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  1. loubybooby19

    Specialist Appointment Earlier Today

    Thank you, I will do I think it's more just the upset that I was hoping the prednisolone was working and that would be it and it's ended up not working so I will have to go through more and I hate blood tests with a passion haha
  2. loubybooby19

    Specialist Appointment Earlier Today

    Thank you for the info guys :) I think I am just feeling a little down that the steroids have not done much and I was hoping they would of had a better effect but I suppose now I can hopefully get better and into remission!! I think the fear that nothing is going to help and the thought of...
  3. loubybooby19

    Specialist Appointment Earlier Today

    So as the title says I had my specialist appointment today since I was diagnosed 8 weeks ago... It wasn't as positive as I expected as I have found out that the Prednisolone course hasn't worked and I am now to be move onto Azathioprine as soon as my doctor receives his letter and we can set up...
  4. loubybooby19


    I have just been diagnosed and it does get better, I was in so much pain and in and out of doctors so much that I now recognise them in the street and say hi. It's so difficult at first and unfortunately painful, but it does get better I promise I was recently given buscopan and it works on the...
  5. loubybooby19

    Feeling bullied by work

    Thank you so much guys!! I'm really looking forward to seeing occupational health cause I can put my point across and say it's a little worse then the flu it's not something I can actually control, I've been told my OH people are actually very nice and I'm looking forward to having the buffer...
  6. loubybooby19

    Feeling bullied by work

    I'm looking forward to the meeting with occupational help as I can explain everything better and I am going to print out the information booklet for employers on the problem and hopefully it will help them understand it a bit better and they will realise I'm not just doing it to be off sick for...
  7. loubybooby19

    Feeling bullied by work

    Hey, I'm currently struggling to control a flare up after newly diagnosis with Crohn's... Unfortunately because of this I've had to take 6 weeks off work up to now, I have spoken to my manager and she's becoming a bit of a bully... She's asking just why the doctors can't control it and why I am...
  8. loubybooby19

    No improvement help?

    Oh I do keep trying and I feel for them having so much to do and so little time, I have met one of them and they are so nice :) I will speak to the doctor tomorrow when I see him, fingers crossed he can help me sort it :) I'm glad there is such a big group of people who are so helpful and...
  9. loubybooby19

    No improvement help?

    I've got two specialist nurses who never seem to answer the phone or get back to me they are permanently busy which makes life a little more difficult, but there aren't many specialists or dietitians in the area so I let them off just a little, I can imagine the huge work/people load spread...
  10. loubybooby19

    No improvement help?

    Yeah I've been lowering from 40mg a week by 5mg since I left hospital. I am back at the GP tomorrow so I will see what he says about any different steroids, I know last time he asked he said to wait to see what my specialist says in a few weeks... Thankfully I have my MRI next week then seeing...
  11. loubybooby19

    No improvement help?

    Thanks guys, I am currently on Prednisolone for three more weeks and Lansoprazole to help stop stomach cramps and let me eat, as it used to be at the point I couldn't eat properly cause it hurt too much. This is the end of my 6th week off work, week one was hospital and diagnosis and the...
  12. loubybooby19

    No improvement help?

    I was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago now and even though I have been on my steroids and everything else I just don't see much of an improvement to myself. I am still bleeding and my BM have been loose and its starting to sting and itch when I pass anything, I have still had stomach cramps non stop...
  13. loubybooby19

    New to Crohns

    haha thank you!! It's actually nice to hear that this is normal rather then just the doctors saying this, as doctors sometimes just like saying things -_- as well as my drinks I am on Prednisolone for 4 and a half more weeks, Colecalciferol for the same amount of time and my nice new doctor has...
  14. loubybooby19

    New to Crohns

    So ive recently been diagnosed with Crohns Disease, I have my MRI in a few weeks and thankfully a chat with the specialists in 4 weeks!! I was also diagnosed with malnutrition and have been put on Vital 1.5 Kal drinks, they aren't the nicest things after having three a day. I have been keeping...