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  1. Robrich

    Doctor dropped the ball

    You really should get on them. For remicade to work over the long run it needs to be given regularly. Like exactly every 8 weeks or whatever is prescribed. When you stop start you increase the chances of it failing either by building antibodies or your system finding a a way around it...
  2. Robrich

    Prednisone: Withdrawal or Flare?

    I have been on/off pred for many many years. I have learned frm many tapers, When there's a problem I t was the disease flaring. If your disease is under control you shouldn't have a big problem tapering. hopefuly Humira will work for you. Good luck.
  3. Robrich

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I am in the same boat. 4 th infusion coming up 12/26. Had a really good result after the 3rd but after one week it totally stopped working D returned with a vengeance. Doc said surgery next I told her no way lots of other options. No surgery for me unless it is life threatening. Too much risk...
  4. Robrich

    UC Misdiagnosed for 20 years, removed colon, now Crohns' diagnosis.....

    Steveman I had the same UC diagnosis and declined the colectomy. Turned out after 20 yrs I had CD. My good buddy much younger diagnosed UC at around 6yo suffered dearly all his life finally had the colectomy and then got the Cd n the SB. He channeled it into an art form here...
  5. Robrich

    I'm devestated after my sigmoidoscopy today:/

    I would stick with the remicade and up it to every four weeks That iS now pretty standard protocol. Stick with it as LONG as it works. Remi worked for me for 9 years then didn't doc sad switch to humira I wanted to increase remi but no so humira it was and it did nothing for me as my disease...
  6. Robrich

    Magnesium gives me the runs!

    There are magnesium supplements that do not have a laxative effect. They are highly absorbed Dr. Trust chelated mag glycinate and source naturals magnesium maleate are the 2 I use. Dr. Trust may be the better of the 2. Any with mag oxide cause d
  7. Robrich

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    Had my 3rd infusion 10/31. Had been feeling good going into it. More energy and appetite. Hadn't been able to get under 30mg/pred. Since starting pred 6 mos ago. Felt even better after the infusion. Had been having acute BM urgency and accidents. That Totally stopped day after inf.#3. Dropped to...
  8. Robrich

    Could Entyvio be not working for me?

    Botre14 Maybe another non invasive test can help determine if you have a stricture? Ultrasound or MRI for example.
  9. Robrich

    Years w Crohn's & Current Age????

    I am 65 and was diagnosed 50 years ago!
  10. Robrich

    Receptos Reports Positive Phase 2 Results for TOUCHSTONE Trial of RPC1063 in Ulcerative Colitis;_ylt=AwrTHRJx2k5UYG4AKQPBGOd_ This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial assessed the efficacy, safety and tolerability of two orally administered doses (0.5 mg and 1 mg) of RPC1063 in patients with UC...
  11. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    Hi sparksout I second everything Dave 13said, I had a seton put in about 6weeks ago I was very apprehensive like you. It was way easier than I had feared and I am so much better now that I regret having put it off I take augmentin. there is virtually no pain or drainage now and I feel way...
  12. Robrich

    New interim phase 3 maintenance data support the long-term efficacy of vedolizumab

    Josh, SoCal, yeah I've thought About the anti map and am watching the red hill study. Doesn't look that promising so far and the triple AB cocktail could be difficult to tolerate. I do think there is some bacterial trigger somehow involved and ABs have been and do help me a lot but can only...
  13. Robrich

    New interim phase 3 maintenance data support the long-term efficacy of vedolizumab

    Thanks Kiny. I don't disagree. I've seen that article before. It is 5 yrs old. But nevertheless vedolimunab has not shown compelling results. And the results we read have probably already been fudged some. There's too much money at stake here and we are now the pawns in this game. Before...
  14. Robrich

    New interim phase 3 maintenance data support the long-term efficacy of vedolizumab

    Did they differentiate for different types of crohns? I.e. Small vs. lg bowel. I am at week 4of vedolimunab. Nothing much as far as improvement yet. They tell you 6-10 weeks or more to see results and then it isn't even 50/50 but if you're ne of he lucky ones meanwhile I sometimes feel like its...
  15. Robrich

    Thiopurine, Remicade, or ...?

    6mp with remi I was desperate for it to work. 6 mp never did anything for me in the past except pneumonia. Took it for 6-8 months w remi but liver started to fail jaundice all that stuff. I just stopped taking it and within days those liver symptoms went away ifelt better and just told my GI I...
  16. Robrich

    Thiopurine, Remicade, or ...?

    Whichever works and then stick with it I would choose the remicade if it works you will know right away Aza takes up to 6mos to work and for me it never did but remi worked within days and I who was also steroid dependent with fistulas was steroid free for the first time n 20 years! Lasted for...
  17. Robrich

    First time in the forum..My story:)

    If you have crohns avoid surgery at all costs. Entyvio is certainly worth trying I am doing that now. Prednisone is preferable to surgery, entocort or uceris May work also. Methotrexate if Imuran doesn't work. With crohns it will most likely 95% recur somewhere else after surgery so what's the...
  18. Robrich

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    Amy, I ve had 2entyvio infusions am also on 30 mg pred 6 mg entocort and augmentin So far no side effects feeling a bit better overall but not able to taper pred yet. Is your disease in both small and large bowel? 2 things you may want to try is entocort vs. pred if your disease is small bowel...
  19. Robrich

    Please help!! Some advice please please

    One more option Entocort to replace the pred