Spending my 30th in the hospital...

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Jan 4, 2012
So of course one can never predict when we will get sick or for how long or how severe. One thing I do know is I do not want to spend my birthday in the hospital, but I am not getting that wish this year!!! I'm sad, angry, in pain and ready to lose my mind! It's more time away from my son, my husband and my some what normal life at home. The tears are flowing and the anger is building, I just want to catch a break.... Nothing like a colonoscopy to brighten my day. I know things can be worse and I know I need to stay positive but WTF!!!!! I want to be fixed ASAP. Happy F#€%ing Birthday to me!!!!
Happy birthday! I always try to glean something from every situation. Look for that silver lining! As my father in law says, it is always a good day when you wake up!
You are right Mickey, but at some point today I lost that silver lining... Thank you for the happy birthday! :0)
Awwww Nell!!! Sending Hugs!! :hug: That sucks!!! (and here I am getting frustrated that I have to run to the bathroom for the 3rd time in the 45 minutes that I've been home).

My 30th is coming up in a few months, I can't imagine having to "celebrate" it in the hospital. :( And not to be able to spend the time with your family! UGH...

I think you should move your birthday to a different day this year. Pick a day when you're out of the hospital and tell everyone that's it's your birthday (especially your husband) and celebrate it as if it was actually the day!

Sending really good thoughts your way! I hope you get out of there soon!
Awwww Nell!!! Sending Hugs!! :hug: That sucks!!! (and here I am getting frustrated that I have to run to the bathroom for the 3rd time in the 45 minutes that I've been home).

My 30th is coming up in a few months, I can't imagine having to "celebrate" it in the hospital. :( And not to be able to spend the time with your family! UGH...

I think you should move your birthday to a different day this year. Pick a day when you're out of the hospital and tell everyone that's it's your birthday (especially your husband) and celebrate it as if it was actually the day!

Sending really good thoughts your way! I hope you get out of there soon!

Thank you stardreamer22!!!! And you have a great idea, I declare new birthday day... LOL!
Hi nell I so know that feeling the first time I was in hospital I just cried the poor junior dr didn't know which way to looh and I'm generally not an emotional person. Your sick and it was my kids that made me worry the most. It's rotten to be in on your 30th but you will get better and it will become a distant memory and you can celebrate your health with your family when you get out. (hugs) x
:bdayparty: Nell Bell! Im sorry you have to be in the hospital on your birthday. That really does suck. I sent Christmas 2000 in the hospital. It makes one feel very lonely. I hope they fix you quick and get you home to your family :hang:
Aw hun. Happy birthday all the same.

I would pick another date when you are back on your feet and celebrate with your family then, like stardreamer says.

Hang in there hunni.

Sending you squishy hugs and hope they get you sorted soon.

Happy Birthday, and sorry to hear you are stuck in the hospital. That totally sucks! I can sympathize, I spent my 25th there, and my 30th is coming up in a few months so I hope I'll be free and clear! :) You'll be out soon enough and then you can celebrate!
Sorry you're not feeling well. I agree that you should change your birthday or have two.
One in hospital where you get pressies (that will cheer you up). And another when you are better, then you can have a party to celbrate both your birthday and you improved health!!
Marie x
Ps just remembered I was in hospital over christmas 2008. EVERYBODY bought me pyjamas lol!!!
Awww Nell massive hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope they get you comfortable and let you out soon. I agree that you should choose another day to properly celebrate your bday, but deffo let ppl know that they're more than welcome to buy you two sets of pressies :ybiggrin: :ybiggrin:

Happy birthday Nell Bell. The Queen has two bitrhdays so why can't you.
Keep your chin up as we say in England.
Awwww, I'm sorry you are in the hospital, and on your birthday of all days. The idea of celebrating it on another day is a good one. But you can have a little fun in the hospital too...a little lol. Get your husband to paint your toenails, do your hair, and apply your makeup. You will probably end up looking like a clown (if your husband is anything like mine) but it could be fun to have all the attention and to see the outcome. You might even get a much needed laugh! It might sound crazy but it will definitely take your mind off things. Just a thought. Hope you get to feeling better ASAP!