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  1. lookame

    Talk to me about strictures

    Hello I finally got my biopsies back and she feels it’s inflammatory stricture. We discussed where to go since I’m running out of options. I was on remicade but it was incredibly difficult on me. My infusions lasted 8 or more hours and I eventually became allergic to it. I tried humira and it...
  2. lookame

    Talk to me about strictures

    I do agree. I wish she would have told me that she was planning a leave when I saw her for my colonoscopy. I'm not typically one to worry about my results because typically there isn't much to worry about, only the confirmation over whatever my doctor told me in the after procedure interview...
  3. lookame

    Talk to me about strictures

    So on March 13 I had a colonoscopy. I've been pretty symptom free aside from seeing some mucous in my stool, however, my typical symptoms of bloody and diarrhea are virtually nonexistent since starting entyvio. That being said, it was a shock when I went in for my colonoscopy to be told my...
  4. lookame

    If Entyvio works, what can I expect

    So the day of infusion I feel pretty drained and sore. I feel better the next day though. I've found that bloody stools are almost nonexistent, fatigue is down, stomach cramps almost never....a lot of the debilitating symptoms I had which I could never get rid of have gone way down or are gone...
  5. lookame

    Medicated enemas-pain?

    It's the meselamine ones (I think that's how it's spelled) it's the same as the pills Lialda that I take if that helps.
  6. lookame

    Medicated enemas-pain?

    I sent an email to them on Thursday and haven't heard back yet. Iwhen I injected it on Weds night it didn't feel bad, maybe a little full but I didn't feel the need to evacuate it like a fleets enema. The next morning I felt like I would during a flare, achy in my left lower quad and a little...
  7. lookame

    Medicated enemas-pain?

    So I'm technically in clinical remission aside from a smal spot at the end of my colon which is still bleeding (although it's only when I don't get my infusion when I need it). I was prescribed medicated enemas. I took my first one last night and this morning I seem to be using the bathroom...
  8. lookame

    Work with crohns

    My signature hasn't been updated in awhile. I had a class drug failure so I'm not on entyvio, 6mp and lialda. I've been on entyvio for about 8 months now. I brought up feeling sick and having an increase in symptoms about 2 weeks before my infusion and that prompted the colonoscopy. I'm not sure...
  9. lookame

    Work with crohns

    I work part time at a jewlery store cleaning up and providing minor maintance. I arrive about 15-20 mins early so I usually wait in the parking lot till the manager arrives to unlock the door and let everyone in. Im at my worst in the morning but if I need to then I drive to the udf nearby and...
  10. lookame

    Right rib pain

    JaimeM I am on mercaptipourine, lialda and entyvio. They've only caught a blip with my liver enzymes once and I don't think I had the sharp pain when that was caught. They had to drop my dosage because my white cell production was to low on top of the fact that I am a moderate motabolizer of the...
  11. lookame

    Right rib pain

    I've been getting sharp pain in my right rib area off and on for awhile now. I get the pain and it hurts to breath for 5-10 mins then it goes away. The pain will happen again in a few weeks. It happens enough to notice but not enough for me to be concerned, although when I get the pain its a...
  12. lookame

    How much weight loss is of concern?

    My husband donates plasma twice a week but his job is half an hr away so he usually uses that little extra for gas. I'm thinking maybe I should quit my job (I only work 0-12 hrs a week but recently my checks have only been about $40 which just barely bumps us out of food stamps). If I quit my...
  13. lookame

    How much weight loss is of concern?

    Well the kids and I are on state insurance/medicaid so the medical costs aren't an issue since those are covered. The only one who doesn't have medicaid is my husband. (I think they keep allowing me to have medicaid because I have crohns)
  14. lookame

    How much weight loss is of concern?

    Should I bring it up during his next appointment or should I call children's? When I look at the papers which show his diagnosis eoe isn't listed which really confuses me
  15. lookame

    How much weight loss is of concern?

    This is kind of embarrassing to admit but we are having an incredibly difficult time trying to afford food right now. We make to much to get food stamps but not enough after bills and such to afford groceries. He gets reduced price lunch and breakfast so that was my go-to that he'd get 2 meals a...
  16. lookame

    How much weight loss is of concern?

    He eats 2 meals at school. I've started having him make toast with peanut butter before he goes to school but it's cheaper for him to eat breakfast and lunch at school. He said yest that he's not hungry for lunch or he doesn't want to eat his school lunch. I'm not sure. I'm hoping his gi will...
  17. lookame

    How much weight loss is of concern?

    Right now it's just the steroids and prilosec treatment. We were also wondering if the Adderall was causing him to have food aversions or issues (since that's a side effect of them). We didnt do the top 8 food avoidance. His last scope was around January and was clear. I'll send an email to his...
  18. lookame

    How much weight loss is of concern?

    I know this is a strange question. My son has eoe and adhd. He's currently on Adderall for adhd (it's working very well, concentrating in school and not having the usual school issues), prilosec in the morning and 2 puffs of swallowed steroids at night. I know Adderall can cause weight loss so...
  19. lookame

    Extremely fatigue after entivyo infusion.

    The only issue I'm having are daily headaches. They happen around noon and when I get them I get tired and need to nap. They are mild though. I'm not sure if the headaches are related to the entyvio. Ilmy next infusion is about 2 or 3 weeks from now.
  20. lookame

    Extremely fatigue after entivyo infusion.

    I am happy to report the past 2 infusions I've done without the pre meds and I am no longer having extreme fatigue.