No idea what to do, seriously need some help

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 7, 2015
I've been on Imuran+Humira for about a year. The combination has been greatly effective, but even 1-2 missed doses of Imuran (which has happened accidentally) can lead to some nasty flares.

So, I'm required to do a checkup every 6 months, and was do in last month... but they had no openings until the 18th of this month.

As a result, I had to jump through some hoops to get the Imuran or Humira for last month. Turns out, despite having an appointment already set, they're rejecting every attempt at refill for this and sending "contact us" back to the pharmacy.

I've been trying to "contact us" for half a week, they've been offensively unresponsive, and now it's the weekend, and I don't have enough to get through Sunday.

Is there any possible options left? Even a temporary over-the-counter substitute? I'm super desperate and I really don't want to be flaring on Sunday (or however many inexcusably ridiculous number of days it takes to get even a small dose).
Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

Oh man. :yfaint: I've been in your shoes MANY times. There isn't an over the counter substitute unfortunately. Does your doctor office have an emergency contact number you can call? How about your general practitioner's emergency number (worth a shot)? I have had the pharmacy advance me medication before but only a couple of pills without a prescription. My GI has an emergency contact number and I've called it a couple of times to get a refill. If my GI is out of town then the other GI he works with will call me back and refill my medication for one month. One of your doctors should have an emergency contact or at least a nurse practitioner to speak to.
Emergency room may give you a prescription. Many pharmacies have little clinics inside like walgreens with nurse practitioners.
Is it your doc who keeps saying contact us or the insurance co.?
If it's your doc that inexcusable. I've changed docs over stuff like that.
Medication insecurity is a big issue for us all.
I always try to have enough med's to last a month just n case.
A good doc will work with you on that.
If they don't it means they care more about some internal protocol than you.
Good luck