How long after surgery

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Apr 25, 2011
I just had a small bowel resection on Feb 14th! Home now and doing ok but am still having the big D! I mean it's nothing new for me but just thought once the bad part of my bowel was out I'd have semi normal to normal bowel movements! Surgeon says to take Imodium for awhile if it helps and if still having D starting in March he wants me to try Metamucil !

So was just wondering how long it took those that have had a resection done how long you had D?

Both of my children have had right hemi colectomies, is that what you have had?

They both suffer with bile salt diarrhoea to varying degrees. My daughter far more bowel removed than my son and diarrhoea always plagued until she started taking psyllium, Metamucil is psyllium too but my daughter uses the the natural product that you buy in the health food section at the supermarket. There is a medication called Questran that is prescription only that is used for the same purpose, to absorb bile salts.

For my children the psyllium husks work well and my daughter now only goes once a day and it is solid! You may well find, depending on the amount of bowel removed, that it will eventually take up naturally and meds/supplements to control this may not always be necessary.

The main thing to remember if you do take on the docs recommendation is to not take medications within 1 hour before or two hours after taking the psyllium as it can affect their absorption.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
I am not sure of anyone else's experience, but I had my re-section in 2004 and the doc told me that they will never really be normal after. Was also told that imodium can be taken every day, and I normally do. My new specialist prescribed me Colestid, he says it works better for the D than imodium. In actuality it is medicine used to control blood cholesterol, but it works for D.
Hey CLynn,

Colestid is similar to Questran, it is also a cholesterol lowering medication.

Txgirl, the same restrictions apply to these drugs as they do to psyllium in regard to when you take your other meds/supplements. I think the time is extended Questran/Colestid though, I think it is 1 hour before and 4 hours after.

Dusty. :)
Thanks all! Still having D, Imodium helps but have yet to try the Metamucil, only because I keep forgetting it when I go shopping lol!

What is bile salt D like?

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