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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    Docs don't know about LDN?

    The LDN website has more background but basically the drug, Naltrexone, was first developed in the 80's to treat drug addiction. Since the drug is now generic, there's really no incentive for a drug company to spend millions on clinical trials to prove the efficacy of LDN for Crohns, MS or...
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    Hopeful but Confused

    I've been taking LDN since July with no side effects, other than my dreams are sometimes more vivid. I started at 1.5mg the first week and all went well. I then increased to 3.0mg the second week, and then the full 4.5mg the third week. I think it's helping. I was beginning to start a flare...
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    The Upside Down Enema and the Rest of the Story

    Jessi - thanks for the link to the LDN forum. I've been on it since July (4.5 mg per night). The results seem to be positive. I was having increased symptoms in June so gave it a try. Since then the combination of LDN, Lialda and a nightly Rowasa have kept me almost asymptomatic. No side...
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    Hydrocortisone enema--negative reaction??

    I've used cortisone enemas with no problems. You may want to stick with a mesalamine enema such as Rowasa. I've found it to be just as effective.
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    The Upside Down Enema and the Rest of the Story

    The inversion table is made by Stamina. It can be any of the basic tables. They currently sell online for between $100-200. I hope it helps, certainly worth a try. If you're in having a flare, it may take at least a few days of treatments to notice if it's helping. The normal Lialda dose is...
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    Crohn's Disease and Other Autoimmune Diseases?

    I'm convinced the autoimmune diseases are inter-related. For some reason the body has a heightened or misguided inflammatory response. In addition to Crohn's, I'm mildly asthmatic and also prone to eczema.
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    The Upside Down Enema and the Rest of the Story

    Crohn's for 29 years - I'm currently doing very well with mild left side symptoms (a little intermittent blood off and on sometimes days or weeks apart...and othewise good health; knock on wood). Before I give my background, here's something simple that seems to work for me when I'm starting to...