. Just wondering if anyone has tried this and if it has significantly helped?
  5. cre

    Trying to learn as much as possible

    I am very excited to have found this Crohn's Forum!!! My son (2 1/2 at the time) was very sick for 3 months, seeing multiple doctors, on and off antibiotics, diagnosed with HSP, Staph, Strep and other various illnesses. After losing much weight and us beginning to lose hope he was admitted...