I've been lucky (or perhaps merely persistant), but I've seen the very best in the field that are available in this area, thanks in major part to my GP. Whenever I needed surgery, he arranged the very best (I had my choice of the #1 and #2 guys - no pun intended). And he got me the best non surgical GI (mind you, I had to wait in line almost a year to see her). And, she put me on LDN back in 07 when the ink was hardly dry on the case study in the American Journal of Gastro-enterology. And she arranged a local pharmacy to make it for me. Sorry, I can't lump all doctors together. Mind you, I was the one who went to her office with the article from that study all printed out and ready for her to read. It was one article, it wasn't headline news, and she has a patient load of around 2,000 patients. If it hadn't been for me, she might never have heard of LDN. If you want a shot at trying this drug, you probably are going to have to do the legwork.