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  1. crazycanuck

    Starting Humria

    It is totally worth it in my opinion and stop reading things! People rarely go on websites to post good things so you get a large imbalance of negative options compared to positive. It's in no way a last resort and there are more treatment options following this, not to mention drugs are...
  2. crazycanuck

    Hunger feeling..

    I was like that for the first 3 or so months of remicade. I think it was because I was flaring so bad before it that when I felt better I could finally eat again. Now that I can pretty much eat whatever I want and gained a ton of weight I don't ever get that feeling now.
  3. crazycanuck

    Starting Remicade

    Good luck! It's pretty standard for a few shots but I was lucky enough to have mine take effect the night after my infusion. I was in my worst ever flare when I started but it is possible to see immediate results. It is very simple where I go. Sit in a Laz-Z-Boy for 3 hours and do whatever I...
  4. crazycanuck


    While being diagnosed at 16 I went from 145 lbs to 132. Since starting remicade I went from 130-135 to now weighing 175 :)
  5. crazycanuck

    Decision time - Remicade of Humira?

    That's a brilliant way of putting it. I just said this in another thread but I rather take the small risks to have the life I have on Remicade. Why worry about what you cannot control? The choice was simple for me. Sit at home in my parents basement or give remicade a shot. That was almost 2...
  6. crazycanuck

    Those no longer on Azathioprine?

    I was on it for a while and it worked very well for a long time, I'd consider it remission. Then I had a close friend pass away which of course induced incredible stress and full on flare. I did take it with Remicade for a while but then decided to stop that with it working so well.
  7. crazycanuck

    What's the chance of getting MS from Humira/Remicade?

    My way of looking at Remicade is if I wasn't on it and continued the flare I had before I started it I'd be jobless, without the love of my life, without my car, wouldn't have gotten into school again this fall, and would be living in my parents basement curled up to a toilet. If I have to...
  8. crazycanuck

    Just shock and scared. Please help with questions.

    I think everybody is shocked when they hear the have a chronic disease that has no cure. It's scary of course and the idea of meds for life is off putting to say the least but after 5 years if you asked me to go back in time like this never happened I'd probably say no. My life with Crohn's...
  9. crazycanuck

    Remicade and still flare ups please help

    First step is a new doctor. If your still getting symptoms you should be on more than just remicade. You can also have your dosage doubled as was said and you can also go every 7 weeks. Don't give up and you'll find a solution. New drugs are coming out constantly and if Remicade doesn't work...
  10. crazycanuck

    CCFA Camp Oasis anyone?

    Well he is likely to meet my Aunt there. I'm fairly sure she is volunteering there again this year. Also if he is really lucky Pearl Jam does a private concert there every few years as the lead guitarist has Crohn's. It's by her accounts extremely well done and when school is done I'll be...
  11. crazycanuck

    Humira for all those 'other' symptoms.

    Been on Remicade nearly 2 years now and I haven't had any real side effects thus far. I do get very light rashes on my arms sometimes but I'm not sold on that being from Remicade. I think it totally depends on how each person reacts to it
  12. crazycanuck

    Remicade and Asacol combo

    I was on asacol alone, then imuran, then asacol/remicade, imuran/remicade and finally now just remicade. Asacol for me was about as useful as sugar pills and I was told the reason for using it and then the imuran while on remicade was to prevent myself from becoming immune to it. My doctor and...
  13. crazycanuck

    Lower Right Quadrant issues

    I won't diagnose anything but from what my doctor tells me that is the most common place people have issues with Crohn's disease. If i remember my biology right that is where the large and small intestines meet and is the source of very many problems including with myself.
  14. crazycanuck

    When is it a flare?

    I'll side with BLD here as well. I always feel like getting things checked very early is always the far better option. If you go and it turns out it's nothing than at the very least you'll alleviate that worry and that alone can help.
  15. crazycanuck


    I have no idea what percentage of people with Crohn's end up needing surgery, is entirely possible to go through life without it. Just because somebody needs surgery doesn't mean the whole thing comes out and you have a bag either. You may have a very small section taken out which is much more...
  16. crazycanuck

    R-Day is tomorrow!!

    Your not going to a BioClin clinic are you? Sounds exactly like mine. Glad it went well and now you've gone this long with no adverse reactions I'd say you can likely take a nice deep breath now :) Do you notice any changes yet? I was lucky enough to the first night so I hope you see similar...
  17. crazycanuck

    Over Azathioprine

    I was on Aza alone for about 8-9 months and it worked really well for me until a friend of mine passed away and then I flared huge and then it was Aza and Remicade. I just stopped taking it recently under doctor's direction. Anyway I'd think 6 months is a legitimate shot at trying a drug. I'd...
  18. crazycanuck


    Four Christmases for a good holiday comedy although I'm sure others will disagree. Bad Santa was a good suggestion too. For my infusions we have WI-FI so I bring my laptop to do homework but the nurse that's always there laughs at me because I end up playing games or online shopping instead.:)
  19. crazycanuck

    My (Son's) Story

    Hi there welcome to the forums. First off I am so sorry for your son but good thing he is diagnosed and treatment has started. I'm glad to hear he is gaining weight and energy quickly too. I just wanted to put in my 2¢ about the extreme diet changes proposed earlier. As I'm sure you've...
  20. crazycanuck


    When you find out please let me know :) Ever since diagnosis and before Crohn's I've had more gas than ever before. I was never able to fart before but now I do routinely and they usually aren't too pleasant. I've never found anything to help but then again I don't worry about it.