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  1. J

    Have you told at work about your health problems?

    Hey Paul, I had a similar situation, on yearly employee contracts. Applied noting disability, no prob. Told my boss a few years back, no prob - but also no use. Told HR to formally ask for help, resulting in seemingly big problem (though not relayed directly). Not only no noteworthy help, but...
  2. J

    Diagnosed after 40?? Anyone???

    I was dx after 40, though had tests come through sooner, or various GPs/GI’s recognized and tested appropriately/timeLy a decade or more ago I probably would have been dx then. FYI My blood then and now is generally good, or slightly out of tolerance. Even in the worst flare of my life (blood...
  3. J

    How long have you had your fistula

    I’m curious to know what was recommended and what you decided. From most everything I’ve read, the current practice is for long term biologics, and that coming off may be bad, or potentially worsen symptoms. Also worth noting, that once off for a while, you likely cannot ever go back to that...
  4. J

    Crohns genetic testing

    It may change how seriously some patients (me) giddy up and go with treatment, diet, stress reduction etc... Ha... unless we’re all suppressing our immune systems....
  5. J

    Crohns genetic testing

    Does anyone know if certain genetic markers guide treatment? Soon after diagnosis, my GI said they would do a variety of genetic testing, but so far nothing for 9mo. A rheumatologist actually asked for routine blood work for me, and I believe 1 genetic test for AS. Is that all anyone really...
  6. J

    Please help me!

    I know this must be really frustrating. Consider taking a break from dairy, and see how it goes. Even if this or something else relieves symptoms, get to the bottom of it.... Dr, blood work, MRI or preferably scope... FYI On the deep fried front for myself, I have largely narrowed it down to...
  7. J

    Vaccinations before starting Humira

    For thread purposes, I received Shinrix yesterday in BC Canada. I’m under 50 (early 40’s). Took a bit to get up the gumption, but once I did I called around to find a pharmacy with it in stock. The pharmacist was inclined to turn me away, but once I explained that I’m on month 7 of vaccines...
  8. J

    Late Dx, GI keen on Biologics this week (skipping vax)

    Thx for you help @Kate123 @my little penguin @Scipio - very informative! Update: Vax are underway, but boy either the last MMR or Chickenpox either did a number on me or I’m just going through a ton of stress about the whole situation. Wonder if I’m toying with a flare. GI and health unit...
  9. J

    Allergies better or worse on Remicade/ Infliximab?

    Hey there, just wondering about your experiences with allergies and Remicade on Inflectra. I’m a bit of a bubble boy, so already heavily restricted on what I can eat due to a number of food allergies (some severe)... and I would say I have a much higher likelihood to be allergic to things than...
  10. J

    Late Dx, GI keen on Biologics this week (skipping vax)

    How about efficacy of Remicade vs Biosimilar for fistulizing Chrohns Colitis?
  11. J

    Late Dx, GI keen on Biologics this week (skipping vax)

    Thanks very much Lisa and Scipio. I’m 42 and in Canada. Never had chickenpox, or the vaccine (until now). I had 1x MMR as a kid. Tests indicate I have “normal person” immunity to measles, today. But I’m not normal, and what about a year or two from now? By less invasive biologic, I largely am...
  12. J

    Late Dx, GI keen on Biologics this week (skipping vax)

    I had a lot of early warnings (fatigue, pains, brain fog) for decades but only confirmed fistulizing Crohns Colitis recently. (Lots or allergies, then a shrug and a loose diagnosis of IBS 15 years ago). A relief to know but annoying that many indicators they were relying upon to not dive deeper...