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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. chippy

    Anyone had experience with Modulen diet?

    Hi Karl, I was in hospital for four weeks last August and surgeons wanted to remove my small intestines due to the amount of crohns but my gi dr wanted to try me on Humira first. Was getting better but got I'll around December again so I went on the modulen diet for twelve weeks and it changed...
  2. chippy

    Modulen help?

    Thanks Dusty and Happy. Still nothing back from the hospital but shall keep pestering them. Just by suggesting to treat food as the suppliment has put my way of doing this in a better perspective. Thanks again.
  3. chippy

    Modulen help?

    I have been on the modulen diet for eigth weeks now and have improved so much on it that I thought about introducing food soon so rang my dietician for advise on how to do this best only to be told that he left three weeks ago and nobody has any paper work about me. Hospital still not got back...
  4. chippy

    Spending my 30th in the hospital...

    Happy birthday Nell Bell. The Queen has two bitrhdays so why can't you. Keep your chin up as we say in England.
  5. chippy

    CT enterography

    I have had a couple of these and found them no problem. The drink had a slight taste of pernod that i didn't mind and also had the injection during the test that makes you feel like you have wet yourself that always make me chuckle. All over really quickly and I found one of the most accurate...
  6. chippy

    You know you have a bowel disease when....

    when you are running out of loo roll and you manage to clean up with 3 sheets of paper.( 1 up, 1 down and 1 to polish.)Ha Ha
  7. chippy

    First time ever on a forum

    Hi Pen. Had been in hospital for two weeks before my fitst MRI and was so worn out that I fell asleep in the machine with the nurse calling me to wake up in the earphones. Quite an achievement I think because they are very loud.:ysmile:
  8. chippy

    New member of forum old diagnoses of crohns

    Hi There. I'm new as well, since September after a month in hospital I was living on painkillers for simillar pain. Then in mid december I started on Modulen and haven't eaten any food since or taken any painkillers for three and a half weeks. Gaining weight and feeling great. Anything is worth...
  9. chippy

    First time ever on a forum

    Thanks for the replies. shall keep you posted about the MRI. It's surprising how nice everyone is on this forim Chippr
  10. chippy

    First time ever on a forum

    first time ever on a forum Hi all. Never really used the computer before but after after being quite ill for the last 8 months and having to stay in home alot more came across this forum that seems to have the ability to make you feel not so isolated and that other people are suffering the...