CBC test results are liars!

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Mar 18, 2009
I know there is a post somewhere in this forum on this topic....but I couldn't find it. Anyway...

Okay, so for several months now I have been feeling like my Crohn's was active again. I had my new doctor (I moved recently) run a CBC in Feb., Mar. and June. All of them came back normal (except the one in June showed low protein levels) and my doctor said that I was fine, even though I was symptomatic! Well, I have gotten so fed up with the doctor acting like I am crazy, that I made an appointment with my old gastro (he is three hours away from me) and had a colonoscopy preformed. Well, he found all sorts of stuff wrong in there. Yah! I am not crazy, but boo the Crohn's is back. I am all ulcerated in my terminal ileum and I will have to get an upper GI done now too.

So, I guess that your Crohn's can still be active even with normal CBC results. I hope this is helpful!
Mine were always "normal," except for a high white blood cell count. It was not till I had my colonoscopy done that the CD was found. 2 weeks later I had an upper GI as well that removed several more ulcers.

Thanks for the information :)
Although I haven't been diagnosed, my CBC panels have been coming back normal, too (even my WBC) so whatever that is causing me pain (Crohn's, UC, infection, or God forbid colon cancer) my blood work isn't showing squat. I'm sorry you're feeling crappy again, but I'm glad to know there's someone else out there with normal blood work because I'm getting sick of people insinuating I'm exaggerating the symptoms or looking for attention, ugh!
Tests usually or only good to prove you have something. They often do not rule out a condition. Some doctors do not seem to know that for some reason. Many of these tests are not that accurate, and some rely on a reaction from the immune system to detect anything. If your immune system does not react normally, the test is garbage.

Bergy's got it. There is nothing in current medical technology that can ever prove you don't have crohn's. Most tests in general don't even have very good accuracy rates. This is why when you're in the hospital they draw the same tests multiple times. Unfortunately most doctors don't really know what the tests actually are or how to interpret them. I see them screw up all the time doing things like ordering the wrong test.
Yup what Dan said is pretty correct. Essentially they balance these tests to get acceptable (definition varies from person to person really) rates of false positives and false negatives depending on what the screen is for. So depending on the implications of a misdiagnosis, they have to optimize for either FP or FN and then improve the other over time if possible. So always take tests with a grain of salt. Its the reason that the blood tests for crohns are only used as confirmation or a way to determine if a colonoscopy is needed.
I guess CBC are not helpful in defining inflammtion status in your body. CRP and ESR are more helpful....
I know it's been a while since people posted in this thread, but I have been having bad abdominal pains since July of this year and have been going to doctor after doctor, even been to the hospital and no one can tell me whats wrong. I had blood work done, CBC, CRP and ESR. All normal. The doctor said it might be IBS and gave me medicine to calm my system, but it doesn't work. I'm waiting to hear back from him now. My grandmother had Crohn's and I've done a lot of research and that is what it seems like it is. I just want answers but no one can tell me anything.
Hey, Ransom! The best thing to do would be to post under "Your Story" and give us all the details so we can try to help you :)

Sorry you're feeling so crappy!

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