Disgusted by Food

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Jan 31, 2013
I no longer feel the need to eat. I don't get hungry.
Every time I try to make myself eat, I gag and can't get myself to swallow.
If I go to get a snack, I take one look at my options and walk away thinking, "Why would I want to eat that."
This kind of started when certain foods I liked were wiped off my diet list because of my crohns. Now I'm so tired of the foods I use to like, (that I could still eat.) that everything is as bland as cardboard.
How are you doing now PixieGirl? Have you tried different spices to see if anything perks your appetite a bit?
Oh PixieGirl, I'm so sorry that you're going through this, and I'm sorry I didn't see this post sooner! I had exactly the same issue a few years ago, and I'm really sorry that I don't have much good advice to give, but I can really only offer you my support. My appetite didn't come back until my Crohn's started to get under control, and no matter what others suggested, nothing seemed to work. I think a bit of advice I can offer to you is that, if something does suddenly sound good to you, even if it seems a bit weird or out of place, go ahead and eat it. For example, I started eating out of order, with typical breakfast/lunch/dinner foods all mixed up because I just ate what I fancied at the time. What my family were eating wouldn't work out for me at all - I had to start thinking about my food separately from them. My appetite came back pretty incrementally, and I still have good days and bad days. But I think the number one thing I'd say is please, please don't beat yourself up about it. This isn't your fault and I know how awful it is to try and force yourself to eat, but it will come back to you. Stay strong until then!
Oh PixieGirl, I'm so sorry that you're going through this, and I'm sorry I didn't see this post sooner! I had exactly the same issue a few years ago, and I'm really sorry that I don't have much good advice to give, but I can really only offer you my support. My appetite didn't come back until my Crohn's started to get under control, and no matter what others suggested, nothing seemed to work. I think a bit of advice I can offer to you is that, if something does suddenly sound good to you, even if it seems a bit weird or out of place, go ahead and eat it. For example, I started eating out of order, with typical breakfast/lunch/dinner foods all mixed up because I just ate what I fancied at the time. What my family were eating wouldn't work out for me at all - I had to start thinking about my food separately from them. My appetite came back pretty incrementally, and I still have good days and bad days. But I think the number one thing I'd say is please, please don't beat yourself up about it. This isn't your fault and I know how awful it is to try and force yourself to eat, but it will come back to you. Stay strong until then!

Even if it sounds good at the time, it suddenly seems gross as soon as I look at it. :ack:
I feel really bad for you. I experienced loss of appetite too. I really liked hot teas, peppermint candies, anything that I thought might soothe my stomach. Since I had surgery I do have my appetite again. It's a blessing that I never take for granted. It's so rough sometimes. I hope someday they'll find a cure for this disease. So many people are suffering with it.