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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. emmaaaargh

    Recently Diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at 17

    Welcome to the forum! It's super supportive here, even though we're all sorry you had to join us :) I was diagnosed with Crohn's just after my 9th birthday - I'm 18 now - and honestly I think the best advice I can give you is to remember to take care of yourself. It's really important to look...
  2. emmaaaargh

    Surgery Bowel Prep

    This is a really interesting thread! I wonder why there's such inconsistency? I had two enemas before my surgery - one at midnight the night before (before which I could eat as I wanted, but hadn't since about 4pm that day) and one at 6am on the morning of the procedure. Absolutely horrific...
  3. emmaaaargh

    Update on my life

    Thanks everyone for your advice - I don't know how I missed replying to it, but I read both posts and took them to heart. I also decided that I'd resurrect this thread instead of starting a new one, since it'd be better to have everything in order. So I think I've mostly reconciled myself to...
  4. emmaaaargh

    Adhesion vs Inflammation partial obstruction

    Don't worry about the questions! I'm happy to help :) I remember my bowels being a little bit sore (not too clear on this, though, since my last obstruction was at the start of this year) but it felt more like muscle ache after a workout, maybe because of all the vomiting. After the obstructions...
  5. emmaaaargh

    Adhesion vs Inflammation partial obstruction

    I've had three bowel obstructions caused by adhesions over the last year or so. They typically took about a day or two before they resolved (never thought I'd feel so relieved to vomit) once I stopped eating anything so it's pretty much become a routine for me to just lie in the foetal position...
  6. emmaaaargh

    Update on my life

    Hi, everyone! I hope you're all okay at the moment. I realised that I've not been posting very much as of late so I wanted to give you an update as to where I've been over the last few months. A lot has happened so I'm also hoping that typing it out will let me sort it out in my head! So I...
  7. emmaaaargh

    Disgusted by Food

    Oh PixieGirl, I'm so sorry that you're going through this, and I'm sorry I didn't see this post sooner! I had exactly the same issue a few years ago, and I'm really sorry that I don't have much good advice to give, but I can really only offer you my support. My appetite didn't come back until my...
  8. emmaaaargh

    Patent on remicade question.

    In the UK Remicade used to be known as simply infliximab, the nonproprietary name. Now in the EU two biosimilars, Remsima and Inflectra, have been approved, both with the active ingredient of infliximab, which makes referring to Remicade as just infliximab all the more confusing so I suppose...
  9. emmaaaargh

    How long for azathioprine?

    I was on 75mg initially for maybe 6 months before I noticed any difference, but my doctor upped my dose to 100mg in January and I've been feeling great. I understand your frustration about the weight thing - I'm 5'0 and about 93lbs and I've been told exactly the same thing, "put some more weight...
  10. emmaaaargh

    Barely any friends

    I agree with Bubblemint - friends that don't support you and claim you're just making excuses are not the type of friends you need. That said, I'm not super popular myself, so I know how isolating it feels! But I just wanted to back up that there are the right people for you out there, it might...
  11. emmaaaargh

    Dumb Doctors

    I agree with Jennifer - 6MP and azathioprine take a long time to start working and it's way too common for GIs to have their patients wean off their course of steroids too early, so it's not bridging the gap until the long-term meds start working. I was on azathioprine (and off prednisone) for...
  12. emmaaaargh

    Teens with Ulcertive Colitis or Crohn's Support Group

    Hi CanadianCrohnie! I'm in a similar boat to you - I'm 17, diagnosed at 9, and I'm off to university in September (hopefully, if nothing goes drastically wrong during exam season...). I don't really know how I'm going to handle it, to be honest, I'm just going to give it a go and deal with any...
  13. emmaaaargh

    Crohn's and Ultimate Frisbee

    Hiya cmack! Welcome to the forum, although I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Please try not to worry too much about your ability to take part in sport with Crohn's. As has already been said: there are SO many sportspeople with Crohn's or UC and so many of them are currently healthy and...
  14. emmaaaargh

    Want to talk to people like me

    Hiya Sumayya! Sorry you have to be here, but welcome! It's really supportive here, I've found myself checking it as much as I do Facebook :) I can't speak much about experience with abscesses/fistulas or stomas since I've had neither. It sounds like so much to go through in one year though! Is...
  15. emmaaaargh

    Hi! I'm new and my story pretty much sucks!

    Hi Ravioli! Congratulations on your exams and getting to sixth form, and I'm glad you're doing well! I know what you mean about teachers being nicer to you than usual - but I'd just look at it like this: they know about your illness, which means that when things get bad they'll be accommodating...
  16. emmaaaargh

    What time day

    I take it at night, because I figured I'd sleep through any side effects. It works well - I sleep perfectly fine, no disturbances at all, and no pain either!
  17. emmaaaargh

    Small for age

    A little bit of an update - next month I'll be 17, and I'm still barely 5'0! My GI says he'll do a bone age scan once I'm 21, but won't my growth plates have already closed by then???? It seems so counter-intuitive.
  18. emmaaaargh

    Need someone to talk to

    Hi danialys! Welcome to the forum, though I'm sorry you have to be here ): I don't have lymphocytic colitis, I have Crohn's, but I wanted to send you my support anyway. I read your other thread - what medication are you on, and how long have you been on it? It does seem odd that your doctors...
  19. emmaaaargh

    Do you take someone to your GI appointments?

    I was 9 when I was diagnosed! I think the young age was definitely a factor in my independence. From the start I always wanted to be the one in control of my treatment - I'm the kind of person that hates not knowing what's going on. I was a really shy kid, though, (to be honest I still am!) so...
  20. emmaaaargh

    Do you take someone to your GI appointments?

    I normally go alone nowadays. Since I was diagnosed as a child my parents always came with me, but now I'm able to go alone (our hospital requires children under 16 to always have a parent with them for outpatient appointments + phlebotomy) so I do! I don't need them to be my advocate any more...