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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Remicade and MRSA just got the following note from my doc: Generally you should avoid people you know to be sick since you are immunosuppressed. If this patient is sick with MRSA, then yes, I would not have this person staying with you if I were you. Casual contact is OK but I would wash...
  2. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Remicade and Mersa Thanks for the heads up! It's very hard to inform long time friends that I can't take a chance having them stay at my home. I've sent out some info and a letter from both my GI doc and my internist to that effect. Having to do this is very painful because they have been...
  3. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Sad day for me

    Stay Positive Stay Positive and go ahead and scream,cry and generally freak out! Then take some deep breaths, find a shoulder to cry on and someone to give you some hugs! I have had a few breakdowns in public rest rooms of just plain sobbing after leakage, but I have been lucky enough to have a...
  4. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Remicade and Mersa Well I've had a flare after my second infusion of remicade. The flare seems to have calmed down so I've avoided Prednisone for now. I'm due for my third infusion at the end of August. Have any of you had flares when beginning remicade? Another question,I have a few friends...
  5. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Remicade Club Support Group

    acg101- The remicade is working! I'm coping....seems I have some spine problems as well...I dislike the fact that I can do very little walking,something the surgery should help until the back problem rears it's ugly head! One day at a time is my motto. A death of a sister and a close friend...
  6. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Remicade and Hip Replacement Hi! Well ,I made the decision to have the hip replacement. There seems to be no agreement from numerous GI docs about stopping remicade. My doctors have decided to keep me on the imuran and do the surgery four weeks after my last infusion of remicade(and load me up...
  7. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Group Hug!

    Hugs to all!!!!
  8. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Joan (Astra) needs support!!!

    Hugs and best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  9. 6hWQ1whjmu


    Hope that you re feeling better soon. I have had major problems with acid reflux and continue to even though I'm on prilosec. I use the raised pillow at night and just try to cope. At one point it was so bad they thought it was a heart attack and I spent a day in the hospitial for...
  10. 6hWQ1whjmu

    People really don't get "it"....

    Don't even try to figure people out! I used to try and explain my problem and it started a rumor that I had AIDS!(As soon as you say autoimmune disease,some people don't wait for the rest of the story)I travel a lot and trying to explain that I need a isle seat close to a restroom has become a...
  11. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Crohn's,My Journey

    Hi! My first hint of Crohn's came in the Marine Corps in 1967 in Vietnam. It was something I chose to ignore.I thought it was the stress,and a million other things. I had severe gas pains and was constantly in trouble with "bush breaks". It seemed to resolve and I happily went on my journey...
  12. 6hWQ1whjmu

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Hi ! Just started remicade yesterday. Everything went great. There is one major problem. I need to have both of my hips replaced! The consultation with the orthopedic surgeon was alarming as well as depressing. He told me that the risk of infections and the chance of Crohn's seeding bugs into...