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  1. T

    Cheapest place to get Imuran

    Thank you I'll look into costco!! I called Walmart but they were not any cheaper :/
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    Cheapest place to get Imuran

    Lost my health insurance thanks to the new health care stuff that went into effect and also going thru a divorce ......don't have the money I used to! Long story short refilled my imuran/azathropine pills for the month and it was like $45 for a months worth(90pills) Wondering where y'all get...
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    Spirulina? Anyone take it?

    I feed it to my horses but am interested in how you take it? What form, how is the taste? I don't eat many veggies or good for me foods either and always for get to take my vitamins do thinking maybe this would help.
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    Specific Carbohydrate Diet Support

    Thinking about doing this but I'm not much of a cook!! Not much for veggies either other than green beans, sweet peas and corn ......I know I'm in trouble lol but do like a lot of fruits. Please tell me what y'all eat? What do your meals and snacks consist of? Thanks
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    Results from colonoscopy after resection

    Ok I had my small bowel resection in Feb. Gastro doc wanted a follow up colonoscopy to check things out 4-6 months from surgery. Well my results showed some imflammtion at the anastomosis site and the biopsy from part of the small bowel she could reach showed mild imflammtion!! :ybatty: Been...
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    When in an active flare, how comfortable are you traveling?

    I travel, I just plan my meals and what not on how I'm feeling and how my bowels are working!!
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    Well, what should I do next??

    Flagyl gives me horrible D!!
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    Surgery- easier or harder than you expected?

    Surgery was much easier than I expected!! I was home after four days, and was sent home with pain pills but never used them! I would pop a couple Tylenol for a day or two after I got home but that was it! It was sore but not bad. It was laparoscopic but I had a good sized (3")incision in the...
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    Wil be starting imuran soon

    Thanks all. Good to hear that some went straight on 150mg !! Was a little worried. Erika, I'm in a small town outside of Houston about an hour but I see Dr. Bincy Abraham at Baylor dowtown, and I love her. Very sweet and up on all her stuff. Just hate that I have to drive an hour and into...
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    Wil be starting imuran soon

    Well after another perianal abscess, surgeon thinks have an anal fistula, will be going in soon for a seton or fistulotomy( thinks that's what it's called) depending on the muscle involvement ugh! So my Gi wants to start me on Imuran after I have the surgery!! I'm already taking Humira but...
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    Think my abscess is back

    No just on Humira although one of the GI I saw a couple times for 2nd opinions on things(not my regular GI) mention putting me on Imuran with the Humira. I have a appt with her next Tuesday to discuss that further. I was hoping I wouldn't need it, but looks like I do :(
  12. T

    Think my abscess is back

    I hope so. I'm just worried that its a fistula, which will have made this whole resection a waste. And unsure what my next step would be if it was??!!! Ugh this is soo upsetting........ Thanks for the support :)
  13. T

    Think my abscess is back

    Thanks. Made my appt with my surgeon, and its going to be next Monday !! My GI always tells me I need to see my surgeon when I talk about concerns with my abscess :/
  14. T

    Think my abscess is back

    So I'm about 8 wks out from my first small bowl resection! One of the reasons for this resection was to take care of a recurring abscess from a fistula! Humira was not taking care of it so surgery was next! Well a week after surgery the abscess that was only small and hard burst and drained...
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    Can this really be happening?!!

    So I'm about 8 wks out from my first small bowl resection! One of the reasons for this resection was to take care of a recurring abscess from a fistula! Humira was not taking care of it so surgery was next! Well a week after surgery the abscess that was only small and hard burst and drained...
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    Capsule Endoscopy results

    Great news!!
  17. T

    How long after surgery

    Thanks all! Still having D, Imodium helps but have yet to try the Metamucil, only because I keep forgetting it when I go shopping lol! What is bile salt D like?
  18. T

    Frustrated with friends and family's advice

    I've tried telling them that it's not the food I eat! But they don't seem to get it! Even my other who has been with me at all my doctor appts, and through my surgeries etc! Like today I was talking to her and she asked how my gut was doing and I told her I had a rough night up all night with D...
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    Frustrated with friends and family's advice

    This is just a vent of sorts! But wondering if anyone else gets tired of this? I'm tired of hearing friends and family telling me that my diet is the cause for my diarrhea !! :ymad: Am I wrong in thinking that it's not ALL diet related and that it's more the crohns?? I have yet had a GI or...