Foods you avoid?

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Mar 28, 2013
I was just wondering what foods you avoid. I know we are all different and different foods affect us all differently but is there certain foods that just bother you.

It seems like when I try to lose weight (yes, I need to lose about 20 lbs), I try to increase my veggies/fruits, but end up with problems. I can't just consume carbs all the time because I am prediabetic.
Hi Sandy,

I have problems with fried and greasy foods like fish n chips, they make me feel really sick afterwards.

When I was flaring badly I also avoided coffee, spicy food and alcohol; I can tolerate these in moderate amounts now so they are treats, not regular. I'm trying to eat a lot of fruit and veg now I'm feeling better as I also had to avoid them in a flare. I'm not lactose intolerant but I find almond milk leaves me less bloated than cow's milk so I have that in the morning.

Do you have a list of safe foods you can eat without problems? x
I avoid foods with fiber because I have strictures. I also try to avoid anything spicy or with too many sauces or herbs. I try to keep it plain.
I try not to have too much fiber as I have learned I get more easily backed up and in discomfort from it now with Crohn's.

I especially avoid broccoli like the plague. Trying to digest this very high fiber veggie brings on the most excruciating pain for me!

I don't drink much milk. I pretty much stick to almond milk and occasionally soy milk. I definitely don't drink cold milk by itself anymore but if I want a hot chocolate or milkshake (with bananas in it) I will as a rare treat. I can eat other dairy products fine with the exception of cream-based foods.

I avoid cream-based foods and carbonated beverages as much as possible though I do not avoid them altogether. Too much of it though can cause a lot of gas, cramping and bathroom discomforts.
Daughter with Crohn's for 7 years has been successfully following the SCD diet. Son will start the diet, when he stops drinking Peptamen in 5 weeks.
I would suggest getting very familiar with your specific areas of inflammation--prove it with various scopes/pill cams over the years. Then consider whether YOUR problem foods are associated directly with the segments of the digestive tract (from mouth on down) that are inflamed. If people would, ideally, match their disease profile with others of like inflammation locales, then you could compare notes to get a more telling list of foods to avoid.

Obviously if you have a more significant structural problem, like a stricture, then it is safe to assume anything bulky would cause problems from time to time. But minor patches of inflammation, which I have a handful of, could perhaps be associated with foods that are broken down in those areas.

Maybe that is too much of a generalization, or not. However, I personally associate my coffee(caffeine) intolerance with slight inflammation directly at the beginning of my small intestines. On that note, I have since reversed that specific intolerance with the supplement NAG (n-acetylglucosamine), just one pill a day. Whether this is helping any other problem areas, I have no idea. All I know is that is the only change I've made, and I can now drink coffee daily--for over a month now.
Fatty/greasy foods and red meat are my trigger foods - I don't touch them anymore, which is a shame, because I used to LOVE any excuse for a takeaway. :)
Alton Brown had a deep-frying episode where he talked about how important it is to keep the oil at the correct temperature because that keeps the food from absorbing much of it. He measured the unused oil, when he was done and had close to the amount that he started with. So, I bought a deep-fryer. :lol2:
Right now I have a big list. My "trigger foods" are: Gluten, dairy, rice, oats, nuts, corn and vegetable oils. The rice and oats are new things that popped up in the last two months, and that was the beginning of this flare. Since I had no idea I even HAD crohns until a week ago, I'm not sure what I'll be able to eat once this is under control. I'd love to add some things back in. Gluten will never be an option (they thought I had Celiac - eating any gluten causes extreme joint pain, dizziness, moodiness, fatigue)
Alton Brown had a deep-frying episode where he talked about how important it is to keep the oil at the correct temperature because that keeps the food from absorbing much of it. He measured the unused oil, when he was done and had close to the amount that he started with. So, I bought a deep-fryer. :lol2:

Good to know!! We've been toying with the idea of buying a deep fryer for years but we just can't bring ourselves to do it.....because we would use it far far too often.