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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Colt

    Multiple Vaccinations and Autoimmune disease

    There's no illness, autoimmune or otherwise, that only happens in vaccinated people. Nor is there an increased likelihood of any illness (or onset of illness) due to vaccinations (with the exception of allergic reactions of course). Side effects are simply that. The vaccine would not work...
  2. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    Your surgeon was BSing you. Prevalence is around 12% for people who will develop it at some point. In those cases there's always a cause. Almost all of them have alcoholism, diabetes, and/or obesity. None of which come close to describing me. Thanks for the solidarity, though it's also a little...
  3. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    I've never presented with high hemoglobin/hemocrit. In fact, they've usually been at the bottom end of normal. Hemochromatosis is clearly not the cause of my problems. Also, my liver is not enlarged (though it could lead to that eventually). It has a focal fatty infiltrate. Being focal instead...
  4. Colt

    Colloidal silver "cured" my crohns disease

    I hate that I have to keep reminding people of this but: Silver is a toxic metal. Yes, it was used in medicine as an anti-microbial prior to the invention of antibiotics but so was mercury. It can kill you.
  5. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    To keep it up to date the CT came back with nothing.. except fatty liver. There's no reason it should be there. I have absolutely no risk factors for it whatsoever but it's there anyway (well, other than it can be caused by IBD). It could explain some of my abdominal pain and it makes my GI look...
  6. Colt

    Getting really frustrated

    Things are pretty screwed up at this point. I don't know what to think anymore. IBS frankly doesn't fit better than anything else. None of the tests seem to come back like they're supposed to. I'm as white as it gets without being albino, I can sun bathe all day, take a multi-vitamin, drink 5...
  7. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    CT came back relatively fine, as well as the blood work. At this point it just looks like an extremely severe case of IBS. Crohns' contribution at the moment is very little. Unfortunately, what would be relatively mild inflammation and erosion in my stomach/duodenum gets magnified many times...
  8. Colt

    CBC test results are liars!

    Bergy's got it. There is nothing in current medical technology that can ever prove you don't have crohn's. Most tests in general don't even have very good accuracy rates. This is why when you're in the hospital they draw the same tests multiple times. Unfortunately most doctors don't really know...
  9. Colt

    Crohn's and heart issues...

    I have mystery tachycardia with an unstable pulse rate. No one really cares why. They're just giving me atenelol for it, raising the dose each visit. Apparently I'll be on it for the rest of my life.
  10. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    Yes, I could see that. They would do a CBC and determine that if there was a nail in their foot they must have a low red count due to bleeding and an infection from the dirty wound. After all, you can't have a nail in your foot without severe bleeding and infection.
  11. Colt

    Stopping Entocort Cold Turkey

    There's no need to taper from entocort because it is very localized and has little to no effect on your adrenel gland. If you feel bad going off of it it's because it's no longer suppresing the symptoms.
  12. Colt

    C-reactive protein

    I had a CRP done 9 months ago which came back 3.6. I had been on high doses of pred for 6 months though. I had another one drawn 3 days ago and with my luck it'll come back normal as well so my doctors can yell at me again. I'm 6 mouse clicks from the results right now and the suspense is...
  13. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    I'm in the midwest actually. The main issue here are the negative tests I had when I was on high doses of pred. When I first came in they were convinced it was crohn's based on my symptoms. It's still standard uncomplicated crohn's disease but they are convinced that crohn's is extremely easy...
  14. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    I had another appointment. They wouldn't even talk to me about my stomach. All I got was 'It's not H. Pylori. It's just inflammation.' They refused to discuss a cause, prognosis, treatment plan, or anything else. Basically one of their residents went looking for crohn's, found it, and now...
  15. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    No sign of H. Pylori. Findings were chronic inflamation. No signs of acute inflammation. H. Pylori causes acute inflammation. No granulomas noticed in the biopsies they took, which I'll bet my doctor takes as it can't be crohn's. In reality granulomas are difficult to find with crohn's of the...
  16. Colt

    What do you do for a living/job/career? Any advice for me?

    I'm a phlebotomist at a major university hospital. I work 4 10.5-hour days from 4:30A-3P. Honestly, it's surprisingly very physical work. I am responsible for so many patients that many days I'm going at a full sprint for the entire shift. Bending over bed rails and so on, especially with my...
  17. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    I'm in Nova Scotia at the moment. Finishing up the last of my 2 week vacation here. My activity here has gone to pretty much zero with the combination of this vacation and my lack of internet at home (my mother-in-law finally moved out and we've been too busy to get various things switched...
  18. Colt

    Teen diagnosed herself with Crohns

    Mistakes like that are made all the time. Quite often the person doing the test doesn't really pay attention because they don't really care. They just need to get their work done. How that work affects you means nothing to them. Just yesterday one of my co-workers sent up a tube of blood for a...
  19. Colt

    Lower right side is throbbing, belt line is on fire.

    It shows up in the computer log who looked at what when and they do audits about once a year where they run a search for when the patient and viewer match. It's a big deal for entirely different reasons than what they state officially. Officially it's wasting work time. Hospitals and doctors...
  20. Colt

    Lower right side is throbbing, belt line is on fire.

    Try drawing one test after another for 10 hours straight on people who 80% of the time have no legitimate reason to have that test done. Oh yes, and draw the same set of tests on the same people somewhere between every 2 to 24 hours. Then have your doctor refuse to draw even a single blood test...