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- Dec 30, 2016
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Hey everyone! I've been looking around this forum for advice and stuff for the past month or so and I finally decided to make an account and share my recent experiences with Crohn's disease.
Before my diagnosis on the 1st of this month I had been having stomach pain, nausea and a couple of other stomach-related problems for a little over a year. At first it was tolerable and I wrote it off as just food poisoning or a bad stomach bug. As time went on however, it started to get worse. It got so bad in fact that I was doubled over in pain most days and missed a lot of school.
After a particularly bad week my parents took me to my pediatric doctor and she sent us to a gastroenterologist. After checking me out she immediately knew something was wrong. They told me I'd go through a bunch of tests to rule out the different things it could be, since there are a lot of things that could be causing my symptoms. A couple of tests later I ended up having both an EGD and Colonoscopy with biopsies. After receiving the results, they were pretty sure they knew what it was; Crohn's Disease.
After the scopes they didn't tell me it was 100% sure, but they said it was very likely that I had Crohn's. I had to do a couple more tests after that and in that time I had only gotten worse. I dropped to only 110 lbs, the muscles in the top part of my right leg had swollen so much it caused me to walk with a limp and it used to take so much out of me just to get around the house or get up in the morning. On December 1st my gastro doctor finally diagnosed me with Crohn's disease and prescribed me prednisone 5mg to take eight times a day (four in the morning and four at night and then taper down by 1 tablet a week), mesalamine 1.5g, azathioprine 50mg and ondansetron 4mg to take when I feel nauseous. She also recommended I take iron tablets for my anemia and Vitamin D supplements since I wouldn't be going outside as often.
I've never been one to be able to take pills easily so to say it was hard adjusting to taking that much medication would be an understatement, especially the giant mesalamine capsules. I was only on those for two weeks before I started having a horrible cramping pain in the lower right side of my stomach. I eventually ended up in the hospital on the 21st. I got a cat-scan and they found that I had an abscess the size of an orange laying right on top of my appendix. They put a drain through my back to get to it and hooked me up to an IV through a picc line. When they weighed me I had dropped down to only 100lbs. I'm still in the hospital, I'll be here until the 5th which is my next cat-scan. It sucks that I had to spend Christmas here and that I'll have to spend New Years here too but I've been having family and friends visit so it isn't that bad. They put me on TPN and antibiotics as well as a couple of other medications that I can't remember.
I'm recovering very quickly, I haven't had extreme belly pain since the drain was put in and I can even walk around on my own again! They put me on only TPN at first but I've worked my way up to a low residue diet. I've gained back 13lbs since I arrived. If my cat-scan on the 5th looks good then they'll remove the drain that day and I'll be able to go home soon after. I'll still have the picc line, TPN and antibiotics but I might be able to take the antibiotics orally and they're currently working on speeding up the TPN so that there are hours in the day where I'm not hooked up to the IV.
So, that's my story so far. I'll update this thread once I get my cat-scan or get any more news on my current situation.
Does anyone have any advice for dealing with Crohn's in the future? I would love to hear the experiences of people who have had Crohn's for a while and how they live with it.
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