I'm devestated after my sigmoidoscopy today:/

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Jan 17, 2012
Well, this morning I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy done up at Mayo in Rochester. I then saw my doctor this afternoon. I have been on remicade since February of this year, and it works great for the first 4 weeks after the infusion. After that, I go downhill, QUICK. I go from feeling great to absolutely awful. So, when I went into my doctor today, I figured he would up the remicade to every 4-5 weeks. WELL.. that's not the case. He said my colon is pretty chewed up, and he wants me to switch to entyvio. However, because I have been on humira and remicade, he doesn't know if it will work as well.
I don't want to switch. I want to stay on the remicade, it gave me at least a few weeks of feeling normal. I'm scared..now that will be taken away from me. I haven't heard many success stories with this new entyvio. And if the entyvio does fail, then I will need a surgery that will require a permanent illieostomy. I'm nineteen years old. I don't want to be dealing with this.
So many what ifs are going through my head. One of my biggest fears has always been needing a colostomy bag. :/ Why can't i just be normal??
I know it could be worse, but still. I'm just so down right now. No one around me understands what I'm dealing with. What should I do? Has anyone heard of the SCD diet? And Has anyone had any success with entyvio? Any advice/words of wisdom is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I would stick with the remicade and up it to every four weeks
That iS now pretty standard protocol.
Stick with it as LONG as it works.
Remi worked for me for 9 years then didn't doc sad switch to humira I wanted to increase remi but no so humira it was and it did nothing for me as my disease worsened.
Now I am n entyvio and getting some decent results but it is very slow and nothing like the remi.
SCD or paleo should be standard diet for most crohnies it will definitely help. Diet is really important
Plus vit d and other supplements like probiotics
MSM does not have all the answers
Good luck

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