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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Mtchflknr


    yes this was happening to me as well for some time then my crohns got out of control the doctors found out that i was internally bleeding for quite some time causing me to loose blood without knowing it and it almost killed me. but that doesnt seem to be the issue with you for say as you said...
  2. Mtchflknr

    28 Year Crohn's Fight of a Type A Girl

    Wow your story is powerful and you seem very grateful of your life even though it has throne you a lot of crap I just wanted to ask if you are on any type of diet? I can say myself with strict diet and natural medicines i have literally cured myself of Crohn's i know it doesnt seem posible but...
  3. Mtchflknr

    Urgent advice needed re prednisolone.

    I was on 20mg for 2 month when i stopped 4 days later all my old symtoms came back i was in tons of pain with really bad gas. I kept on pushing to a different direction with treatment because the others just never worked for long and the side affects were horrible. now im happy to say im off...
  4. Mtchflknr


    have you had a hemoglobin test to see what your levels are at?
  5. Mtchflknr

    About to begin an herbal treatment

    Hello im Mitch 20yrs of age its nice to see that you are taking natural meds as they worked for me i am 5'10" and am now 175lbs of mostly muscle and i got this way on only natural meds 8 months ago i weighed 115lbs and was in the hospital for 4 weeks then i went to natural meds because the nes i...
  6. Mtchflknr

    I Want To Help

    Hello Im Mitch. I am new to this forum but defiantly not new to Crohn's Disease. I was diagnosed 11yrs ago When i was 9 and it has been a tough road since as it probably has been for most. The best thing though is that i am in very good heath now from being in critical condition in the hospital...
  7. Mtchflknr


    Im very glad to here you are trying gluten free diet and are on natural meds aswel from me it was the only thing that worked and i still follow it today. i strongly sugest you try Spelt product out it is a heavy grain but is the only grain in the world that is always organic no matter how it is...
  8. Mtchflknr

    Mother of 12 year old with Crohns.

    Hi Deb, My names Mitch i am now 20yrs of age i was diagnosed with crohns when i was 9 yrs old its has been a tough ride but there is hope. When i was young crohns was very had to deal with, jumping back and forth on different meds never seeing long time results and still experiencing bad flair...