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  1. C

    Skyrizi & pain

    I have never had that issue.
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    2 Hour Injection

    It is always good to have it early. I had mine shipped 1 month ahead in case there‘s a problem. I’m glad I did because they messed up sending my medicine last month and it took so long to get it straightened out I almost didn’t get the medicine on time. Nxt month I go on medicare and I’m worried...
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    2 Hour Injection

    Because it needs to be refrigerated mine is shipped overnight. For me the doses for the infusions are different than the every 8 weeks does. The infusions (loading doses) were higher and controlled my symptoms better. I still have a lot of diarrhea and other symptoms even after being on Skyrizi...
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    New and seeking for experiences

    Azathioprine gave me a bloody nose at least once a day and a skin rash on my face.
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    New and seeking for experiences

    Very possible. Do you have a link to the post about it? I would like to read it.
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    New and seeking for experiences

    The side effects I had with azathioprine were hair loss, a bad rash on my face and a bloody nose at least once a day so the doctor took me off the and I am now on Skyrizi. Skyrizi helps some but I still have diarrhea and mucus if I eat conventional foods. When I eat organic foods my stools are...
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    2 Hour Injection

    Most infusion centers also have television. Your dose maybe different than mine, my infusion took 1 hour and then had to wait 20 minutes before I could leave in case I had a reaction.
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    Night sweats

    Night sweats for me was because of lack of protein.
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    Remission-how long?

    Having Crohn’s for over 30 years I have been in remission a few times but Crohn’s always returns. The first time I was on sulfasalazine and the doctor took me off sulfasalazine when my scope was clear and I was in remission probably over 10 years with no meds. Then started having female issues...
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    Approximately 6 weeks but some people take longer to heal and I am sure it depends on how extensive the surgery is also.
  11. C

    Corn starch?

    I avoid GMOs. I buy organic especially corn based items.
  12. C

    Corn starch?

    Right now no crohn’s or celiac symptoms every thing is under control. When I do have crohn’s symptoms it is pain where ever the inflammation happens to be in my intestines and diarrhea. I have had crohn’s in both the small and large intestine.
  13. C

    Corn starch?

    I should clarify I am allergic to gluten which is found in many foods but most people find it mostly in flour because that’s what we eat most. They do a test for celiac disease which my father also has. They had me eat foods with wheat in it for 2 weeks and than did 2 different blood tests...
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    Corn starch?

    Corn and popcorn bother me only because of the kernel which I can not digest. i use corn starch all the time for cooking. I am allergic to flour.
  15. C

    Appointment anxiety

    Hugs to you. I sure know the feeling of being tired of being sick. I have had crohn’s 32 years, I also have diabetes and Parkinson’s and now have a lump on my back the doctor can’t figure out what it is and it is very painful. Going for a scan next week. Between all this I don’t get a break...
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    No Folic Acid with Methotrexate?

    From my 32 years experience having crohn’s is once the doctor finds a drug or drug combo that works for you they keep you on it until it no longer works. Then switch you to something else. Except the bridge drugs like prednisone you take to bridge the gap until the other drugs such as...
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    Shortsightedness/Myopia with Steroid

    The exact same thing happens to me when on prednisone. My eye doctor just says it is my eyes getting worse. But why would it clear up some when off the prednisone. He never had an answer for that. My eyes never get back to the clear vision I had before using prednisone.
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    Desperately waiting for Crohn's treatment

    Hair loss can be caused by iron deficiency. If he is having bleeding maybe try an iron supplement but consult gp or nurse first.
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    Appointment anxiety

    Yes it is a hard conversation to have but I am thankful I did. It relieved a lot of stress. Best of luck to you.
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    Appointment anxiety

    I can relate very well to what you are going through. I try not to schedule appointments for at least 2 hours after meals so I have time to let things go through and use the restroom. When this does not work I may skip or postpone a meal until home. And last but not least is I have told my...