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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    This is a sort of paleo diet, anyone trying it? So far not bad, here's my rough list of foods breakfast: 2-3 small bits pf parsley (just to abate hunger) lunch: a chopped up carrot with a bit of olive oil salt + vinegar (again mostly to abate hunger) dinner: chicken + kale on a bed of...
  2. javanov

    Spinach, Kale smoothie good?

    Anyonme with experience of these? I'm thinking of trying to boost my chlorophyll uptake in order to help the BO issues I suffer from
  3. javanov

    Mental blockage?

    Despite all the physical problems, are some of the problems mental? They say if you stay positive and get better mentally, the physical will follow. I'm pretty sure soemtimes I can't go to the toilet purely because of stress and my bowels will not have mass movements, sometimes just...
  4. javanov

    New and undiagnosed

    Hello Have been ill for about 4 years, diagnosed with having IBS around 2013. I think I have crohn's because my brother's been partially-diagnosed with it and we have similar symptoms, a history of bowel disease in family also (mum's a coeliacs, dad's always had sensitive system although never...