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  1. Robrich

    I've treated my perianal abscess!!!

    Congrats on your success. Your persistence paid off. Do you have crohns?
  2. Robrich

    No idea what to do, seriously need some help

    Is it your doc who keeps saying contact us or the insurance co.? If it's your doc that inexcusable. I've changed docs over stuff like that. Medication insecurity is a big issue for us all. I always try to have enough med's to last a month just n case. A good doc will work with you on that. If...
  3. Robrich

    But you don't look sick...

    Man with Crohns Disease Posts Facebook Photo Showing That Just Because He 'Looks Normal' Doesn't Mean He Isn't Disabled
  4. Robrich

    Medications for fistulas? Please help!

    Earthshine antibiotics can work too. Flagyl and cipro together are the usual protocol Probably a better choice for you than remicade as they would likely work on non crohns fistulas while remicade likely won't. Diagnosis is really important in deciding on treatment
  5. Robrich

    What would you do? Perianal Fistula

    Humira has helped people as well Both are for crohns and may not work if the cause is not crohns. Fistulas are very hard to heal. Good luck
  6. Robrich

    Loosing my Insurance, what are my options?

    Potty time yes. Believe so but you would have to confirm. The new insurer would require a letter from your current employer or whoever provided the insurance. I believe you have 60 days for the life changing event to get new insurance. Open enrollment I believe lasts through February.
  7. Robrich

    Loosing my Insurance, what are my options?

    You can go directly to the private surface companies that offer coverage in your state. An nsurance broker might be helpful for you. He gets compensated by the Ins.. Co. They have to take you during the open enrollment period which I think just started. Cost is age based. Coverage is better than...
  8. Robrich

    What would you do? Perianal Fistula

    Both I would say. Should clear up any nflammation, stop the disease process and allow your body to heal
  9. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    Most likely an abscess. Are you on any antibiotics? I would be.
  10. Robrich

    Avoiding Surgery

    Haha yes you have a higher risk of colon cancer if you have a colon than if you didn't My feeling is its best to keep what you have as long as you can. There is no guarantee and a fair chance crohns recurs elsewhere after surgery to remove the affected area. There is an increased risk of cancer...
  11. Robrich

    What would you do? Perianal Fistula

    I think your doc is right on. Remicade is best for fistulasand f it works don't look back and stay with it
  12. Robrich

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I was referring to the fact that crohns recurs in a new place for around 50% of those who have surgery to remove the diseased section after 5 years. I had a resection many years ago. Lost several feet of colon. No more cramping after that. But the disease came back rather quickly in the rectum...
  13. Robrich

    What happens to IBD USA citizens without insurances?

    It's expensive f you don't qualify for Medicaid or gvt. subsidy. One can expect to be out of pocket 5-6k/yr including premiums before the nsurance kicks in. But hey at least they now have to accept you. USA is the only developed country without universal health care and the drug companies and...
  14. Robrich

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    Definitely try the 6 mp and even go to entyvio every four weeks. I am entyvio monthly and MTX which is somewhat similar to 6 mp works faster though. They both suppress the immune response and that makes entyvios job easier as it has less to deal with. Think of it as fighting a battle as that's...
  15. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    It can close up around the seton. Did for me. If you go like 3 mos with no drainage and no abscessing and all your labs and imaging is good you may be able to have the seton removed. That's the goal I just had mine removed after a year. I went through similar to you. it would close up for a...
  16. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    GABoy Sometimes they close up on the outside but still are open from the inside so the stuff doesn't drain and causes an abscess. When the doc looks at it it looks fine until the abscess builds up Sitz baths and such help keep it draining. Keep an eye on your WBC sometimes that's a clue. Taking...
  17. Robrich

    Burning questions regarding Crohn's

    Can't speak for the esomeprazole you may want to check the drug info for possible side effects. Dagravit shouldn't be an issue but can't really say. But you might want to add magnesium maleate or mg glyconate to help with calcium absorption Prednisolone possibly could contribute to the shaking...
  18. Robrich

    Burning questions regarding Crohn's

    One more 3. Salad and raw veggies may not digest well esp during a flare. But veggies are very important. Try them well cooked/steamed. Carrots, Squash, sweet potatoes and most other veggies should be well tolerated when cooked. avoid seeds and heavy skins. Same for fruit. Purées work very well...
  19. Robrich

    Burning questions regarding Crohn's

    Hi Rita Some tough questions I will try a few 1. Never heard of becoming infertile due to crhns. Many crhns patients on this forum have kids. 4. Never heard of that either. Exercise and plenty of sleep have been found to be helpful for crohns patients. 5. There is a genetic component to crhns...
  20. Robrich

    Side effects of MTX having recurring effect

    Is he taking the 1k mg of folic acid? Ca n also try ginger tea and/or apple cider vinegar to help alleviate the nausea. Oral MTX usually has more nausea side effects. Best if you can address the problem and not have to switch from a med that works.