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  1. emmaaaargh

    Capri Sun Drinks Caution

    Ew. I used to love Capri Sun, but now I'm quite glad I haven't touched one in a few years!
  2. emmaaaargh

    Acidic food?

    I can't eat tomatoes at all anymore. Ketchup is okay, but pasta sauce or tomato soup will just make me vomit because it's so acidic. D:
  3. emmaaaargh

    My story so far- recently diagnosed.

    I don't have anything particularly helpful or inspiring to add, but I did want to say welcome to the forum and you're welcome to PM me about anything!! I've never been on an NG tube, but I HAVE had to do the elemental route. Ugh, it's awful! Okay, I'm rambling. I just wanted to extend a warm...
  4. emmaaaargh

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    They told me it would take three months and were pretty pushy about it too. They wanted to put me on Infliximab, but I'm not ready to go there yet, so I refused - and after about maaaaybe five months it started working? So yeah - it did take a while for me.
  5. emmaaaargh

    Azathoprine and cravings

    Ahhh I've been on Aza for 9 months now and I was starting to wonder why I'm so into salt these days! I used to be the biggest salt eater ever, but my craving for it went away and now it's back. Ugh, if only there could be some sort of healthy (or at least less bad) salt substitute!
  6. emmaaaargh

    A levels/GCSEs/exams/school in general

    I just wanted to say good luck to you all!! I'm just a year 10, so no major exams for me yet (although these controlled assessments are just the perfect thing to stop me RELAXING during term time, wow!).
  7. emmaaaargh

    Adults Who Were Diagnosed As Children Support Group

    While I'm not an adult yet, I wanted to pop in here because I've been through this and come out the other side. When I was in primary school, I was teased quite a lot. At first, I ignored them - doesn't sound too helpful, but I threw myself into academics and am still using them to cope to this...
  8. emmaaaargh

    Teens with Ulcertive Colitis or Crohn's Support Group

    Oh wow!!! I didn't even know this was here. It's a great idea! :D
  9. emmaaaargh

    Questions about the pill camera

    I had a pillcam once, but I didn't need any prep for it. Just told not to eat x hours before, not to drink y hours. You can eat and drink at certain times after the pill has gone down - can't remember exactly but it was a relief after the fasting! The pill was actually way easier to get down...
  10. emmaaaargh

    Foods you avoid?

    Fatty/greasy foods and red meat are my trigger foods - I don't touch them anymore, which is a shame, because I used to LOVE any excuse for a takeaway. :)
  11. emmaaaargh

    Do or did you own a cat or dog.

    We had no pets before diagnosis - I only got my dogs 3 or 4 years after I was diagnosed. :) The study really interests me, though!
  12. emmaaaargh

    Onion and garlic in IBD

    Interestingly, both onion and garlic are fine for me. If there's one thing I can't stand it's bland food - they're essentials for me! :)
  13. emmaaaargh

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    It took me almost... 6 months for my Aza to start working (well, I was only on 35mg half the time, but that's another story) but I feel like it's finally starting to work and I am so relieved!! When I first started I had to force myself to eat and I was dropping weight like nobody's business but...
  14. emmaaaargh

    What time of day do you take your Imuran?

    I was wary of getting nauseous when taking Imuran, so I never took it at any other time except before bed. Works fine - and I think I might be sleeping better, too! :)
  15. emmaaaargh

    In general, how do you feel on a day to day basis?

    I'm about an 8 right now. Would be a total 10 if I was in remission - but alas! I am not :) Still, I hope my Aza is working (at least I think it is) so yeah.
  16. emmaaaargh

    Is this linked to my AZA?

    I've also found by personal experience and talking to others that a horrible feeling of just being sick, like really bad flu, is common in the first couple of weeks of taking Aza. I got it and my parents were so concerned they took me to the hospital and I had to hang around all day waiting for...
  17. emmaaaargh

    Crohn's and Colitis UK walks 2013

    Oooh! I rather fancy going on the London one. I'll drag a friend or two with me, though, since London freaks me out a little (especially weird, since I spent the first three years of my life there!)
  18. emmaaaargh

    Stricture Surgery Advice

    I don't mind answering questions! I was in the hospital for... I'm not actually sure. I think it was 3-5 days, but I would have been out faster had they noticed that I was still on morphine. I was only supposed to be on morphine for the day of the surgery, but some clever person never came...
  19. emmaaaargh

    Stricture Surgery Advice

    My surgery was laparoscopic, which probably accounted to my recovery time. I could sit up pretty much as soon as I, uh, woke up. After my surgery I did a six-week course of EEN to allow bowel rest and make for easier healing. After that I carried on with my Pentasa since I'm pretty sure I was...
  20. emmaaaargh

    Just feeling down again.

    Thank you both for replying - and so fast, too! Johnnysmom, I don't think we get Carnation Instant Breakfast over here but I did try something similar (can't remember its name right now - shows how bad my memory is!). I guess I will just have to cry cramming calories in - but it's so hard. My...