Please help!! Some advice please please

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May 5, 2011
Hi guys it's kind of a long story but could really do with some help and advice!! Basically long story short I've been on steroids at about 5 mg for 4 years or so they haven't managed to ever properly control my symptoms since my last flare. Anyway last few months have had some more problems, suffering with d and mucus etc. Have slowly been reducing to back to 5mg currently at 7mg, I'm in Germany at the min and have since had a soup which was a really bad idea with loads of beans and veg etc, shouldn't have had it, ever since I have had a really bad stomach, since about 3 days ago and this evening have noticed mucous and blood in my stools, shall I up my steroids back to 10mg? ?? Really don't know what to do, any advice would be great, has been stressful here and haven't been able to smoke any cannabis which I usually do in the evenings which helps.

Please any help would be great, thank you
My goodness, on prednisone for 4 years!!! I don't think I would increase the pred amount if you are tapering off. What were you diagnosed with? I deal with blood and mucus when I flare too. I wish I had more advice, but the best thing I can suggest is to contact you doctor especially if you've been in discomfort this long. Please keep us updated.
My goodness, on prednisone for 4 years!!! I don't think I would increase the pred amount if you are tapering off. What were you diagnosed with? I deal with blood and mucus when I flare too. I wish I had more advice, but the best thing I can suggest is to contact you doctor especially if you've been in discomfort this long. Please keep us updated.

I know! Terrible doc, going to another doc in December hopefully they will be better, I'm hoping to try LDN and see if that works for me. Yeah I didn't want to but I just don't really know what else to do, I don't want a full on flare :( I have an appointment with them soon so hopefully maybe they might be able to help me a bit more but I'm not holding my breath. Thank you for your reply :) x
Hi, unfortunately it does seem you need some other treatment than pred and sulpha. Unless the sulpha is not at maximal dose. What your dose of Sulpha? Ever tried combining 5-asa suppositories along with sulpha pills?

If i were you, I,d call the GI asap and ask for a better treatment plan. 4 years with ongoing, even if minimal, symptoms is not good and puts you at greater risk for other complications. There are ways to induce full remission. Usually a next step would be 6-mp or AZAthiopurine, immuno-supressive.
good luck.
I'm sorry. :( I've been there with doctors. Don't blame you about not wanting a full blown flare. Unfortunately, it's a difficult one as far as advice goes.

Mucus & blood are usual ones for me with my Ulcerative Proctitis & that's where the canasa helps me. I wish I could recommend that for you too. But, yours is a little different than mine & I'm not a doctor either. So, this is where I'm at a loss for ideas. I do hope you can be taken care of soon though. Sending lots of hugs your way.
Hi, unfortunately it does seem you need some other treatment than pred and sulpha. Unless the sulpha is not at maximal dose. What your dose of Sulpha? Ever tried combining 5-asa suppositories along with sulpha pills?

If i were you, I,d call the GI asap and ask for a better treatment plan. 4 years with ongoing, even if minimal, symptoms is not good and puts you at greater risk for other complications. There are ways to induce full remission. Usually a next step would be 6-mp or AZAthiopurine, immuno-supressive.
good luck.

Not too sure what dose but not max I know that for sure. I've tried aza and had an allergic reaction, I was told I needed either surgery or another medication at the start of the year but it don't want to go down the, ,surgery route yet and the other med have serious side effects that I can't afford to risk at the moment. Yeah really really not happy with my treatment! Thanks for replying :) x
4 years is along time to be on pred! Do you take calcium supplements?

Usually when I have blood and mucus, its the proctitis starting again. I wouldn't alter your meds without speaking to your doc first, might want to investigate.
Not too sure what dose but not max I know that for sure. I've tried aza and had an allergic reaction, I was told I needed either surgery or another medication at the start of the year but it don't want to go down the, ,surgery route yet and the other med have serious side effects that I can't afford to risk at the moment. Yeah really really not happy with my treatment! Thanks for replying :) x

As others have said, the long term use of corticosteroids for Crohn's such as pred has been abandoned for decades due to the problems associated with steroids and the availability of more effective and less damaging drugs such as azathioprine/6mp or biologics such as remicade/humira/cimzia etc.

If you cannot tolerate azathioprine, did you try 6mp (which is the pure form, azathioprine is an analog that is converted to 6mp in the body)?

The "surgery route" to treatment is a bit misleading, surgery is indicated for Crohn's patients to remove scared tissue/strictures or blockages, it is not a long term treatment form, but is used to rectify problems with certain affected bowel parts that can't be treated any more in other ways (resection, stricturplasty of strictures, which are narrowings or removal of blockages).

The usual way of getting to manage Crohn's through drugs (mind you, equally important is diet, stress relief, managing vitamin and mineral deficiencies, potentially sport etc.) is to go for biologics like remicade or humira if immunosuppressives such as aza fail.

As said above, while you took a rather low dosage of pred, it still can have many side effects if you use it as long as you have, for instance the thinning out of tissue. Compared to the effects of pred, biologics long-term (if you tolerate them initially) are much rarer. For most people, biologics do not have any serious side effects, even if taken long term (just to counter your point that you cannot afford serious side effects at the moment).

Lastly, one more thing on surgery, it is of course paramount to check out the activity of your Crohn's and any potential damage in your colon and small intestine through a colonoscopy, an MRI and an endoscopy if you currently have trouble and haven't had those diagnostic procedures in a while. If you got big ongoing problems, you might also have strictures in your intestine which, if severe, should be dealt with.

