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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    I just wish it would stop 😣

    I hope You feel better soon new friend. My doctor did blood work and said everything looked good but...... I had a reaction to the humira. I tried to tell my GI doctor. He dismissed it as nothing. I told the clinical nurse from the specialty pharmacy about my symptoms and she was like what...
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    Need to vent, feeling low

    And it's ok to vent 😀
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    Need to vent, feeling low

    Sending you a hug!
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    Straight from Humira nurse's mouth

    I don't feel stinging when I inject my humira but I feel that awful pressure from the auto injection.
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    I just wish it would stop 😣

    Back story of this go round is I got a UTI and the urgent care doctor decided I needed 2 weeks of antibiotics due to being on Humira so I took them faithfully. I thought the tummy cramps and nausea were just due to not feeling well but then I started having very skinny stools. Now it's black! My...
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    I've researched the fecal transplant and don't think I could do it. Probiotics are very helpful. Even if someone seems healthy they could still carry unknown pathogens or parasites. Not only is the idea gross but the risk is incredible.
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    What should I do?

    IBS knows no age. I was 1st mistakenly diagnosed with colitis at 14. Diagnosed with Crohn's at 20 something due to me letting it go until I ended up in the hospital. I would start a diary of everything that you eat, bowel habits as in how often you go and is it hard stool runny etc. Some would...
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    White Stools

    Tell your doctor.
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    Bad teeth on biologic's

    I noticed thinning in my 2 front teeth before I started humira. I've never been much of a milk drinker so my doctor recommended calcium supplements years ago. Can you take a good multivitamin and maybe a calcium supplement?
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    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    The only kids I like are mine and I honestly didn't want any kids before I got pregnant with my daughter, my oldest. I can say though that my kids are what keep me going. The main thing with kids is ignore what others think or tell you about raising them. Everyone constantly told me that my kids...
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    Circle Of Crap

    I know it's frustrating to repeat the same stuff again but I'd do it. Sometimes in the medical field the 1st test is to establish what's called a baseline, they then compare consecutive tests to your personal baseline to see how your body is progressing. Like Ron said though, get a 2nd opinion...
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    The Doctors Have No Clue! Help!

    I agree with Ron. Get a second opinion! It took me 4 different doctors before I got a kind one that said something isn't right, let's do a pill camera. Please don't convince yourself you're ok and go without treatment though. That's the worst thing you can do. Keep fighting for your health.
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    High CRP and ESR and Negative Calprotectin? Need your Informed Input

    Worse than other people thinking it's in your head you actually get to a point where you start doubting your OWN sanity. Crohn's is an auto immune disease meaning that things you used to be able to tolerate you may not be able to suddenly. It does make sense. Sadly even if your doctor does...
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    The Miserable Prednisonites Club

    I had a job I really loved 😢 I got put on prednisone and flipped out on a customer. Of course I got fired. I'm normally a very nice person but prednisone makes me a psycho!!!!
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    So tired of it all

    So, I am losing it. I mean like seriously losing it mentally. I'm exhausted mentally and physically. I've always put on the brave happy face but I can't do it anymore. Last night the most awful pain started in my rectum, moved to my tailbone area then settled into my vagina. I have had the rogue...
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    High CRP and ESR and Negative Calprotectin? Need your Informed Input

    You're welcome. I know it's frustrating to be sick and not have an answer.
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    Humira Club Support Group

    Good Luck with surgery Ron!!!! I've been gone awhile. I did end up being taken off the Asacol. Then Doc put me on Azathioprine and after about a month he said let's do Humira. Today was my first set of 4 shots. I hope this works! Is anyone else on Azathioprine and Humira together?
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    High CRP and ESR and Negative Calprotectin? Need your Informed Input

    Hello Jakob! First off like the others have said, sometimes our calprotectin can be ok. 2nd hang in there! I have had issues with Crohn's since I was 14. The only signs my body has ever shown were much like yours except I had high white cell count and CT scans showed thickening of bowels and...
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    Wish me luck

    Lialda is mesalamine, I'm not sure how to send a pic on my smartphone but pentasa is also mesalamine. I take 8 freaking Lialda/Pentasa/Mesalamine pills a day. It sucks.
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    Something to think about for all Crohns Forum Members

    Also it may be wise to get a nurseor someone on here to educate folks on the fact that Lialda, Asacol and Pentasa are pretty much the same thing! All 5-ASAP drugs. Source: My experience as a surgical nurse and my GI doctor.