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  1. Justanothercp


    Sorry for the terribly late response. I order it from Pendulum online, heard about it from Peter Attia podcast. It has helped me more than any prescription medication I’ve ever taken. Truly. Let me add, if you listen to the podcast, it seems fairly important to order it from a very reputable...
  2. Justanothercp


    I just started taking this probiotic, hoping it helps….
  3. Justanothercp

    Surgery changes over last 15 years

    I had a small bowel resection about 15 years ago; and it looks like I may need another. Can anyone speak to the changes in resection surgery that they have experienced having one and then another years later? Have there been any notable changes/differences.
  4. Justanothercp

    Vagina air, normal or fistula?

    That doesn’t sound “normal”. I’d see gyno or GI. No vaginal discharge?
  5. Justanothercp

    Hello everyone this is my story

    Welcome. Sorry you are having a hard time. Are you having strictures or fistulas? What kinds of meds are you on?
  6. Justanothercp

    Mental Component during a blockage

    I can’t really function during obstruction. Too busy focusing on pain and worrying about whether or not it will clear... not to mention the depression.
  7. Justanothercp

    I don't know what to do. Please Help.

    I understand, I too had problems dealing with my Zcrohns during college, and being away from home during that is hard. And controlling diet at school is very difficult. Do you have an MD that is working with you to get your symptoms under control?
  8. Justanothercp

    Spouse doesn't understand.

    Ask her to educate herself on Crohns, for the sake of the marriage.
  9. Justanothercp

    Vegetable ideas/recipes

    I make lots of soups: split pea, vegetable, butternut squash, carrot/cashew/ginger etc... I also make different recipes of purred carrots, sweet potatoes. I make lots and freeze a bunch. Good luck.
  10. Justanothercp

    How to workout when underweight and in a flare? Please help

    Hard to workout when in a bad flare. I think the first step is to talk with md about getting things under control. In the meantime, maybe you can just try going for walks, or a few arm exercises.
  11. Justanothercp

    Double Balloon Enteroscopy

    Thank you, that link provided good information. My MD said that the location of my stricture makes it a very difficult procedure and gives it only 50% chance of reaching the problem. I wish he was more confident.....
  12. Justanothercp

    Question for post surgery recovery

    I had the same issue after my resection, but I was way better overall. I was never completely symptom free. But my resection was 15 yrs ago, and I’m just now getting to the point where I’m looking at another one. I guess 15 yrs is not bad, I would sure take it again after this next surgery. Good...
  13. Justanothercp

    Double Balloon Enteroscopy

    Please help! My Question: my MD is considering a balloon endoscopy at the terminal ileum. He states they go in through the mouth rather than up through the rectum. This seems odd to me, like it’s a lot longer area to traverse to get to the problem. Do any of you have experience with balloon...
  14. Justanothercp

    Question for post surgery recovery

    Are you back to taking meds to keep inflammation down. I’ve read staying on meds after surgery is recommended. Also, I think giving it 6-8 weeks, that'swhat my surgeon told me.
  15. Justanothercp

    First Resection Appt. & Dr said Temp Ostomy if I cant get off meds. Need Advice.

    I had a resection while on steroids and lialda. I would get a second opinion.
  16. Justanothercp

    Just diagnosed with Crohn's

    That is truly one of the most befuddling things about this disease, as long as you don’t eat, or do liquid only, there are times when everything feels fine. (Thank God for those times) but then you eat,,,,, and there it is, back again....
  17. Justanothercp

    Can reintroducing carbs cause stomach upset?

    I think it certainly could be the carbs. I don’t tolerate them well at all.
  18. Justanothercp

    New to Crohn's and Hoping to Treat Naturally Long Term

    I would advise to keep an open mind. The goal is to keep your bowel. This can be a serious disease and If you can’t control holistically, then losing bowel can cause bigger problems than the meds that may help you preserve it. But you will find many people here with minimal disease or remission...
  19. Justanothercp


    I’ve been having fairly severe symptoms since November. I’m currently ingesting about 80-90 % liquid diet due to symptoms. I have a CT scan next week, MD wants to wait until after CT results to discuss options. I’m thinking balloon if possible, if not I’d kind of rather have resection than...
  20. Justanothercp


    So, I have a fibrostenotic stricture. No active inflammation. I have had one 30 cm resection 15 yrs ago. My choices are balloon dilation to try to delay surgery, stricturplasty or resection ( probably open). Anyone have advise or thoughts/experiences??