All the best to you. As to immediate changes, of course you can increase your pred dosage for now to 10mg (after all after 4 years a few more weeks doesn't matter any more) but as others have said, it is important to find a new, a good GI and discuss a new treatment plan that works for you and is generally accepted as a responsible long term treatment of Crohn's by the medical community.
I know! Terrible doc, going to another doc in December hopefully they will be better, I'm hoping to try LDN and see if that works for me. Yeah I didn't want to but I just don't really know what else to do, I don't want a full on flare :( I have an appointment with them soon so hopefully maybe they might be able to help me a bit more but I'm not holding my breath. Thank you for your reply :) x

P.S. on the LDN route, I have had Crohn's for 14-15 years and have thought about many alternative routes. Personally I'd say, things like LDN which may work, but don't work for many people, should only be tried when you actually are in remission and want to try something different for long-term management. But if you got problems, going for the standard treatment is, at least in my opinion, more prudent.

For instance, I have tried to phase out azathioprine 2 times, last time a few months ago. The first time I was off any meds for nearly 2 years, but got into trouble because I still hadn't got Crohn'S under control very well. Today, I manage it much better and even though I had problems phasing it out a second time, I will try again - but next time potentially by substituting it with some alternative form of treatment - but only after years of being in generally good remission with little to no problems.
As others have said, the long term use of corticosteroids for Crohn's such as pred has been abandoned for decades due to the problems associated with steroids and the availability of more effective and less damaging drugs such as azathioprine/6mp or biologics such as remicade/humira/cimzia etc.

If you cannot tolerate azathioprine, did you try 6mp (which is the pure form, azathioprine is an analog that is converted to 6mp in the body)?

The "surgery route" to treatment is a bit misleading, surgery is indicated for Crohn's patients to remove scared tissue/strictures or blockages, it is not a long term treatment form, but is used to rectify problems with certain affected bowel parts that can't be treated any more in other ways (resection, stricturplasty of strictures, which are narrowings or removal of blockages).

The usual way of getting to manage Crohn's through drugs (mind you, equally important is diet, stress relief, managing vitamin and mineral deficiencies, potentially sport etc.) is to go for biologics like remicade or humira if immunosuppressives such as aza fail.

As said above, while you took a rather low dosage of pred, it still can have many side effects if you use it as long as you have, for instance the thinning out of tissue. Compared to the effects of pred, biologics long-term (if you tolerate them initially) are much rarer. For most people, biologics do not have any serious side effects, even if taken long term (just to counter your point that you cannot afford serious side effects at the moment).

Lastly, one more thing on surgery, it is of course paramount to check out the activity of your Crohn's and any potential damage in your colon and small intestine through a colonoscopy, an MRI and an endoscopy if you currently have trouble and haven't had those diagnostic procedures in a while. If you got big ongoing problems, you might also have strictures in your intestine which, if severe, should be dealt with.

All the best to you. As to immediate changes, of course you can increase your pred dosage for now to 10mg (after all after 4 years a few more weeks doesn't matter any more) but as others have said, it is important to find a new, a good GI and discuss a new treatment plan that works for you and is generally accepted as a responsible long term treatment of Crohn's by the medical community.

I know steroids are bad but have been very mismanaged by my doctor unfortunately and am looking to go elsewhere. They haven't ever suggested 6mp but I will certainly look into it. They had suggested remicade last time but after looking into it I was pit off by the side effects even if rare as I am only 21 I don't want to go down that route yet if I can avoid it.

Yeah I had an mri I think November last year, which showed either inflammation or restriction of the bowel but my doc said they will not be able to see exactly what is the problem until they operate and then the crohns often moves to another part of the bowel which is a vicious cycle. I have changed my dose to 10 mg as of today so hopefully will feel a bit better soon. It's just so frustrating!! After 4 years and no proper remission, feel as though I can't get on with my life as I would like to.

Thanks for replying :) x
I am taking multivitamins which have calcium in :) so hopefully that helps a bit! Can anyone recommend a good Dr in the UK? Preferably around bucks/Oxford kind of area, I am happy to travel if they are good!
I'm thinking you might want a little more calcium than that not just because of the predisone, but in case you're not getting enough milk or other things that have calcium in them on a regular basis as well.

Also, I should have asked you if you're passing any blood with the diarrhea. If so, an iron supplement would be beneficial as well. Plus, for those of us women a little extra iron wouldn't be a bad thing since we regularly lose iron anyway.
I'm thinking you might want a little more calcium than that not just because of the predisone, but in case you're not getting enough milk or other things that have calcium in them on a regular basis as well.

Also, I should have asked you if you're passing any blood with the diarrhea. If so, an iron supplement would be beneficial as well. Plus, for those of us women a little extra iron wouldn't be a bad thing since we regularly lose iron anyway.

Yeah I think I will have a look when I'm home :). Yes still passing blood unfortunately for the last few evenings, but it seems only in the evenings? And is this normal for crohns or is a sign of a definite flare do you think- the blood I mean? I'm just so worried to have another flare up :(
All the above advice re steroids is good however I can tell you I was and am again steroid dependent until another treatment proves effective. Entyvio is the hope but takes awhile
Anyway 5mg pred is not a big deal. I did it for 15 years until remicade came along.
Even 10 mg is not a big deal 20+ that's a lot.
I am currently on 30
Short term I would definitely increase the pred to whatever it takes to get your disease under control and have a life. Then taper and don't worry if you have to keep it a 5-10 mg.
Really I have no long term side effects from 30yrs of pred
No diabetes osteop, eye problems or high blood pressure
Long term you Need abetter plan
6mp, LDN, or humira or similar.
Along with a healthy diet like SCD, paleo. Exercise and sauna to sweat out the steroids and protect your bones and pancreas
Good luck