How long did YOU wait for biopsy results?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 6, 2014
I would make this a poll, but I have a few questions. I had a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy Monday, May 5. My GI found some inflammation and took a couple biopsies. I still haven't gotten any results. Should I assume no news is good news? Everyone keeps telling me if it was CD or UC, they would've told me the results by now. How long did you wait for your biopsy results? Were they positive or negative? I have been anxiously awaiting the results ever since they told me they'd call with them by the end of the week my procedure was done... which would've been Friday, May 9. My mom even called, and they said they didn't have the results...
I'm in the UK so waiting times are a lot longer.. It took me over a month to get my results... No news sometimes means good news, but results get held up for lots of reasons, sometimes the doctor forgets to call, sometimes they'd rather do it in person, sometimes they need to look at things again because the diagnosis isn't clear.

Give it a few more days and then call again, even if the results are clear you should be properly told
we had positive biopsy results within a couple of days. I would continue to call and check for results. They should be letting you know either way Good luck to you!
For us it would typically take about 10 days for pathology to review and report on biopsies, have the report signed off and then sent to the doctor. With that in mind I normally wait about 2 weeks before ringing.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx