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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. D

    Crohn or not?

    Hi, There is no blood anymore, it was just a few days. Doctor is sure it's Crohne because she saw an inflammation of rectum. I have 0 symptoms.
  2. D

    Calprotectine levels?

    Another question, is the level of calprotectine a measure to search for all sorts of inflammation or ONLY for chronic inflammations? I have a level of 290 but that is normal because the doctor saw an inflammation in my rectum so maybe it's a normal inflammation instead of chronic or is that...
  3. D

    Calprotectine levels?

    What are your levels when you are diagnosted with IBD?
  4. D

    Crohn or not?

    Blood is red like normal and separate from feces. But does a fissure make an infection and they inspected the rectum with a camera and said nothing about fissure? Does fissure make a higher calcprotetcine?
  5. D

    Crohn or not?

    Hi, I had blood on my toilet paper for 7 days, doctor tested blood and calprotectine. Doctor inspected rectum and was infected. I have No symptoms. Blood was perfect, calprotectine 290. I must no do a collonsopie. My eating style is good but I drink too much alcohol. BMI is perfect, 40...